private if you're still trying in a couple of years || lilac

There are no amounts of yawns or squinty-eyed blinks that will make this evening livable. Betonyfrost lays with her paws beneath her half-coiled body—after a valiant and failed attempt at waking—while camp bustles with a snail crawl's worth of activity. It's cold, bitterly so and bitingly so; the memory of what such cold is capable of will always sit fresh in Betonyfrost's mind. The snow is bright with yellow dusklight. It will only get colder, the longer Betonyfrost doesn't move.

She opens her eyes fully, her pupils reduced to whisker-thin slits. Ahead of her—familiarity. Betonyfrost chuffs affectionately, and makes no move to stand.

"He's got a bit of moss stuck to his tail," Betonyfrost murmurs to herself, sounding endlessly amused.

A shadow to her right—Betonyfrost's head turns, expectant, and finds herself looking up at Lilacfur's amber eyes. The curl to her lip is nearly instantaneous: her dislike is as automatic of a reflex as her breathing, and her eyes return to where Roosterstrut still is, across camp. Then—a sigh. She's found a little joy and, damn the stars, she wants to share it with someone she knows will enjoy it too.

"Someone should probably tell him. Only StarClan knows how long he's been walking around like that," She still makes no move to stand—her voice makes clear that it won't be her to tell him. Her eyes flick Lilacfur's way, crinkled with a rare, good humor.

shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 27 moons | tags