sensitive topics i'll be good — death


never give up 09/18/23
Feb 21, 2023
you want a battle ? i'll give you a war .
/ mentions of gore, not in detail, but enough to give you some visual of what happened, there will be a summary at the end !

Dovepaw had followed Thistlefang out of camp, nervousness churning at his stomach, cursing his stupid mouth, letting slip the few things his mentor implemented. He wanted to prove that he was better than everyone by taking in a useless apprentice and turning him into the perfect warrior. That didn’t exactly happen, but the freckled tom was getting better. He was finally finally seeing improvement, working tirelessly until his bones ached and begged for rest, but he always refused. Thistlefang was cruel but effective, willing Dovepaw to become someone he wasn’t.

No longer did he bounce with joy, but hide, shrouded in darkness willing his palpitating heart to stop crying out. His eyes lost their shine, their curiosity, replaced by permanent tiredness that weighed him down, collapsing in a furry heap until his mentor snarled for him to get up and stop acting like a kit.

He stumbled to a halt, watching his mentor with barely concealed fear, skin shivering in anticipation as he stalked, sprouting out curses, directing a heated gaze towards him. He flinched, curling into himself with a whimper when everything stopped.

Dovepaw stiffened, knocked on his side as teeth ripped and ripped into marred flesh drawing a loud shriek from the apprentice, crying out because it hurt. He begged with tears leaking from his eyes because he could be better. He wouldn’t let Thistlefang down again. Please. Please! His body withered, back legs kicking uselessly into the warrior’s stomach, muscles quivering from the sudden spurt of energy.

“P, Please! I’ll be good!” He cried out, kicking the warrior and scrambling away. He didn’t get far, feeling his mentor’s acid breath brush against his cheek when claws sunk deeper, blood spilling out from wounds like pelting rain, saturating the ground.

He choked, willing tired limps to fight. He felt his vision whiten, blistering pain running through his body, searing his nerves as teeth sunk into his neck. I’m sorry mama. Were his last thoughts, before nothingness.

/ dovepaw let it slip of thistlefang's teaching methods, having become super guarded and pretty much drew away from everyone until thistlefang took him somewhere and killed him before bolting. your characters are more than welcome to have been the ones that dovepaw was talking to during his last moments alive !
thought speech

The patrol smelled blood and in a moment their hunting was forgotten and they were pelting towards the source. Spottedpaw felt unease in her stomach as she dashed along with the others. She made no attempts to hide her feelings. Her sky blue eyes were wide with worry.

She had barely been paying attention but somehow her lithe frame had gotten ahead of the others in her party. She leapt through the undergrowth, all four paws catching air as she did. Suddenly she soared over a forest floor painted in blood. Her paws collided with the ground. While her legs were sure and swift before, now they felt like four flopping fish. She stumbled and let out a shriek. Dovepaw’s body was drooping motionless in small puddle.

She reeled backwards and away from the grisly scene. Something was wrong. What killed him? He was dead, wasn’t he? Surely, he was dead. ”It’s D-dove-paw,” she breathed shakily.

// assuming she is out with a hunting patrol and they smell blood and go to investigate!

  • ✿ ooc : — ​

  • spottedpaw she/her 7 moons apprentice of thunderclan
    a thin and pretty long-haired calico she-cat with light blue eyes.
    ⇀ TAGS ↽

    ──── named 'spotted' for her calico pelt & named 'paw' denoting her rank.
    ──── she was born to a pair of rogues but was abandoned as a kit and taken in by thunderclan. tansyshine is her adoptive mother.
    ──── when the season permits, she wears various wildflowers woven into her long fur
    ──── bossy / confident / 'goodie-goodie' / self-righteous / helpful / headstrong
    / protective / vain / studious / devoted / extroverted

  • 71085478_Eoa4fDOiPWM5wEr.png

  • strength ◆◇◇◇◇
    stamina ◆◇◇◇◇
    speed ◆◆◆◆◇
    charisma ◆◆◆◆◇
    intellect ◆◆◆◆◇

    hunting ◆◆◆◇◇
    swimming ◇◇◇◇◇
    climbing ◆◆◆◆◇
    fighting ◆◆◇◇◇

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Death is a familiar concept for the ebony tom. He wishes it wasn't, but in his short life he has seen so much of it. Morningpaw's death had been the first and from their grief and loss were slowly becoming less and less of a thing that affected him. Still, he understands what it means to loose a cat in a time like this. It was not good for anyone. The clan needed capable paws in order to keep them fed. Silently, while he is on this patrol, he laments that his mother was not here. She had been a more then capable hunter, better than he was at least. They could've used her help right now. But he supposes she is needed on the journey for one reason or another.

He lifts his nose to the air and, like Spottedpaw, he smells blood. The apprentice takes off and Burnstorm curses under his breath. "Spottedpaw wait!" he yowls as he takes off after her. When he catches up, he could cuff the apprentice hes so angry. "You shouldn't have taken off like that! We don't know what killed him, it could've gotten you too and then where would we be huh? Dragging two bodies home instead of one" he hopes his words frighten her into never doing that again. Apprentices these days, did they not have any sense anymore? He forces his fur to lay flat, her mentor could deal with her better after all and then he turns to inspect the apprentice who lays dead at their feet. "Shit" he grumbles and then louder he says "Where is his mentor? I thought I saw the two going out together earlier." His gaze sweeps across the forest but comes up empty. Still, his tail lashes and his claws remain out, ready for a fight just in case it was needed.

*:・゚✧ Gingerpaw was beside Shinningsun, on the same patrol as Spottedpaw and Burnstorm. The scent of blood fills his nose, amber eyes glance at darting form. Before he knows it, he himself has left Shinningsun's side and is following close behind Burnstorm. He huffs, amber eyes looking every which way. Spottedpaw's and Burnstorm's lecture were nothing but noise to ears. The bloodied body in front of him is recognizable.

D-dovepaw? Why? Flashes of memories suddenly hit him. He remembered growing up with Dovepaw. Both of them had steadily drifted away from each other, such is life. Once they had become apprentice they both had become busy. Although now seeing Dovepaw like this, he wishes that he conversed more with him. It's too late. That was the truth. None of them could rewind time nor could they shake Dovepaw to wake him up. He's not here anymore.

Empty. Dovepaw has joined the stars. All that remains is the form that was left behind. Whatever the case, he slowly draws near Dovepaw's body and averts his eyes from the other toms wounds. Instead he leans closer and begins licking the fur on top of Dovepaw's head. Maybe they would think he's strange for doing such a thing. Treating Dovepaw as if he were alive, grooming him much like mothers have done for their kits. He isn't quite sure why he's doing it either. Maybe it's to comfort himself, or maybe it's so Dovepaw if he's watching to know how much he was cared for.

His ears tilt, Burnstorm's words becoming clear. Burnstorm is demanding to know where Dovepaw's mentor was. Gingerpaw stops grooming Dovepaw and raises his head to look at Burnstorm. "Well..." He thinks back to what Dovepaw had told him before he ended up like this. Thistleclaw's teaching methods were what Dovepaw had told him. it was not much to be honest. Mostly Dovepaw complained about how grueling it was. Although, before he could even ask more the tom slinked away.

Dovepaw began acting strange afterward. as if he knew something terrible was going to befall thunderclan. unfortunately he had his own training and with more cats getting sick he couldn't question Dovepaw. Now that I think about it. he'd probably run away before i could ask. he seemed antsy. Right! Burnstorm had asked a question. "I dunno know where Thistlefang is."

How... Lame. He had left Burnstorm waiting for nothing. Before Burnstorm could comment gingerpaw would add, "Usually Thistlefang is... U-uhhh possessive? he doesn't really let Dovepaw out of his sight, so this is weird." Then he turns to Spottedpaw. "Hey, did Dovepaw tell you too? Or say anything strange?"

The smell of blood didn’t startle him, at least, not at first. Blood-smell in the woods could be explained away as a messy kill from a hunting patrol or another predator. Nature and life were constant violence and their forest was never exempt from that. However as Spottedpaw ran ahead and Burnstrom after her, he notices even Gingerpaw pull ahead and he can’t help but growl after him,”Wah! Gingerpaw, wait up! The Dark Warrior commands it!” He didn’t want to be left behind but his huffing words seemed to be on deaf ears. Though he puts more power into his stride, he arrives on scene after the others.

Spottedpaw’s shriek makes him drop the vole he’d caught earlier while on the hunt and he trips around it as he began to inspect the scene: the body, the blood, how Dovepaw was alone…

As Burnstorm searches the clearing with his eyes and Gingerpaw grooms the deceased, he glances away, closes his eyes, and focuses on smell alone. The coppery scent was overpowering and he withheld a cough. Instead he forced himself to take another breath through his mouth. There was no scent he could determine as unusual in his two seasons of practice. No smell of another clan or the offending odor of a badger, fox, dog, or rogue. All he smelled was blood and his clanmates.

Dreampaw didn’t need to fix his burning gaze upon the others to convey the faint disdain at the mention of Dovepaw’s mentor, ”I do not think in all the stars that his mentor could help him now. However, Thistlefang was here not long ago. The Dark Warrior’s nose doesn’t lie.”

Selfishly, he was and had been too absorbed in efforts and thoughts of his own training, sparing little energy to notice Dovepaw’s decline under his own mentor’s training methods or anything else. But Dreampaw wasn’t so dense that he had failed to read that Thistlefang and Dovepaw didn’t exactly seem like friends. It was suspicion that prickled his pelt to stand on end. The brutal sight of Dovepaw’s corpse was almost enough to bathe even the Dark Warrior’s enthusiasm in hesitation and unease. Gingerpaw mentioned some prior discussions…how Dovepaw had revealed his mentor’s aggressive practices in a hushed, worried voice.

Slowly, Dreampaw would nod to Gingerpaw. He didn’t pay much attention to others so he hoped Spottedpaw had more intel but he was sure to offer what he thought on the matter. ”You mean when Dovepaw said that he was weak?” His arrogance and ruthlessness are clear and he didn’t sound sorry that Dovepaw died instead he sounds like he only wanted to rile himself up and those listening,”That Thistlefang’s training was too tough, infernal, exhausting? He was worried, wasn’t he?” Perhaps he thinks that Dovepaw was dead because he was weak, both unable to persevere a tough training regimen and also unable to fight off whatever it is that killed him. Normally, he would think exactly that, but something felt wrong. Something was off. He wanted to believe that Dovepaw hadn’t died due to his own fault. Dovepaw’s wounds looked like they’d been inflicted with tooth and claw and yet all scents around him were that of Thunderclan. Could his senses be deceiving him or was something uglier at play?

  • ooc : — ​

  • DREAMPAW / t a g s
    9 moons / ftm trans (he/him)
    thunderclan apprentice / small dark tortoiseshell cat with hazel eyes.
    primary character / played by yamitisane
    powerplay of healing & minor offensive actions (shoving, slapping, small cuts, etc) allowed

    dreampaw is a genius and eccentric cat whose sole focus is becoming stronger than he already is. he’s enthusiastic, entertaining, and loves pranks. however his looks can be deceiving as he is also aggressive and arrogant and frustratingly has the talent to make certain his words don’t go unfounded. he has a fiery and wicked gaze, speaks with a deeper voice than his appearance would suggest, has an evil laugh, and calls himself the ‘Dark Warrior.’