if we lost it all today | prompt

When Flycatcher was finished assigning the morning patrols, she found herself leading a hunting patrol. As usual, he allowed the hunting leaders to choose who joined them, and she already had one in mind, so she just needed two more. She spotted Stormywing and Roeflame nearby, "Stormywing, Roeflame, are you two free for a hunting patrol this morning?" With leafbare now in full swing, she wanted to leave as soon as possible. The prey was undoubtedly hiding in their burrows right now, but if they could get out there before they surfaced then perhaps they would have better luck. Everything had to eat at some point, and the temptations of sunlight on a cold day like this would surely ensure they would catch something.

A flash of cream passed by, one she quickly recognized as her son. She already had plenty for a hunting patrol, but that didn't stop her from taking a step in his direction. "Falconheart!" she called out, her tail raising in greeting. "Would you like to tag along with us? We..." She trailed off, her gaze drifting from her son to her mate who was now approaching. Normally she would be happy to see him, but he wore an expression that she hadn't ever seen before towards her. Nervously, she quickly drew her tongue over her chest fur, waiting to see what he had to say.
  • prompt: Flamewhisker is leading a patrol when an argument breaks out and a clanmate accuses her of showing favouritism to another. How does she respond?

    please wait for thorny to respond
    thread will open to everyone in my next post!
  • IMG_1727.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 27 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse


After what happened to Stormfeather, Flycatcher had pretty much expected his mate to become more protective of both their children. When she wasn't checking in on Stormfeather, she was nearly always with Falconheart or inviting him for walks or patrols. Whilst Flycatcher could understand the need to worry and fuss over him, he did find the behaviour a little worrying. "He's not going," Flycatcher cut in, speaking towards Flamewhisker before their son could respond. His voice was not unkind but spoken in such a way that implied he did not wish to argue about this either. "He'll be helping Leaftail with her climbing lesson later."

Flycatcher looked at his son softly before back at his mate. "I don't think you should be on as many patrols together anymore," He mewed, quietly.
( ⁀➷ )  Fallow's always being dragged out on patrols now. She hovers near Stormywing's legs, a thundery disposition broiling beneath fluffed-up fur. Blinks incredulously at Flycatcher's words. Falconheart won't be coming? Why? "That's mouse-brained," pipes the tiny apprentice, apparently unphased by the idea of disrespecting the deputy. Her face scrunches up as though having eaten something sour. Is it because Flamewhisker is his mom? That's so mean. Family should stick together, Flycatcher should understand that.

And besides, she'd like to patrol with him. "Why shouldn't he come? 'M sure Leaftail will be okay," she huffs, eyes darting between the pair of parents.

  • //


He's not going.

Her mate's words were firm and final. Her gaze sparked with defiance, but she held her tongue. She was well aware of their clanmates watching, and the rest of her patrolmates waiting to leave. Her tail lashed irritatedly behind her, not bothering to hide her disapproval towards Flycatcher's order. As much as she wished to take their son along anyways, she knew better. Flycatcher wasn't just her mate, he was also the deputy...she had to follow what he said.

His voice grew softer, and he told her that he didn't think they should go on as many patrols together anymore. "I just want to spend time with our son." she hissed softly, turning her attention from him. "We can talk later...we have prey to catch." And one less set of paws now thanks to you. she added silently in her head. She then turned to start walking towards the camp exit where the rest of the patrol members were waiting.

  • IMG_1727.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 28 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse

Patrolling alongside his mother has become a habit for thee young warrior, and he’s enjoyed spending time with her more and more often as the days go by. So when the red tabby stops him and asks whether he’d like to join her, he nods easily. He is about to agree, a bright smile crossing his face, but it fades just as quickly when Flycatcher’s protest reaches his ears. He says the cream tabby isn’t going on the patrol, because he’s helping Leaftail with a climbing lesson? He blinks, surprise clouding his expression. He didn’t have anything to do later, and especially not with Leaftail.

Fallowpaw seems just as displeased as he and Flamewhisker are, raising its voice to speak out against the tom’s decision. Falconheart shoots the apprentice a glance, concerned by its blatant disrespect toward the deputy, but he can’t help but say something as well. "But dad, I…" he shuts his mouth as Flamewhisker speaks, accepting the deputy’s order. I want to go with her. He doesn’t dare continue, not when his mother has already agreed to it. "Okay," he says at last, his shoulders slumping in defeat.
[ find me way out there ]

she’s talking to stormywing and roeflame when flamewhisker materialized from the throng of camp and instructs her friends to accompany her on patrol. at first, freckleflame merely twitches her thick tail — she had an apprentice to train now, anyway. only cream fur streaks into the peripheries of her vision and the red tabby nearly falls over herself to gain his attention. she doesn’t need to look to know it’s falconheart. by her reaction, one would assume him young, in need of surveillance ; when she turns her head, there is a grown cat there, wide - eyeing back up at his mother and grinning like he knows he’s flamewhisker’s specialist boy. she still thinks of the time the she-cat had screeched at the warrior for nearing a bunch of berries ; perhaps it was for the best that she wasn’t chosen to attend this particular hunting session. she’d grin like that too if she didn’t have to worry about taking care of herself.

still she squints, opens her mouth to say something that is quickly filled in by the sharp voice of their deputy. she forgets what she was going to say altogether. suddenly she feels as though she’s watching a lovers quarrel, a private moment between the three born witness by not only her, but roeflame and stormywing, as well. flamewhisker hisses low and lashes her tail, which is freckleflame’s cue to find something to do, awkwardness rousing too fast in her chest for her to pretend she isn’t openly gawking now. she spares one wide, cut - eyed look towards roeflame before starting towards the apprentice den to find her young charge. she passes falconheart, who looks bewildered, simpers a but dad.. that certainly didn’t help his kittish reputation. she slows beside him, flicking her eyes up - down as if looking for something. she seems not to find it — shrugging bouncily instead.

” that’s rough, momma’s boy. “ she muses lowly as flamewhisker stalks away, stretching her arms lazily out until her arching spine pops — flashing him a toothy smile that doesn’t quite reach the eyes, ” try not t’ hold leaftail’s paw too much during her lesson, ‘kay? you knooow what that does to a warrior. “ a somber shake of her head, as if everyone knew — cut short by a sudden, brightly - shot wink, lifting back to trot off into the daylight and tend her own duties.

  • i.

  • Untitled262_20231202152333.png

    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large, fluffy cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! every part of her is broad ; wide in everything from her face to shoulders to her feathered tail, something reminiscent of her father’s kittypet heritage in the square of her chin and hulk of her figure. she appears illusionarily fluff - ridden at first, thickly pelted in shades of fire and soot, long & tangled, knotted with undergrowth — seeming soft and pudgy, and she is.. that figure curving into hard, hidden bulk along heavyset flanks and well - muscled limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers.
    prone to bouts of explosive emotion. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.

As soon as Flamewhisker calls her name, she pricks her ears, offering a friendly smile to the lead warrior. "You bet!" She shoots back, climbing to her paws where she'd been crouching near Freckleflame and Roeflame to trot after her. The invitation to her cousin is only met with a half-grin, greeting the new warrior as he prepares to join them. That is, until her uncle arrives. She pricks her ears, shrugging when he says Falconheart is busy - that's just how it is sometimes! But his last comment draws her attention; she nosily side-peers at them, curious what that's all about. Fallowpaw's argument earns a quick cuff over the ear, "The deputy is in charge of patrols, kid. Don't argue." She'll have to learn respect one way or another. Stormywing knows she herself had to.

The situation does bring with it an awkwardness to the onlookers. Like Freckleflame, Stormywing can't help but avert her eyes, find something else to focus on. "Erm, let's go on ahead, Fallowpaw. We'll meet Flamewhisker outside of camp." Anything to escape this weirdly tense family situation. Her tail touches her apprentice on the shoulder before she trots to the brambles, casting one more curious glance back at Falconheart before she disappears through the tunnel.