private ignite | brackenpaw


run, baby, run
Apr 28, 2024
જ➶ Going anywhere near the Windclan border makes her hackles raise. A slight feeling of disgust lingering like bile on her tongue. She still can not believe the nerve of them and their unchanging ways. Her muzzle parts as she scents the air, taking in their stink as she looks across the gorge. Her harsh eyes narrow as she moves across the flat expanse of her side of the territory, careful of where she steps. The river is a monster here and so she is avoiding it till she is further downstream. The girl is about to leave when the strong scent of Windclan hits her nose and she curls her muzzle in disdain. Whipping around her eyes search the other side before she finally locks scorching ambers on the Windclanner and they look to be younger. An apprentice much like herself but she doesn't let that stop the tone that leaves her muzzle.

"Hey, don't get any funny ideas, prey thief." Her sharp teeth bare for just a second as she watches them. Of course if they do try anything she will be make sure they will regret that decision. Windclan can't be trust anymore. They trespassed and stole prey from two kther clans so what more proof does any cat need of the treachery that still lives there. Openly at that.


The gorge had always seemed scary, the opening maw of a void that ruptured the land between WindClan and RiverClan, creating a hazardous and jagged divide. She had originally left camp with the intent to find more supplies for her nest, it’s sparse due to the fire but she had found a patch of wildgrass and heather that seemed to do the job fine enough. While out she held a morbid curiosity to look at the site that had claimed the lead warrior's life, they may not have liked Bluepool all that much but now seeing a participant in the fate she had met caused the apprentice to wish for an easier death. Brackenpaw gingerly set the collected supplies aside from her, sitting a happy distance from the edge of the border but sitting in contemplation nonetheless.

That pungent stench of fish that they were unfortunately familiar with from their limited stay had all but flooded their sense of smell. It was always pretty bad since that was what RiverClan was known for but it had grown stronger much to her dismay. That could only mean that there was a riverclanner around here. Great. Looking around the younger apprentice's eyes locked with what she assumed was an apprentice, older than them but not old enough to be a warrior yet. Olive eyes roll and she makes a show of the scoff that comes out in response to the baring of teeth from the girl.

“What am I going to do? Jump the gorge? I don’t know how dumb you think I am to even think about doing that.” She hisses as she seethes, ears pin back for a moment before they regain their composure. Tail whipping harshly against the ground as they don’t break eye contact “I’m not in the mood for whatever opinions you have right now. WindClan is suffering enough” it killed them to admit any form of weakness in her clan's ranks but after what happened with DuskClan… It really seemed like both her clan and herself were in a raw and vulnerable spot.

  • ooc.
    they/she, tunneler apprentice of Windclan, 8 moons (ages on the 22nd)
    a lithe and fragile looking calico that looks like they still need to grow into her ears
    Speech, thoughts, attacking
    NPC x NPC, mentored by Bluefrost
    easy to befriend other kits, gradually harder to befriend every rank after that
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
    All opinions are IC!! Bracken is a little hater

જ➶ Her muzzle scrunches up a little then and she shakes her head, a little amused at what is said back to her. "Definitely haven't proven how smart you are these moons. Do you guys even have any brains to think with?" She is honestly curious enough to know. Do they think well on their choices before they decide to make the wrong ones and anger more than one clan with their behavior. Her tail sways against the ground, pitch colored ears pull forward then as she watches the other apprentice. Dissecting the words given to her at the moment. Windclan is suffering enough? And she snorts harshly before shaking her head. "Well I wonder why. You keep getting horrible leaders. Sootstar and now Sunstar especially after the sun went black. It's a wonder you didn't chase him out." Her muzzle closes on an easing breath as she finds herself easing into a sit upon the ground. But she does keep herself well from the edge of the gorge. Her amber gaze is curious of what sort of suffering is happening to Windclan that makes them this foolish.

"I don't get why you running rats didn't just ask for help like you did last time. Riverclan housed you during your fire and all your clan did was betray us in the end. So expecting sympathy for your continued suffering is hard to believe." To her it just seems foolhardy to expect such treatment and a caring heart after they keep breaking the warrior code set down and mandated by previous leaders

“Of course we have brains, I bet we have more than you” she knew that they didn’t have to answer her and yet they call over the gorge to Midnightpaw all the same. They paw at the ground with a scowl, not moving to go any closer towards her. The glare they give the RiverClan is pointed as she snorts, maybe they too would have a similar reaction if the roles were reversed. Yet they weren’t, annoyingly enough she was going to have to defend Sunstar here, the apprentice was too young to ever hold an experience with Sootstar but from the stories they heard it was a joke to compare him to her. The leaders presence annoyed them and they didn’t like him but there was a small amount of respect, an extremely tiny speck but it was there.

“You really believe that Sunstar is a bad leader just because there was some issue with the sun? That’s so dumb, are you sure you have any brain to think with?” They couldn’t help but laugh at the idea, it was something that Brackenpaw hadn’t considered at all. She huffs in amusement and it was enough to temporarily give them a boost of a mood, it sours pretty quickly again. What was with RiverClan and holding the shelter above WindClan’s head. Yes, they shouldn’t have tried to steal prey, she understands that was wrong since it went against the code and yet there was reasoning for it that she in her bias deemed justifiable.

“Would you have freely given food if it was asked? Not your clan, you.” She tilts her head as they stare at her expectant of an answer. Their tail lashes in anger and she allows a frustrated exhale escape her before they speak. “We have paid plenty of punishment from that, we were attacked on the night of the gathering. Not that you would care about that right? Since we tried to steal food we must have deserved that huh?” They fire back with venom on their words, refusing to divulge more than the fact that they had been attacked. What was the good in RiverClan knowing the details? No doubt they’d try and use that to seek some kind of revenge in their clan's weakened state.

  • ooc. Ignore the belated reply ghjk
    they/she, tunneler apprentice of Windclan, 8 moons (ages on the 22nd)
    a lithe and fragile looking calico that looks like they still need to grow into her ears
    Speech, thoughts, attacking
    NPC x NPC, mentored by Bluefrost
    easy to befriend other kits, gradually harder to befriend every rank after that
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
    All opinions are IC!! Bracken is a little hater