ikea instructions unclear || building a snowcat

Jun 7, 2022
( ) large, dark clouds have congregated above the territory today and from them fluttered down little white specks of snow to add onto the already thick layer blanketing the forest floor. most would wrinkle their nose at having to deal with trudging through more of this powdery stuff but for huckleberry it bought forth a fun little idea. so, positioned just outside of camp, stood the hefty warrior who was at work using his massive paws to scoop together the fresh snow into these large, mishapen clumps where he'd try to it pack down into something workable before brushing off any excess using that bushy tail of his.

it was fairly clear to anyone that may stumble upon him that he was not artistic in any way, the snowcat he is determined to make looks more like a weird turtle with a tiny head and two uneven stick horns coming out of its skull. after throwing on a few more pawfuls of snow the warrior would take a quick pause to step back and look at his current progress and honestly if you were really far away you could probably say it was vaguely feline shaped.

nearby noise is quick to catch his attention and he's quickly looking to see what it might be and what's greeting him is a few curious faces and among them happened to be the deputy herself. oh, she had a crafty bone in her body right? maybe she could give him some advice.

"howdy, fellas! hey ah got a question to ask, ya'll reckon this looks like a cat?" a inky limb gestures to the mound with a slight squint. "ah'm trynna make one outta snow but ah feel like somethin' is missin."


|| feel free to reply before those tagged :]

( i hear the wandering streams and the song of the birds )

Soil had been out trying to hunt when the clouds commenced their furious assault on Skyclan territory, with the keyword being trying. Even before the snow there hadn’t been sight nor sound of his quarry, and the newly-added blanket of white wasn’t helping. Most sane-minded cats would’ve called it quits at that point, but the old man contained within him a veritable mountain of stubbornness. If he went back to camp empty-pawed, that meant the prey won. And the experienced elder refused to lose to a scant collection of squirrels!

Emerald eyes were duller than usual as Soil stumbled his way back to camp with nothing between his jaws, having been thoroughly defeated by the forest’s inhabitants. All he had to show for his wasted effort were aching muscles and a pelt smothered in infernal cold. The elder was planning on taking a nap before heading back out when he came upon Huckleberry, and a dreary day was immediately brightened.

“Hey there, Huckleberry!” he called, the agonizing events of the last few hours forgotten in favor of talking with a friend. The former loner noticed a few faces next to him, and Soil waved a weathered tail towards the two in greeting before turning his attention towards the figure that seemed to have captured everyone’s attention. “That’s…supposed to be a cat?” He asked, utterly confused. Well, maybe he wasn’t looking at it right. Soil stepped back, turned his head every which way, squinted, and even rolled onto his back to view the creation from upside-down.

Standing up and taking a moment to shake the snow loose from his fur, Soil spoke. “I thought it was a twoleg kit…stretchin’ or somethin’, y’know? And with really long eyeballs.” He motioned to the sticks that seemed to be impaling the poor creature, and briefly wondered if longer eyes would help him spot prey easier.​
( ) Deersong would be just leaving camp, aware but remaining seemingly ignorant of her horde of kittens behind her when Huckleberry's voice draws her attention towards his....cat?

The deputy would stop her walking, tilting her head as if viewing the structure from a different angle would bring her clarity. And apparently, it does, as a delighted chirp would leave her maw as she purrs and walks over to stand beside Soil, "Now now, Soil, It's very clearly a cat." She nods her head as in her mind she does in fact believe that HUckleberry has created a masterpiece. "It's stellar, Brotha'. Can we join you in making a little snowcat family?"

@PALEKIT @eveningkit
just tagging the others in case they want in on this lol


"OH WOW! I never thought about doing stuff with the snow other than eating it!" Sometimes she liked to take a mouthful of it and crunch down on the tiny water crystals, it was very satisfying and quicker than going to find a water source to drink from since it was oh-so-conveniently right here at all times. Probably the only real benefit to snow was the water access and she supposed now this: because this looked fun!
Bouncing forward with a light skip, Strawberrypaw prances past Deersong and Soil so she can circle Huckleberry's creation with wide-eyed delight, "We should use LEAVES for the ears instead of sticks! They looks a little closer to what our ears look like-kinda shaped a bit..."
What OTHER stuff could they use? Small stones? Maybe feathers? Moss might make good fur on some spots-maybe one of the daylight warriors will lend their neck decorations to make the snow scultpure look cuter!
"I'm so excited, I want to make one too! How did you start? Did you just-" The cinnamon and cream she-cat scooped up some snow nearby in her forepaws, shivering at the cold clinging to her pelt and settling it all in a careful pile to knead at until it felt firm, "-like...like that? You know it's silly but I never thought about how packing snow closer made it feel more heavy."


eve followed behind her mother, little legs taking high steps through the snow in order to keep up. when deersong halted, the girl almost kept walking straight into her. however, the pale furred deputy was saved by her childs curiosity at the blob of snow next to a dark furred warrior.

huckleberry asked if it looked like a cat. she could only think that if she saw a cat looking like that, she'd run for the hills. deersong said it was clearly a cat, receiving a confused glance from eveningkit. what kind of cat had horns?

her perplexed gaze carried over to strawberrypaw trying to create her own snowcat. huckleberry's appeared beyond saving, but maybe if she teamed up with the apprentice they could make something awesome! the best snowcat anyone has ever seen! "can i help?" she asked gently as she bounced over to the molly, presenting her with pleading eyes.

pricklekit | 03 months | demi-girl | she/they | physically easy | mentally medium | attack in bold #4f7942

Voices stir her from her rest, and with a yawn she pulls herself from the warmth of her nest in the nursery, following the cheery sound of her mothers voice. Blinking blearily, it takes a moment for her to see what has caught the others attention. As she stares at the lumpy misshapen thing the others are talking about, the pale furred molly has other, more important thoughts on her mind. Why is it called a 'snowcat'?

"...... is there a real cat buried under all that?" she asks softly, monotone voice ringing out as she pads over. Her gaze holds a faint glint of confusion despite her seemingly frozen expression. Green gaze flits to eveningkit as her sister speaks up, bouncing about excitedly. Her gaze softens slightly - she adores her family after all - but she quickly snaps her attention back to Huckleberry, head tipping to the side as she stares at him with heavy lidded eyes.