private If you trust your colors // Stormywing, Prompt

The name ThunderClan has always struck Marigoldpaw as unique. At least, when it came to the other clans. They all felt more…solid, something you could easily find if you search for it. The sky would never stop being above, shadows always there to accompany you. Thunder meanwhile was transient, only occurring under the right circumstances. He’s not sure what it means, if it has any meaning. But it’s a thought that has occurred to him.

It’s especially prominent as he sees the darkening of the horizon; angry clouds threatening to spread over the territory soon, lightning striking while the always subsequent boom of thunder bangs loud for all to hear. The storm might not have hit ThunderClan quite yet, but it will soon. Some might cower from it, but not Marigoldpaw. No, he welcomes it. It feels like home in a way not much else does. It’s funny, how something so dangerous and loud can make him feel so secure at the same time.

The creme point sees how others start to head for shelter, as the rain slowly heads towards camp. Instead, he continues to look far-off, letting his wound up body relax for the first time in a while. It’s nice. And he wonders if anyone else feels the same as him. He is quick to find another as comfortable as him, and he feels an itch to actually try and communicate, for once. She was a respectable cat after all, one of those heroic enough to journey for the slim chance of healing those less fortunate.

“…Do you actually enjoy weather like the downpour in the distance, Stormywing?” Marigoldpaw asks the gray tabby, quickly realizing how silly a question it is. Though, maybe her name was not as applicable as it may seem.

- The sound of distant thunder
Stormywing has always enjoyed her namesake, the swirling, cooling air of a coming tempest drawing her fascination. While many of her clanmates begin to take to their dens in preparation of the rains, she stays outside a bit longer. Of course she doesn’t hope to get soaked - she’ll go inside once it gets that bad - but she doesn’t mind the light sprinkle and the rumbling thunder over her head. The warrior draws in a big breath, tasting the ozone-scent of the coming storm and for a moment thinks of Iciclefang. The smell reminds her of her RiverClan love, and now more than ever she wishes to lean into her tortoiseshell pelt and watch the lightning together.

She is drawn from her thoughts by the apprentice’s question, ears pricking as she looks towards him. She offers him a lopsided grin as she straightens herself, tail wrapping around herself as she trills, “Oh yeah, nothing beats this. Didn’t know you were such a lover of storms though. Won’t your mentor want you inside or something?” Not that she’d enforce whatever Oakfang would want - it isn’t her place, as far as she’s concerned, to tell someone else’s apprentice what to do.