camp If we lay a strong enough foundation ☮ Dad-jokes


He wears your grandad's coat!
Nov 13, 2023
*+:。.。 If you'd told Silverbreath when he was a young buck that he'd one day grow up to not only be a father, but a happy and committed one, he would've laughed in your face then begged you to promise it was just a joke! Silverbreath liked that he'd come a very long way since that flaky youth he'd once been. Before the formation of Riverclan, Silverbreath was a wanderer - a tom-cat who rarely stayed in one place for very long, always quick to uproot himself before any anchors could take hold. He'd once thought stagnation was worse than death- that being loyal to anything besides himself was an affront to his very existence!
And now, here he was, trailing after Shadestone as their patrol returned to camp, spouting off relatable (or he assumed would be relatable) feelings on parenthood. "...and the next thing you know they're too busy going on patrols and committing to training rather than spending time with their dear-old pops! Isn't it just the worst?" Silverbreath pouted, walking in step with Shadestone. Surely the tom would understand better than anyone - his youngster was now out of the nest, spreading his wings and taking flight...when Carp-paw had done the same, Silverbreath had been certain his heart was going to implode with grief and explode with excitement - all at the same time! How is that even possible!?

"So I vowed whenever Carp-paw doesn't at least try and talk with me at least every other day - I'm not the monster, younglings deserve their privacy but every other day can't be too much to ask! Anyway, if she avoids me for too long, then for every day she doesn't say 'I love you' back, then I get to force her to hear some of my newest favorite jokes" His eyes crinkle with amusement, mischief clear in his toothy smile as he recalls the few times he's trailing a grudging Carp-paw, greeting her with not a few eye-rolling puns that had her friends giggling at her expense. Of course, none of these jokes were ever mean-spirited, just harmless fun to show off how embarrassing Carp-paw's dad was. Teens were always so focused on their reputations, a pun-loving dad was somehow the absolute worst! Silver would happily beg to differ, but why waste his breath on that when he could tell even more jokes??

"Today marks the third day of her not coming to say hi, so I've got a couple of good ones planned. Lets see.." Shifting through his memory bank for a moment, he finally pulls out - in his opinion- a true zinger!
"Ok, what do fish say when they meet a hardworking beaver?" he waits a beat for the question to sink in, before triumphantly announcing, "DAMN!" Perhaps not the greatest time to tell a joke like that, especially when the two warriors were standing in the center of camp, within earshot of many cats including the youthfully impressionable. Silverbreath would soon realizes this and quickly lower his ears bashfully, "ah...well...if that's not uh up to your taste I've got better ones?

PAFP with @Shadestone

    DMAB— He/Him — Bisexual
    35 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Father to Carp-paw, Mentoring Goldenpaw
    Riverclan — Warrior

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #7d7d7d
    injuries: None currently