IF YOU WANNA GET OUT ALIVE \ gathering 6.15.23

The full moon crowns the night sky, its brilliance putting the stars to shame. An immense cat with long, thick fur is struck with silver showers, cresting the hill leading to Fourtrees. The Gathering has begun already—cats are milling about, idle chatter like white noise behind his ears. The Great Rock looms before him, four backlit silhouettes looking down on the five Clans with varying expressions.

Blazestar bunches his muscles, and with a mighty leap crests the great stone and pads to its ledge. “The Gathering will begin now!” He declares, voice loud if not authoritative. Once the last of the murmurs below the five leaders dies, Blazestar will begin.

StarClan has blessed SkyClan this moon. My deputy, Orangeblossom, gave birth to five healthy kits: Cherrykit, Glimmerkit, Sunshinekit, Hiccupkit, and Eggkit. One of our other queens, Bobbie, gave birth to three of her own: Drowsykit, Crowkit, and Lupinekit.” He waves his tail behind him like a reddish banner, proud to show how SkyClan is thriving despite their endless tragedies. “After losing Daisyflight and Sheepcurl, I’ve named two lead warriors to my council in their stead. Slate and Johnnyflame.” If there are any murmurs of disagreement about appointing a former rogue and a daylight warrior to his council, he will pretend as though he doesn’t hear them.

He waits a heartbeat, as though prolonging something. After a moment, Blazestar continues, “We promoted two new warriors this moon. Chrysaliswing and Coyotecrest. Both are in attendance tonight.” He smiles. If one pays attention, there’s a hint of smugness to it—of righteousness. He longs to turn to gaze at Sootstar behind him, but he chooses to let her smolder—if indeed that’s what she’s doing—alone. “The cats we rescued from the shelter are settling in and learning our ways. Many of them are formidable fighters and hunters already.” Okay, maybe he’s exaggerating this part, but… the other leaders don’t need to know that. He prays Howlingstar does not bring up the trespassing Cheddar…

His gloating ceases, though, as he comes to the final section of SkyClan’s news. Sober now, Blazestar says, “The windstorms were fierce. I’m sure all Clans suffered to some degree. A tree snapped close to our camp and crushed our nursery. In the process, it almost killed one of our young warriors and two of our kits.” His blue eyes flash with pain. “Snowpath gave his life to save theirs. He hunts with his mother in StarClan now.” He knows Snowpath had been to many Gatherings in his youth; it’s likely cats in other Clans are familiar with him. He wonders if he’ll be mourned in hearts besides SkyClans’.

And…” He clenches his teeth, then relaxes his jaw. “My most senior lead warrior, Thistleback, has gone missing near the Twolegplace. His scent disappeared, and while there was no sign of a struggle… it’s not hard to guess a Twoleg is involved. We’ll take any news of him you may have. Most of the traps have disappeared from our part of the forest, but it doesn’t hurt to be wary.

Blazestar exhales, grabbing for his composure. “That is all from SkyClan.” He steps back, taking his place beside Howlingstar.

Before he does, he throws that same strangely smug, strangely righteous smile in Sootstar’s face.



Blazestar's first announcement is news she's (likely) already been made aware of, but now she had names to put to the supposed kits. She still finds it odd as to why the deputy didn't find someone else to care for them, did SkyClan not view that as weak? Of course not- kittypets they are. Still, she was hardly about to throw a fit over SkyClan's deputy being incompetent. What should she care? He notes a cat named "Bobbie" has kitted to, a kittypet by the sounds of her name, she suppresses an eyeroll... and another one when "Johnny"flame is announced as a lead. It was disgraceful, she was embarrassed for the SkyClan leader.

We promoted two warriors this moon, Chysaliswing and Coyotecrest.
Her ears notably twitch and pupils quiver in alarm, so it had been so all along! Coyotepaw had ran home, his traitor blood ran too thick after all! "You did not think to tell me this, Blazestar?" She hisses, her tail thumping against the Great Rock, He seems content on allowing her to seethe alone, however, so that she does... for now.

She cares naught about this Snowpaw's death, nor Thistleclaw's disappearance, good riddance.

"Green-leaf is treating WindClan well. Rabbits can be found all over, we've had no trouble keeping our bellies full. On promotions, Thriftkit has been made Thriftpaw. WindClan also welcomes three new warriors, Nightingalecry, Periwinklebreeze, and Silverthorn. The last two are not present, as for all we know RiverClan killed them needlessly... Needlessly in a skirmish they started by holding one of our apprentices hostage." Sootstar's fur bristles, but for the most part her voice is kept stable with minimum hints at a hiss or a growl. "Speaking of injustices, WindClan gave ShadowClan a taste of their own medicine. Last gathering, Chilledstar created a code out of a lie that he was fed by their deputy, Smogmaw. I remind you all, Smogmaw is the one who trespassed onto WindClan land, not the other way around... Chilledstar, I hope ShadowClan has learned their lesson that WindClan is not to be toyed with. I consider us even, but WindClan will answer the call to a fight if you again force our paw." Sootstar shakes her head.

In an unusual event she prematurely sits down. She hesitates "And... it seems not only RiverClan is intent on taking in WindClan exiles and traitors. Do not cry to me when they betray you like they have me." WindClan has not bickered verbally with SkyClan in quite a few moons, but she will not stand for any clans insult. She will not ignore it and stand defeated like a kit! So she opens the rats nest back up, if she must be at odds with all the clans, so be it! WindClan could take them all! "I've shared all I care to with you. Dung-eaters and fox-hearts, the lot of you." A universal, bitter insult, she hardly cares to pretend civil anymore.
Howlingstar's chatter with the other leaders dies down as the SkyClan leader makes his appearance. She pricks her ears towards him, murmuring a greeting but he seems to be in a hurry. Immediately upon touching the rock he is starting the Gathering and she straightens, figuring there must be a reason he had been late and wants to get home as early as possible. She'll respect it.

First, he talks of litters to be born - just what she, Sootstar, and Silversmoke had talked about. "Congratulations to SkyClan," She mews softly, and if he were to look at her she'd give him a small dip of her head. She takes note of the new promotions as well. She will ever quite understand the strange names of SkyClan. Bobbie. Johnnyflame. It's gibberish, but it's none of her business. New warriors, and the announcement of both a death and a missing lead warrior. Solemn news. "ThunderClan will keep an eye out for Thistleback," She can assure him, casting a glance down towards Flycatcher as if exchanging silent instructions for him to remind patrols tomorrow.

Sootstar does not take to the news well. She immediately hisses, which has Howlingstar giving her a surprised look. Coyotecrest...now it's ringing a bell. Is this the same Coyotepaw that had caused some tension before? For a moment, it almost seems her news will be normal, announcing the ascensions of cats to new ranks, but the topic swiftly switches back to that of skirmishes and claws and exiles. Howlingstar has to plant her paws in order to keep them from twitching with discomfort. It seems there have been many skirmishes she had not been aware of, and RiverClan and SkyClan alike seem to have taken in cats formerly of the moors. She takes note of this. ThunderClan won't be so foolish as to put a target on our backs.

To break the thick tension in the air, she steps forward next, casting a narrow-eyed look in the WindClan leader's direction. "Keep your head, Sootstar. StarClan watches us closely, tonight. This is a peaceful Gathering." She doesn't think the blue-furred she-cat will draw her claws, but after such a blatant insult, she decides it's better to be safe than sorry.

She draws her attention out towards the crowd and draws herself to her full, unimpressive height. "ThunderClan greets three new warriors this moon, all who are with us tonight. Cloudyfur, Stormywing, and Pebblestep have earned their full names, kin of our deputy, and we couldn't be prouder of them. Not only that, but two new apprentices have been named after reaching the age of four moons: Acornpaw and Shinepaw, who have been apprenticed to Flamewhisker and Flycatcher, respectively. They're well on their way to becoming strong and honorable ThunderClan warriors. Finally, Berryheart has decided to take on an apprentice. Lichenpaw is now ThunderClan's medicine cat apprentice, and we couldn't be happier for him." She beams, pride shining through.

However, onto more solemn news, her tail noticeably lowers as she moves on. "A herd of boars and their young is making its way through our territory. They don't seem to want anything to do with us, and have avoided our camp, but they are incredibly dangerous if you get too close to their piglets. My son, Graystorm, walks with StarClan now after a confrontation with them...We are waiting for them to leave, but please keep an eye out on your own territories for these beasts. They are not to be messed with. And finally, one of our apprentices, Ragwortpaw, was found on the thunderpath, struck by a monster....We mourn these losses, but take comfort in knowing they watch over us from the stars now. That is all." With a dip of her head, she steps back into line beside Blazestar, the mention of her son clearly dampening her once brighter mood. Her eyes remained downcast as the next leader makes their announcements.
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There is silence for mere seconds before Howlingstar steps forward, before she speaks she casts a narrowed look in her direction. ’Keep your head, Sootstar. StarClan watches us closely tonight. This is a peaceful gathering.” Sootstar meets her gaze defiantly, ”Kept my head long enough. Cats have threatened my clan and our lives on this rock without so much as a shush from any other.” It was true, who had warned Cicadastar when he threatened WindClan atop of the Great Rock? In the eyes of StarClan? It had certainly not been Howlingstar.

Then she quiets, allowing ThunderClan to share their news as a storm brews in her mind. The forest clan has taken on a medicine cat apprentice, but boars rampage their home and have taken Graystorm’s life, and an apprentice has died on the thunderpath.

//sorry for the second reply
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chilledstar cannot help it. they are watching each cat talk, and they seem to be out of it. they're listening, sure, but it isn't until they hear their name that they are paying full attention. a smile twitches at the corner of their mouth and suddenly their normally carefree demeanor had changed. they let out a laugh. their teeth glint in the moonlight and they laugh at sootstar's words. has she gone completely mad? did she forget that shadowclan won? they cover their paw to stop the little bits of giggles before they simply bow their head in faux apology.

"my stars, i am so sorry for laughing like that. but that has to be about the funniest thing I've heard from your mouth, ever. need i remind you that one of my warriors, who has been promoted for his efforts, stole your life? or has your mind been so lost that you've forgotten? you crossed onto our territory, and tried your paw at attempting to kill my deputy once again. you put your filthy paws where they do not belong as we showed you the consequences of your actions."

they hiss, with a smile still on their face. their boiling inside, but for the sake of the stars, they have kept their cool. they would remain to do so.

"let that be a warning, sootstar. keep your paws where they belong, or we will send you to the stars every single time. i have no problem doing so."

they snort before they take a breath in and out. they needed the laugh. that was pure comedic excellency.

"we have had our own problems on top of having to deal with the forest's known bother. but good news first. we have made more apprentices this moon. comfreypaw, jitterpaw, and yarrowpaw will be fine warriors when it comes down to it. sabletuft has also been rewarded for his prowess and activity within the clan and been named as a lead warrior. i know he will do great things for our clan.

on a less bright note... snailcurl has found her way home to the stars. we hope she is here this night, watching over us.

also, bears have been... within our territory. we are safe and have been able to remain as such. but these things are dangerous. I hope that they shall not find their way into your homes as well.

except maybe windclan. i think they would make wonderful bear bait. they don't have anything else to say, do they? they hope not. unless sootstar decided to lie once more. tch. egotistical, that one is.

"that's all from shadowclan."

they say before adding on one last thing.

"i am sorry for your losses, skyclan and thunderclan."
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Magpiepaw does not care about the clans petty squabbles, he does not know who Coyotecrest is or why his name is like poison to the wound of the WindClan leader, all he cares about is Howlingstar's words; specifically that singing of his companion nearby. He hears his friend’s name called from the ThunderClan leader, leans to give Lichenpaw next to him a friendly shoulder bump in congratulations a second time and then his ears flick upward to Chilledstar laughing; a sound one did not often hear. They spill mockery onto WindClan for their attack, cackle at their failings and Sootstar’s lost life. He hears the names of Betonyfrost’s kits called, newly apprenticed and out of the nursery to begin their own training and the death of Snailcurl; a memory that almost dips him into sorrowful remorse at the thought of it as she had been a queen in the nursery since he was a kit.
Sabletuft's name is almost like a curse he wonders, for Sootstar, promoted for his spilling of blood; added to Chilledstar's council on the merit of violence.
His ears strain, a rare prickle of excitement swilling from his paws to his chest to strum his heart and he is met with silence and disappointment. His name not called like his fellow apprentices, cheered, announced before the clans so that they might know he is also chosen to heal alongside the others.
The black and white leader apologizes to the other clans for their losses, but does not utter a word of apology to the black and white apprentice. Magpiepaw fidgets in place, gaze dropping down. It was fine. It didn’t matter that he was not viewed very highly by his clanmates for his oddities, all that matters was Starlingheart chose him and he turns to Lichenpaw with his head tilted down, “...bears are sent from StarClan to punish cats who defy them.” He explains helpfully, voice warbling and distressed from his own feelings and his desire to prove he is knowledgeable.

Talking to @LICHENPAW !
Fireflypaw's ear flicks as he hears the words given to Lichenpaw on a platter; Bears are sent from StarClan to punish cats who defy them. "I wonder if WindClan is next, then." Fireflypaw murmurs under his breath with a grumble. He hopes that WindClan gets what they deserve; their Moorland Queen so high and mighty- what stick was shoved up her rear and kept there? Fireflypaw sways on his position, long limbs hanging from their position as if to capture a star in his paws. If he reached high enough, would a star visit him from above? Would he see Haku again?

"What do you think 'bout Sootstar, Raven?" Fireflypaw leans in close to the RiverClan medicine apprentice, grinning.

// gossiping with the boys!! @LICHENPAW @RAVENPAW. @Magpiepaw
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Sootstar’s ire is sweet to Blazestar. Once a kittypet terrified of confrontation, the Ragdoll meets her blazing green gaze with a condescending smile. “Oh, so now the great Sootstar deigns to talk to the Kittypet King?” Tell her—as if! “StarClan forgive me, but I chose not to have you self-righteously march to our borders again to demand cats who no longer wish to live under your rule.” He shrugs. “They are all SkyClanners now. Mallowlark, Dandelionwish, and yes… Coyotecrest.” It’s uncharitable, but for a moment, he wishes Juniperfrost still walked among the living—are his eyes popping out of his skull in StarClan above now?

He turns away from the WindClan queen, listening with some unease as she recounts her news. WindClan had attempted to attack ShadowClan and had suffered defeat. The Ragdoll holds no love for the tiny tyrant, but the way Chilledstar openly sneers about her losing a life makes him flinch. “That’s hardly the kind of talk we should be sharing here, is it?” It’s said mildly. He doesn’t care if Sootstar dies a thousand times—but he doesn’t want to be reminded of the deaths he’s suffered himself. It’s strange to see the ShadowClan leader gloating—for a moment, he remembers Pitchstar, but brushes the dead rosette tabby from his mind. Chilledstar is not nearly as frothing-mad as that tom had been.

At the mention of ShadowClan’s bear invasion, Blazestar shudders. He’s heard of the things from his days as a kittypet, but he’d no idea they lived close enough to walk into a cat’s home. “I pray ShadowClan is able to drive them away.” He can’t imagine cowering from creatures fiercer than foxes and larger than Twolegs.

And then RiverClan—holding one of WindClan’s apprentices hostage to provoke a battle. He does not know what he thinks about such tactics, and he looks at Cicadastar questioningly, not sure if he should believe the accusation. No doubt the chimera will launch into his own winding version of the tale.

Howlingstar’s news is grave. Boars infest their territory, and he looks pensive as she speaks of deaths. He’d not had time today to scan the crowd for Little Wolf, Burnpaw, Moonpaw, Skypaw and Duskpaw. But she states it was her son she’d lost—Graystorm. “I’m sorry for your loss, Howlingstar.” He dips his head to her. They’d lost an apprentice too—he recognizes the name. Little Wolf’s apprentice. He shakes his head sadly, not offering further comment.

one thing brings him forth with a ghostlike smirk — a wisp - toothed smile, he stands tall alongside the void - like bulk of his mate, long limbs in stride with smokethroat’s own. a parting of color, of fur and faces turning to watch them strut the starlit line. it was almost boring, being the one so often in the right. to leap the rock with muscles taut, to land gracefully amidst the stone fringe where the leaders already gather. but tonight, his tail is high. it kinks over his back in a plume of bicolored curls, a sort of peacock tail screaming look at me, look at us. he walks alongside his deputy, head high and fur brushing, confidence brimming from each breath he puffs to the warm greenleaf air. the moment he is to part, he aims a comforting nudge to his mates shoulder, letting their flanks brush just a mite harder before he takes his mighty leap above. a leap to the stars, it feels. he lands delicate, lands already listening to the terse voices snipping amidst themselves. his heart skips, adrenaline racing his rattling heart. cicadastar smiles a greeting anyway.

ive kept my head long enough, the smoke proclaims, and the chimera turns his head to burst a laugh — loud and intent not to hide, eyes wide when they dart towards chilledstar as if to say do you hear this? ” yes — kept your head in the clouds, if you truly think so. “ comes his rumbling tone, nitpicking the micro adjustments of his position before settling down with a flourish of his thick tail, wrapping its plume - like curl over thin paws before rolling pallid eyes pointedly back to face the crowd of cats mumbling, whispering amidst themselves. chilledstar barks a similar laugh, croons of stealing a life and.. his ears perk, the closest to them swiveling to listen. they admonish her, preen, and the mottled feline can’t help it — amusement gleams in his eye, splittend pupils flitting to the far corner to watch them.

” chilledstar. i see a kleiner lounging the rocks with ravenpaw. has starlingheart decided on an apprentice? “ pleasant. an almost pointed moving on —, though once they begin to speak their news, his humored glint seems to dim ; concern sparks instead. bears? ” may starclan guide your paws in these times. shadowclan will be in our thoughts. as is skyclan and thunderclan. “ they’d all had their losses. though he never spares the tabby a glance, their apprentice did not deserve an early fate. he will pray their soul finds its way above, prays she was guided. he knew not who they were, but he’d his own tragedies to share. as they step back, cicadastar stands — makes a show of it, a silent step to the edge at full, looming height. he is quiet to the crowd for a moment. a cough about the otherwise silence clearing sounds, faint hooting of an owl. he sighs.

“ i come to you with somber news this moon. “ it’s soft. solemn, the barest tip downward of his head and angled back ears — sorrow. a sullen glint to pallid eyes, breaming with a quiver of something that keeps dark pupils from fixing on anyone particular. whatever it is, he gives to the act of disparity. a twitch of grieving whiskers, swallowing hard against the lump in his throat, and he clear it — loud, pointed. clears the warble of sadness, coughs it into an ivory paw. he then sits straight, head down, ” beesong, our medicine cat.. was found, hunting with starclan. “ found. amidst the reed and waterlogged flora, cinnamon pelt already mossing, sopping with murky river water. an eye stretches open in his mind, pulling at the scarred tissue around a small, rounded skull. the leader grits his teeth. it looks like agony, ” we’ve no idea what happened. they’d.. it seems they may have drowned. i ask for your patience and respect in this time, and to give ravenpaw especially time to grieve this loss. “

a beat of silence. a moment for those that knew them to murmur amidst themselves, to express their condolences. a spare glance towards blazestar, from his peripherals, gauging silently. the man does not look to ravenpaw — though he didn’t want the medicine cat apprentice bombarded with questions, with eager tongues and prying ears. he was warrior - aged, long since past time to receive his name — but it would take time for him to recover. to grieve, to cope with the sudden loss. the mottled feline thinks of the moonstone and grits his teeth. he continues, ” moving on, i would like to take a moment to appreciate willowroot, who’s chosen to step down from my council in light of.. recent events. “ they were not present tonight. he did not call to bring them, and for what, he would not truly say. it still stings, despite their gentle words and quelling gift. the mottled stone lie tucked in the edge of his and smokethroat’s moss nest, pawpads now all too familiar with its rounded surface — they’d been part of his council for moons more than he could count. it felt like betrayal. it felt like abandonment, despite her still tucked away in the warrior den.

as you’re all aware, buckgait has long since retired to the nursery after her kitting — i have led riverclan alone in these past moons. “ the name was said with a vitriol only his warriors could sense, a quiet spit of distaste wrapped in a sing - song tone. “ but tonight, riverclan comes to you stronger than ever. tonight, at the base of highrock, stands our deputy — a warrior who’d been aside me since the very start, a warrior of my council, strong and proud! “ there is a lightness to his voice — despite the force of it, the thrill electrifying the barbs of his tongue. tonight, the forest would know. he will cast it to the trees, to the birds and clouds beyond. he will cast it to the stars so that they may hear his choice again, and rumble their approval from the heavens above. the wind whips the curls at his ruff, arched muzzle ripping, ” stepping from his role as my lead warrior, is smokethroat. “ his mate. his beloved, his solider, wind - caught ember.

” taking his and willowroot’s place, i have appointed two new lead warriors to my council. i’m sure some of you already know petalnose and lichentail both — “ the former a vicious molly, in tongue and claw. icicle eyes seek her, zeros in on where his council gathers amidst the throng of faces, ” excellent combatists, quick - witted and sharp - eyed as they are. “ whirlwinds in their own right, though the latter seemed still tinged with hesitation at times. adverted eyes and breaths spoken with little force. pallid eyes would linger on her for just a moment, flashing fishbone grin before his eyes, ” it should be no surprise that they have stepped to the task, to act as role models alongside snakeblink and cindershade. “confident, hearty warriors — his trust lie in them, wavering and volatile as it was.

now.. briefly, the leader closes his eyes — a migraine builds at his temples, but familiarly, his tongue burns with the urge to quip. he does, “ now, onto why soot is so quick to squawk in her defense this moon — unfortunately, we’d had the burden of training one of windclan’s apprentices for them this past moon. a lesson in where our borders lie — as her superiors are so prone to do, our twoleg bridge was crossed. we spared her of our law to strike trespassing windclanners down, courtesy of juniperfrost.. “ a flick of his tail, and the subject was ended. something brief and nonchalant, said with an expression straight and almost - exasperated. parasites — like scrawny ticks hanging to his spine, something to scoff and pluck, to snap between his teeth, “ she claims it was to start a skirmish, but no — riverclan would never stoop to her tactics. we were merely marking our borders, as we all do. her patrol didn’t like the fact that we would not let her wander our territory unattended, as they clearly allow their apprentices to. windclan’s noses are so full of their own dirt, they cannot scent where the lines lie — as i’m sure shadowclan and skyclan can both attest today. “

windclan. he was always talking of windclan, so much the name felt bitter in his maw. his claws flex, dipping his head to lazily lick a stray curl along his chest, ” aside from the ever - common windclan trespasser, we’ve come across an odd amount of loner activity at the fringes of our territory. i encourage you all to keep an eye out — so far, they have not been hostile. “ he speaks, slow blinking to the crowd, ” and that, i believe, is all for us.

  • i.
  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, mated to smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 43 moons, ages every 50 posts.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png

  • "speech"
Howlingstar stifles a reaction to Sootstar's words, but like Blazestar, she can't help but stare at Chilledstar in utter shock at their flippant words. The disrespect is downright despicable - to bring up the taking of one of Sootstar's lives so casually and openly? She can't help but glance nervously down at Flycatcher, wondering what her deputy's reaction to all of this is. It isn't until the ShadowClanner makes their threat that the tabby turns a sharp eye to them, hissing lowly, "Chilledstar!" This is hardly the way to behave! I swear, sometimes I feel like a kitsitter sitting on this rock! Sootstar, Chilledstar, and Cicadastar, all constantly at each other's throats and switching sides. It's getting dizzying!

Her ears do prick up when the other leader mentions bears. She looks at them curiously, with alarm in her eyes. Is this connected to Wolfwind's report of what appeared to be all of ShadowClan beneath the thunderpath? Silently, she mulls it over, murmuring her condolences for the loss.

Finally, Cicadastar begins his sharing, speaking his condolences which Howlingstar dips her head in response to. She is shocked to hear of Beesong's death, her eyes growing slightly wider. "Oh StarClan...I'm so sorry." Losing a medicine cat can't be easy for RiverClan. At least they didn't have only sad news - a new deputy, she hears. She peers down, spotting the familiar black and white tom. She gives a small nod - it seems like the obvious choice, so she can't say she's too surprised. It is about time RiverClan took on a new deputy after Buckgait stepped down to be a mother.

And finally, Cicadastar brings up yet another border skirmish. She doesn't think too much of it - skirmishes at the border are hardly news, but she remains polite, listening with pricked ears as her eyes gaze over the crowd. What does catch her attention is the news of rogues. She makes a mental note about it; it would be no good to deal with boars and hostile cats.
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"tch. and i hardly give a rat's tail. sootstar should learn that not everyone will bow to her. i certainly refuse to hold my tongue, especially since she can barely hold her own."

chilledstar snorted with a roll of their eyes. howlingstar speaks up about it, too, but they choose to ignore it. they gave enough courtesy and respect to her by not ripping out her throat while they had the chance. tch. whatever. they listen to cicadastar, before answering about this kleiner as he pronounced it. they nod their head towards the apprentice with a gentle grin. they hold their tongue, urging him to continue before they speak, when he's finally done. they can't help but feel the grief hit their heart like a ton of rocks at the mention of a dead medicine cat. of all the cats who deserved the violence...

"i am terribly sorry for your loss, cicadastar. but that young one is a new addition to the star talkers. starclan, along with starlingheart, have paw picked magpiepaw to become a medicine cat apprentice. we haven't had one since that deserter left behind a young kit to become full medicine cat. i have full faith that starlingheart will be an amazing mentor, and that magpiepaw will become a fantastic cat versed in herbs."

they stand back up, giving a nod to cicadastar, howlingstar, and blazestar. they don't even cast a glance to sootstar– she deserves less attention than what she's already gotten.

"if that's everything then, shadowclan, let's go. we are leaving this place. we've said our piece."

they weren't sticking around while bears threatened the rest of their clan. with a huff, they climbed down and flicked their tail, waiting for their clan to follow, before disappearing into the night.

//out !
It is out of pure tedium that he seats himself by the other medicine cats, and among them, he notices a face— or perhaps lackthereof. No longer was there a low - crawling stature, feline suited for the very name. He could not see any half - peeled face or curled ears, cinnamon specked. Dawnglare takes notice, for they were one of the few Dawnglare ever took care to. He would never be able to find them in the crowd, puny as they were. Late, perhaps, he figures, though his eyes would meet the blackened fur of RiverClan's leader with careful regard.

His apprentice is gossiping uselessly, and Dawnglare strains to block out the extraneous noise. He sees the shuffling of fur, as they speak; the flapping of Blazestar's gums, but his eyes only watch the river serpant, fur blackened and white - splotched. He pays no mind to the fresh pair of eyes amongst them, nor how appetizing those deep blue things were to his claws. The question rolls over him like placid water. Tufted ears swivel forward. I come to you with somber news this moon, strange, dark features tip into what he thinks is an expression of grief. Beesong, our medicine cat.. was found, hunting with starclan.

Dawnglare blinks. Soft shock hits him like a leaf - bare breeze. It rolls though him, past willowy layers of fur. All of it is not enough to halt the breeze that draws him to stiffen. A blink– then another. Words, experimental sit uncomfortably on his tongue. They are just as restless within his mind." Found? " The question is more of an afterthought than is the breath that comes with it. What did that mean? He wonders.

]no idea what happened. It is unsatisfying, and Dawnglare is unsure why he feels owed an answer. Acknowledging this did not curb that desire, though. A flaming head would whip its way to Honeybee– Beesong's apprentice. An answer, could you spare one? Oh, what would he know that the River King would not? Dawnglare bites his tongue. The crowd is too much, in that moment, and he lifts his head to the stars instead. If he looked hard enough, perhaps he could see Beesong.

He hadn't thought that they would be swept from this plain so quickly. He supposes that they had only been mortal, still. Small and fragile.

It's a shame.
  • Sad
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