if you're lost you can look and you will find me | valepaw

The pregnant molly finds it disadvantageous that she had been stuck in camp when Valepaw was injured. Through the grapevine she heard the story of the attack and how it was handled by one newly named warrior. Truthfully it made her blood boil, which was an entirely new emotion compared to her weepy sadness that plagued her most days. If she had been there things could have gone differently. If she had been there she would have protected her friend.

But she wasn't there.

Fate put them on different paths leading up to that day, for which Robinheart and Valepaw cannot change, so all the mottled molly can do is focus on the here and now. She couldn't have helped Valepaw then but she can help him now... not physically of course, but emotionally. Being campbound is not exciting, and she is certain being medicine den bound is even less so. The best she can do is lift the chimera's spirits by providing him with company and entertainment. Hopefully Moonpaw won't be too upset.

Multicolored paws hasten steps from the nursery to the medicine den, ears angled back ever so slightly and tail twitching with discomfort. But it is not discomfort caused by the sway of her growing midsection. It is... an unknown discomfort at first glance. Like Robinheart has something she wants to say but can't find the right words to pry open tightly shut maw. She slinks into the medicine den without word, only a quick dip of her head to whoever she passes, and finds Valepaw's nest. Robinheart approaches her friend and...


From her mouth she spits out a small frog, the slimy amphibian clearly disgruntled from being plucked off the outer nursery wall and held safely in a cat's maw until they reached Valepaw's nest. Robinheart places a gentle paw on the diminutive creature to keep it from hopping away and looks to Valepaw with a mixture of pride and disgust (she will never understand how ShadowClanners can eat these things!). "Since we won't get to go on our frog hunt anytime soon, I thought I might bring the frog hunt to us!" she explains with a chuckle, letting the frog go so it can hop a bit closer to Valepaw. She doesn't expect him to actually hunt the frog, but maybe they can let it casually hop around between them as they spend time together.

@valepaw ➶
( penned by kerms )
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Visions of painted forests and rushing waters come to life where an active imagination must find means of passing time. He can imagine the feel of a warm spring breeze rushing through curls of meadowy fur, how it swells with the stink of a hundred different blooms and strong scents of bordering clans if one ventured close enough. Valepaw can pretend he's walking through the soggy grounds near the river, feeling the spray that kicks up at the shores in its wild rush downstream. Maybe even... he can see the fanged smile of a crow-feathered brother, the glimmer of pride in sun-tired eyes instead of fear. He doesn't have to be Valepaw then... he can be something stronger. Valestone... Valerain.... Someone better than the pathetic boy that lays curled up in a nest that stinks of marigolds.

A shadow clouds the entrance of the medicine cat's den, stirs his daydreaming from the change in monotony... is Moonpaw already back? Or maybe it's Rookfang, come to check him over for the hundredth time? He blinks, lazily, trying to stir something from the recesses of his bored mind but... it's a swirl of autumn and midnight that sits in front of him instead. Round with a promise of something new... and... a frog?

He blinks again, this time more sincerely- eyes widened in surprise as he stares at the poor, pinned, slimy thing. Robinheart explains that they could bring the frog hunting to camp and Valepaw can't help the smile that pulls at the corners of his lips. This is so.... silly.... He knows he can't very well just get up and get to pouncing and bouncing like the amphibian, can't properly hunt it. But... it hops free and towards him so stupidly.

And he giggles.

"She's gonna be... sooooo mad, if we lose that," he murmurs, referring to a pale-furred molly that has to live in this den full-time. "It's so ugly looking," he comments with dumb-founded wonder, reaching out to carefully swipe at it so it doesn't bound too far in the wrong direction. "Have you eaten one before?" He thinks maybe it would be foul... now that he looks at it up close.​

Valepaw’s smile creeps out slowly, like the sun peeking from behind fluffy cloud cover. It is genuine and amused. Robinheart’s heart swells with joy for her friend - for the smile she has brought forth by the silliness of one tiny frog. She’d claim to be filled with pride as well, had she not been a naturally humble individual.

Infectious giggle sparks one within her fiery hued chest, light-like bell song harmonized with youth’s own happiness. When was the last time Robinheart shared a laugh with someone? Perhaps her coming to cheer up Valepaw was healing her own internal turmoil as well. “Then we won’t lose it,” the tortoiseshell decides through her amusement, suddenly imagining a mortified Moonpaw spotting a frog nestled amidst her herbs and berries. What a sight that would be!

Speckled paw extends to further corral the bounding amphibian as Valepaw comments on its appearance. She supposes it is kind of unsightly. Gangly limbs and big ol’ eyes. A bit like Cicadapaw when he was a young kit (though she’d never say that aloud lest karma curse her own kits)… “hmm, I bet in the world of frogs, this one is very good looking,” Robinheart muses as she settles down and gets comfortable. “Or maybe it also thinks we are kinda ugly.” That was a strong possibility. As for eating a frog, the queen grimaces and shakes her head. “They were around in ShadowClan when we all stayed there after the rogue invasion but I never tried one. And judging by how this frog tasted when I carried it here, I think I made the right choice by not eating one.” Slime and undertones of mud were far from appetizing. “What about you? Have you ever eaten a frog before?”
[ penned by kerms ]
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The promise not to lose it is all he needs to take haphazard delight in their little secret. It is a slimy thing... one so nasty he cannot imagine having carried it into this den himself. He is sure it's wriggles did Robinheart no favors but... evidently age makes her a braver and stronger feline than Valepaw can hope to be. He sneaks a sly glance at her face, softened by the contagious laughter, and he is sore to know there is a distance between them that only time can fix. He will not have the luxury of curling his nest up closer to hers for another many moons... especially not with the roundness of her belly to contend with. He might be old enough to mentor one of those someday... right? Would she trust him with that?

He is reminded of his lack of capability... that he still cannot even swim... and thinks better of suggesting the idea to Smokestar.

But the tortoiseshell has fixated whole-heartedly on their nasty little guest... Suggesting he might be the handsomest frog in his part of the forest. Valepaw quirks a brow at her then, amused to consider that he might be the ugly one here. "My brother says... I'm quite handsome, actually," he insists playfully, puffing out his chest as if his lengthy curls might add to the effect.

The memory of ShadowClan is not one he is too keen on.... it is hazy at best and his timeline for his joining of RiverClan is buried in fear-smell and blood. "Uhh... not that I remember," he admits, scrunching his nose for a sniff as if to consider this one a reasonable first. "I think... ShadowClan might be odd for that."