camp I'LL BE HOME SOON (returning to camp)

// takes place after this thread.
No one would have known she tried to run away, but feel free to scold her for leaving camp at night without permission!

The conversation with Honey had been eye-opening. Her clanmates aren't pitying her. They care for her. And she should care for them the same. No more only hunting for herself. No more skimping out on her training sessions with Chilledgaze. If she's going to do this whole clan thing, she's not going to half-ass it any longer.

As the sun peaks over the horizon, Forestpaw pushes through the bramble path that leads into camp, a fat marsh rabbit clamped in her jaws. It's a prize, rare in the marshes and especially so in leaf-bare. She drags it across the muddy ground with pride, half-lidded gaze sunken with exhaustion. She pauses where she knows the fresh-kill pile to be and she does something she never does: she drops it. She does not take a bite, she doesn't hog it for herself. She will contribute to this clan that cares for her, and she will care for them in return. Turning on her heels, the short apprentice begins to head towards the apprentice's den, tail flicking in silence.
If you don't like me, that's your problem
A yawn bursts forth from her maw as the newly made apprentice quietly slinks her way into camp. Dewspider had worked her to the bone over the course of the night. The two going over hunting maneuvers, proper stance, technique and more. Heavy lids blink, drowsiness singing a siren's song for her to lay her head upon her nest and rest. However, there is a rustling that gathers her attention in the form of a plump rabbit being dropped within their rationed reserves. "That's a nice catch, Forestpaw." Tornado drawls, exhaustion clinging to her vocals as her gaze moves from the hare back to the older apprentice. Her brows pull together briefly, pausing before fully entering the den. "I didn't see you when I left out with Dewspider last night. Where were you?" Or perhaps the girl had been there all along and she missed Forestpaw in her excitement to train with her ashen mentor.
When I let it bother me, that's my problem
( : ̗̀➛ ) Flickerfire had gone out last night, too, cloaked in cold shadows and hidden amongst the oaken forest. Her pelt still smells strangely of the thick, winter-choked undergrowth coating ThunderClan, but the mud freezing in streaks across her dark coat should be enough to keep her hidden from most cats. She carries a thin, elderly rat, a quick catch she'd been lucky to make, and drops it unceremoniously into the barren fresh-kill pile. She's followed by Tornadopaw, exhausted from early apprentice training, and then a new rustling. Forestpaw.

The torbie drags the fattest marsh rabbit Flickerfire has seen in moons. Her reddish eyes widen, impressed. "Y'caught that by yourself? I've never seen you do anything someone didn't order you to do." She sniffs at the catch, suspicious, but she has no reason to be, does she? She supposes it doesn't matter why Forestpaw had been out by herself... all that matters is that the girl had brought them prey, good prey, much better-looking than the measly catch Flickerfire had.
no. chilledgaze didn't know of forestpaw's little escape, and how she ran off and away. that wasn't why they were worried. they were worried because forestpaw hadn't been in her nest when they went to check. it had been way too early for forest to have gone by herself. she always complained about chilledgaze making them train too early, before the sunrise. so of course chilledgaze had been worried. they paced back and forth within the clearing of camp, not even mentioning why they'd been doing it. they just were. it isn't until the brush in front of the clan's exit pushes through, and forestpaw emerges, that they stop pacing. they spin towards it, and immediately march right over, stopping her from reaching the den.

"where in the name of the stars have you been? you had me worried! youre not allowed to leave camp without a warrior– especially during leafbare.... at least you caught something but for fucks sake its too dangerous out there without another cat with you."

they cuff her behind the ear, breathing out a breath of relief that they hadn't realized they were holding. apprentices. they were all gonna give chilledgaze a heart attack.
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Voices outside the apprentices' den catch her attention. Chickadeepaw peeks her head out, curiosity swimming in her blue gaze. It's almost an interrogation, with pieces of praise and worry slipped into the conversation. A frown threatens to form along her white maw. She watches for a few more moments before slipping out of the den.

She's not sure what Forestpaw caught - she didn't peek her head out in time to catch a glimpse of it. Still, that wasn’t going to stop her from showing some support to her fellow apprentice! Even if she does deserve the scolding for breaking the rules.

”Yeah, nice catch!” She echoes Tornadopaw’s sentiment, genuine praise coloring her voice. ”Was it easier or harder than hunting during the day?” She tilts her head. Maybe night-hunting was the key to success - maybe Forestpaw was testing out a super secret technique! The more she thought about the more it made sense - all the prey would be sleeping, which would make them easier to catch, wouldn't it?

She glances at the warriors for a brief moment. She'd have to ask Forestpaw later if she did have a secret technique. Maybe once she wasn't being scolded.
Forestpaw pads right by Tornadopaw, but the praise does manage to bring a small smile to her usually neutral face. “Thanks,” She news with a flick of her tail, although her denmate’s question does cause a faltering step. She’d never tell where she went….think, think. “Just couldn’t sleep, went for a hunt,” The striped she-cat decides to say with a nonchalant shrug. Her ears flick towards Flickerfire and something akin to a fire burns within her chest. The warrior’s impressed, and Forestpaw feels proud. “Yeah, well…..”

She walks straight into her mentor’s chest with an oof, not realizing the deputy had placed themselves between her and the apprentices den. Swiftly stepping back, the girl gives her head a shake and purses her lips as she takes the scolding. Chilledgaze was worried. And not in the way her parents worried when she left the den as a kit. The cat before her knows she’s capable, has trained her to be, and still they worry. Because they care….not because they think she’s weak. It’s something the kind loner called Honey has made her realize, so instead of snapping back like she normally would, she just shifts her paws and mews evenly, “I’m sorry. It won’t happen again, Chilledgaze.” She ducks her head.

She only lifts her face when Chickadeepaw pipes up from the apprentice’s den, and a smirk forms on her maw. “The poor thing never saw me comin’ while it ate. Daytime they’re all tucked away in their burrows!” She puffs out her chest, clearly proud of herself.
Forestpaw prowls into camp, a big, marsh rabbit clamped between her jaws. Sharppaw stares.

She wonders if a Windclanner would be impressed. If a catch like this would stand out to them. It certainly does in the marshes; in leaf-bare, where the prey has long since scuttled into their burrows for the foreseeable future. Maybe something as fat as this couldn't have one. Outgrew their old one, ran out of time... was dumb enough to run into the jaws of Forestpaw. She didn't even care about hunting, and she caught something like that. She was out where she wasn't supposed to be, but it was fine, because she'd caught something you could take more than a single bite out of.

"Yeah," after Tornadopaw, she mumbles, unenthused. Though, he probably didn't sound any less enthusiastic than he usually did. Sharppaw certainly wasn't the most well-rested in the camp, but her restless nights only led to dreary nights outside. Lazy nights beneath the stars until he felt himself growing dreary, at last. But his time had been misplaced, it seems. Should he be spending that time hunting, instead?

He worries at his lip, black-rubber pinched between teeth as he looks on. Forestpaw was just... overachieving, and looking all the better for it, even when she had never cared before. She's trying too hard. She wants to look better than them. With Flickerfire's words, her wandering gaze realigns. He says nothing more. His shoulders rise and fall with the heave of heavy breath.

Old as she was now, what a weird time to start caring.