Nov 28, 2022

  • When day turns to night, two forces come into play among the houses of Twolegplace. SkyClan's daylight warriors, returning home for the evening; and three DuskClan visitors, seeking to recruit more to their cause. Among these stand Edenberry and Rumblerain, the two forming an unlikely companionship between evening hunts and lighthearted discussion about the inter-cat woes of Edenberry's cohort.

    Now, the impending arrival of kits will make those woes even more complex.

    As a pregnant housecat, Edenberry will be confined to their twoleg nest for much of the upcoming two moons. As a daylight warrior, desperate to return to the life they love, they will willingly give up their kits to Rumblerain upon their next visit.

    From the age of two moons, these kits will be raised in a way befitting the offspring of DuskClan's deputy: loyal and ruthless, but with a secret contingency of seeking their other parent should DuskClan fall.

  • — Choosing date is July 6
    — Kits will start at one moon after being born, and will age once/monthly on the xxth.
    — Casual characters are welcome, but will be expected to pick up activity as DuskClan comes back into contact with the other Clans. Updates to posting quotas, if any, will be discussed with the chosen RPers!
    — There will be two slots up for adoption in this litter.

    — Kits may be given a kittypet name at birth but will be given a traditional name upon arrival to DuskClan if so. Kits may also be renamed by Rumblerain regardless of this factor: please note in your form if your character will be renamed.
    — The kits will not be told details about Edenberry until they are older or it is necessary. Rumblerain will not, however, speak of the kits' other parent in a negative light.
    — Kits will be raised to follow Warrior Codes 1-4, as these were established prior to DuskClan being driven out.
    — StarClan will be told to them as a fairy tale of sorts, with no indication they're actually real.
    — When DuskClan falls these characters are expected to seek SkyClan. Whether they join or not is up to you and to IC circumstance, but their post-DuskClan arc should be to learn more of Edenberry. We may prioritise applications whose traits fit this.

    NAMES: splitkit, burnetkit, bloomkit, velvetkit, blackberrykit
    MOTIFS: mirror/reflection themes, celestial themes
    APPEARANCES: make them look like their parents in some way<3

    Edenberry (G1) x Rumblerain (G2) — these kits will be gen 3.

    — niblings to hazelbeam, spicepaw (via edenberry) / scorchstorm, frostbane and luckypaw (via rumblerain)
    — grandkits to scorchstreak and badgermoon

  • sh black solid w/ high white (masking spotted tabby; carrying dilute, point) x sh seal point w/ low white (carrying lh, dilute)
    kits will be black, blue, seal point or blue point

    - all kits will be shorthaired.
    - kits may have low white or high white.
    - point kits must have blue eyes. non-pointed kits may have any realistic eye colour.
    - kits may carry longhair. non-dilute kits may carry dilute. non-point kits will carry point. kits will mask spotted tabby pattern.

    names marked with an asterisk (*) have not been checked for legality and may constitute kittypet names.

    for skyclan ; pinekit , rootkit , wingkit , birchkit
    for tawnystripe ; brindlekit , bark-kit , burnetkit*
    for blazestar ; shinekit , daffodilkit , truthkit
    for hazelbeam ; glintkit , cheerkit , bloomkit
    for spicepaw ; quietkit , fleck-kit , velvetkit
    dear perfect stranger ; flurrykit , cloudburstkit* , mizzlekit* , downpourkit
    things they like ; blackberrykit , sproutkit , squirrelkit , cloudkit , arethusakit*
    appearance ; splitkit [bi-color] , lucinekit*
    fuzzy feelings ; hummingkit , flutterkit

    things to avoid ; fruit names, names of cats who have died, river-related names

    only to be used if rumblerain is renaming a kit.

    — ashkit, berrykit, badgerkit, sootkit, gorsekit, starkit.
    avoid ; granite, snake, scorch, wolf, sun.

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" we're not perfect, we're work in progress! "
Assigned Female at Birth, she/her | KITTEN OF DUSKCLAN | ONE MOONS

BASIC PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION At about 7 inches tall fully grown, Quietkit is small and dainty. Her fur is always groomed to perfection and she loves to bath or clean herself. Quietkit had a longer body with long legs and short furred pelt and tail. She is a blue molly with mainly white covering most of her body in patches like clouds or splatters like paint. She has a smaller head with wide-spread ears and almond-shaped amber eyes like the setting sun.

Quietkit is well- quiet. She never seems to make a sound and only stares at others with her round, amber gaze. She is unblinking and doesnt seem to understand instructions right away, but after coaxing she will do whatever was asked of her. Though she isnt much of a talker, she is rather sweet and can be rather gullible sometimes. Quietkit is painfully shy as well and easily embaressed ro flustered. They also dont seem to have a drive to fight or hunt like other kittens do. She refuses to do things until she knows she can do it without failure as doing anything like falling in public is deathly to her. Regardless, she is rather air headed and very loyal to her parents and family.

  • Selective Mutism
  • smells like kitty shampoo (guava)
  • sounds like Fluttershy from My Little Pony
  • picture is place holder until i make design
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  • downpourkit, a nod to a friend grown too close, a hope to be emboldened by life and it's terrors, not torn down by it.
    name changed to starkit, for their legacy is tainted, brutally ruined by the path they've walked. and never again do they wish for another of their blood be bound to the torment that they are - but the stars will provide them with guidance, with strength. the stars will free them, even if the light blinds them so.
    agab non binary, they/them ; duskclan, kitten

    " a star freckled seal point with faded blue eyes "
  • [ ⭑ ] sh seal point w low white. masks spotted tabby, carries lh, dilute

    upon birth, they are white like snow - the earthen dirt has yet to mark their paws or their nose, deeming them perfect and pure. as if an angel has floated from the heavens and lain itself upon the ground, knowing that greed and sin will soon discolor it greatly. they are named for a parent that does not know them, not in their feather soft state, innocent of wrong doing. downpour is said like a name, it's strength lent to legs too spindly and thin to hold it fastly. they are to stand beneath the pressure of being named for another, even whilst blind and deaf, even whilst the world neglects to acknowledge their life. every breath they take is fragile, and they mewl as if their song will reach the clouds. a meager kitten, white from nose to tail, soon to find their footing in another fur coat.

    moons will pass and the sins of existing will paint their paws dark hues of brown and black. their tail, short by birth and nothing like a deformity, mimics the same colors that dips their paws. inky nothingness, greedily consuming their extremities - their muzzle seems partially spared, only salvaged with the new white-tan coat that has dominated their body. darkness forms a cowl over their forehead and ears, all the while faux clarity hold to the rest. and amidst the mess - starlit tears, dribbling down from blue eyes that cannot see. faded, they are - obscured by the clouds that blot out the sky every so often. punished, are they, for crimes not committed by them. fortunately they are still hardy, strong. they hold themself as if they are weightless, a feather burned but still fluttering in the wind.

  • [ ⭑ ] airheaded, soft spoken, faux-worldly, unyielding, cunning, blunt

    a child of a small, fragile build - they do not amount to much. even as they grow into their paws they spout prominent insignificance from their frame. instead, their claim for permanence lies in their perceptive nature. born a kittypet, stolen away to live as a rogue in a false clanship, their only sticking traits seem to be that of an adventurer who's soft paws press forward despite what lies ahead. although they cannot see, they do not fear fate nor destiny. all is set in a path for them, and all they may do is walk it.

    while much of their personality is claim to their surroundings, they hold fast to being as gullible as they are knowledgeable. memories flutter and fade and yet their claws remember - their tongue is sharp from the moment they are renamed and does not dull with time. they believe themself a prophet of the stars, even if those beyond them mercilessly strike down their roguemates. they are no less a guide to the end, rather than an active life trying to do more than survive.

  • rumblerain x edenberry, skygrassiverse & scorchfam
    littermates with x
  • [ ⭑ ] accident prone - despite being born blind they are apt to their surroundings like any sighted cat would be, however they are nearly careless still to how they place their paws. they seem to be in near constant danger, a self perceived declaration that starclan does not wish them well. yet for as long as air is in their lungs, they persevere, for there must be reason for them to still walk earthside.
    [ ⭑ ] the end? - upon disbandment, they will follow their siblings dutifully to find their dam. however upon finding them in skyclan, they will grow uncomfortable with the less rowdy circumstances. they've been born and raised outside of true clan rites and suddenly being accepted into them... unnerves them. it is undecided whether they stay or they leave.

    [ ⭑ ] by happenstance, born blind. has a short tail, could be a random defect or potential for edenberry to accidentally snap it short at birth
    [ ⭑ ] has plot armor so no immense danger is truly for them - however i will be rolling dice after they join skyclan, and will decide then what the range for death will be :)

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(alt names: blackberrykit)

carrying longhair, point; masking spotted tabby

from birth, burnetkit has been different. while her parents' pelts are largely cream or white with a simple hint at darkness, burnetkit feels more like an inverse of them than a mirror: all pitch-dark, swirling black, with only a lick of white on each angular cheek, and another stripe down the tail.

she sports deep green eyes, sea-born caverns in her face that gleam like the waters they are crafted from. large, intelligent, and hostile, it is a thrill to be fixed in her gaze — or a warning.

she's built more like rumblerain than edenberry, inheriting a burliness that the oriental-descended feline could not provide, but she is long in the face and her ears stand tall on her head all the same. her long, thin tail is often held close to her body, falling in with the rest of burnetkit's small stance. she minimizes her silhouette much of the time, which makes it all the more surprising when she does not — when she puffs herself up in anger, fear, or even pride.

photo references: X, X, X

    burnetkit is a child raised on stories. stories about the clans, stories about starclan, stories about her other parent — all just out of reach. often in these stories she is told that duskclan are the heroes, that they seek only to restore the greatness that windclan wrenched from itself when it threw out sootstar. so why does heroism feel so... strange? so full of tense looks and hungry bellies? why does her parent seem weighted with the stress of caring for a clan at the brink of falling apart? heroes must not have it very easy.

    burnetkit spends her kithood a soldier for a lost cause. when she is not being trained, she turns to the macabre to keep her company (something that, she thinks, is befitting for heroes of her ilk). bone collecting, peoplewatching. crushing bugs beneath her paws. with only one littermate, it seems that it is her small family— her small clan —against the world. and when duskclan falls, what happens? with a parent who lives only in her bedtime tales, seeking asylum with edenberry will be no small challenge, especially when burnetkit hails from some of the forest's most hated.

    inspirations & motifs: gilded storybooks and heraldic tales, the horror of being not quite right, the hellish reckoning of escapist dreams and lived realities. carries starclan behind her like a body she can't hide. was never afforded the chance to be a child, but will be childish her whole life as a result. inspired by thistle dungeon meshi, owen i saw the tv glow, kris deltarune.

    ooc note: if chosen, please be aware that i will be very spotty with burnetkit's activity until i return from my vacation around july 18!

    bulleting for now; can consider this personality finished but eventually i would like to rewrite it into actual paragraphs:

    childlike, self-indulgent: burnetkit is, of course, childlike in their own youth, but not with the whimsy such a title suggests. rather they seem emotionally stunted; immature in the way they solve problems and handle conflict. their jealousies, their fears, and their desires come from a heart that aches to live out its true youth while being denied that possibility by intense training. burnetkit carries this childishness with them into adulthood.

    loyal, obedient: a child born into collapsing foundation, burnetkit is raised to obey their clan and make it strong. despite their penchant for doing only the things they enjoy, they know better than to disobey a duskclanner. fear does not keep them in line as much as obligation does; if these warriors feed them, they might as well do what they ask. but burnetkit's loyalties lie with rumblerain moreso than the clan they command. they are loyal to their family first, beliefs second. this loyalty buoys their half-hearted desire to meet edenberry and live with them in skyclan when duskclan falls, a journey aided further by a sibling who is eager to meet their other parent.

    imaginative, escapist: a kitten who must grow up too fast, burnetkit latches on to the stories and fables that rumblerain spins and perpetuates them in her own mind, sometimes to a harmful degree. her vivid imagination keeps her busy through her kithood, and provides windows to exit through in her apprenticeship and beyond.

    resilient: for all that burnetkit will face, they are remarkably adept at bouncing back. they inherit turmoil just as much as they inherit resilience and strength to keep them going. while they may bark their displeasure for rude comments, may bemoan small injuries, and may mourn heavy losses, they will ultimately keep pushing through: because what else is there to do but go on?

    aloof, unconcerned: burnetkit is a withdrawn soul who keeps to herself even on her most outgoing days. she tends to repress the expression of her emotions for the sake of her training, all her kitten youth sapped from her by the rigor of warriorhood. when the storms roll in, burnetkit will fail to react outwardly. however, her trouble showing emotion does not make her inner world any less rich: burnetkit feels, and she feels strongly, she just doesn't show it.

    anxious, wrathful: starclan has been told to them like a fairytale, and burnetkit has fallen headfirst into belief. they revere the stars as a toy reveres its maker; with fear. the knowledge that starclan could choose burnetkit's fate makes them restless. they are obedient, but they still prefer being the one in control. this restless anxiety spurs burnetkit into sensitivity for how their peers view them, and for how successful they think they are. raised in a clan built on being wronged, her wrath can be invoked easily, and burnetkit may often spend time plotting the best revenges.

    note that this personality is very subject to change through ic development!

  • O SLUMBER, MY DARLING, THY SIRE IS A KNIGHT: living in duskclan as a kit is not easy. burnetkit's tough upbringing, though rumblerain tries to make it otherwise, shapes and scars them for the rest of their life. scrabbling for food, watching warriors starve to feed their youth, trying to reclaim a home that burnetkit has never known... the toll it takes on rumblerain. they don't enjoy watching their parent tear themself apart like this. but with no other example of what childhood should look like, burnetkit accepts their fate and endures, molding themselves to rumblerain's training as best as they are able, a small exception to their general delinquency.

    THY MOTHER A LADY SO LOVELY AND BRIGHT: when duskclan inevitably falls, burnetkit will be lost. duskclan is all they've ever known, and now they are being asked to seek skyclan? while rumblerain revealed very little about edenberry, tales of their other parent had always meant little to burnetkit. when they seek edenberry, they seek them for their own survival — but when they meet them, it is a different story. still young (i assume??? maybe), burnetkit is exposed to a new kind of childhood, one that throws into question the goodness of their upbringing until that point. but rumblerain is not a bad cat — this they know. how do they reconcile the old and new? how can they learn to be a kitten instead of a soldier? or will skyclan put them to work, erasing their last chance at kithood?

    other notes on meeting edenberry: i think if burnet was to find out that edenberry gave them up to rumblerain they'd be furious. they lack some amount of empathy and so would not understand their decision to give her to rumblerain and duskclan just so they could go back to being a warrior. this could be reconciled... maybe. but after not being in burnet's life i could see them freaking hating edenberry for a while (assuming theyd stay in skyclan at this point) and slow-burn forgiving them for their choice, only later becoming close as parent and child

    THE HILLS AND THE DALES AND THE TOWERS YOU SEE: integrating into skyclan has its own challenges. half a duskclanner by circumstance, burnetkit is a duskclanner all the same, and i imagine this would invite suspicion of their character, especially when compounded by their general disobedience and irreverence for this new clan's laws. while their youth can shield them from judgment for a while, burnetkit's willingness to embrace skyclan will be largely dependent on the IC reaction to them and their littermate (should their littermate join skyclan as well). if skyclan rejects them thoroughly, they will reject skyclan back and live as a loner. but if skyclan welcomes them, they will put their effort into being a true skyclan warrior.

    THEY ALL SHALL BELONG, MY DEAR BABY, TO THEE: Insert fun plot here

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  • GENERALsay what you want
    splitkit + splitpaw + split(tbd)
    ↪ split after their split coat (personally connects it with split of duskclan from the clans,) kit for their rank
    ↪ (splitsky, splitclaw, splitfire, splitdusk, splitrain)
    ↪ alternate names bloomkit/lucinekit/velvetkit ++ willing to be renamed (sootkit)
    afab non-binary, they/them
    ↪ sexuality to be determined - with no one
    0 moons
    duskclan, kit

  • APPEARANCEbut say it like you mean it
    a shorthaired black and white chimera with blue/green heterochromia.

    ↪ there is an attempt to look sleek whenever this feline is around others, but truly, they have inherited their mother's scruffy appearance. their body is cloaked in midnight black and pale snow, split down the front of them in a neat line. freckles of the opposite color decorate each of their cheeks, and their tail is long and wiry, patches of white interrupting the darkness on their tail tip and paws. odd eyes stare out from the angular shaped face, one bright crystal blue, the other a ferny green.
    smells like rainwater, sounds like tbd
    no current injuries

    ↪ link to aesthetic!
    ↪ link to toyhouse!
    ↪ link to playlist!
  • PERSONALITYwith your fists for once
    loyal, calm, calculating, quick-witted, cunning, competitive, jealous, on guard, realistic, prideful
    ↪ kit era! splitkit will come into the world as quiet as a mouse. they spend most of their first moon emitting barely a squeak, in contrast to most kits of her litter. they will spend much of their time sleeping or cuddling close to their mother. as their eyes open and they begin to be able to explore their home, they will prefer to keep to themself. they will develop a slight suspicion of any kit not apart of their family, and a possessiveness of their parents' attention. not quite a bully, as she is too soft spoken for it, she will nonetheless stick very close to her family and quietly badmouth any cat who attempts to be closer to their parent than they are.
    ↪ apprentice era! when splitkit becomes splitpaw, they will have gotten over some of their possessiveness and jealousy, although it may still be a driving factor in their actions. extremely intent on learning, they will attempt to be the perfect apprentice and leach as much knowledge off of their superiors as they can. they will not attempt to make friends, instead hovering over the shoulder of whichever family member is the most outgoing. they will carry their pride for rumblerain's rank in everything they do, and while they are not quite so audacious as to use it to their advantage, they will remind others of the fact as much as they can. the more they learn and the more mature they grow, these things might change, with their more negative qualities fading to the background. they will ultimately be a very dedicated student and an apprentice who is easy to mold into a fiercely loyal duskclanner.
    ↪ warrior era! a generally well mannered cat, split nonetheless holds their walls close around them. their mood is generally cold, a chill permeating their vocals at most times, not hiding their distaste for most cats. not unkind, they try to be as empathetic as they can, but their voice is monotone and raspy, making them sound less well-meaning than they really are. fiercely protective, split will devote moons of loyalty to their clan and will not stand for any insult when it comes to their family. while not quite elusive, they keep to themself most times, and one will only see a smile on them when talking to family. pride for rumblerain and sibling shines in everything they do, and they would do anything to show their support to their family and, more importantly, their clan. though they may be brisk and gruff, they are, inside, a well-meaning cat, with a good heart.

    has ocd
  • RELATIONSHIPSa long cold war with your kids at the front
    rumblerain x edenberry
    ↪ sibling to tbdkit
    mates with none
    ↪ no offspring
    mentored by tbd
    ↪ currently mentoring none
    ↪ mentored none
    FRIENDS: tbd
    DISLIKES: the clans
    HATES: tbd
    HISTORY: child of a skyclan daylight warrior and the rogue group duskclan's deputy, splitkit's paws are firmly on duskclan's side.
  • INTERACTIONjust give it one more day then you're done
    general notes - generally quite anti-clan, it is unlikely they would seek skyclan and their mother unless they have no other option (ie duskclan falls). should they seek skyclan and edenberry, they will remain distrustful and distant from their clanmates, trusting only their sibling.
    may grow to have an intense devotion to starclan, or the dark forest, whichever fits more. will keep this devotion hidden while running with duskclan, but will admonish cats their age for disbelief or mocking of starclan. believes duskclan is star-chosen to right the wrongs done to the forest by windclan's current administration.
    heavy dislike for any cat not originally windclan derived. this includes granitepelt, and any of the rogue born/non wind related joiners. believes their parent rumblerain should take over.
    a true parent's child, adores rumblerain, idolizes them, trusts them with their life. they are one of the few cats splitkit reveres and will follow without question.
    believes violence for violence's sake is never smart, but does not feel bad about violence generally.
    although their parent has never badmouthed edenberry, splitkit will not think kindly on their mother, looking down on her kittypet heritage and clan relation. upon meeting her, this may change, especially when they figure out duskclan is not the idyllic place they thought it was.
    plot ideas
    - gets their first kill quite early on, has to grapple with the idea of death (and perhaps the fact that they don't feel bad about killing)
    - they have ocd, and will develop specific rituals surrounding this (to be determined)
    - if their sibling is named star - will feel sour that their sibling got the ancestor honoring name, may start to doubt their own name and feel bad about it
    medium difficulty in battle
    will start fights, will end fights, will not run away

    ↪ STRENGTH: ★★★★☆
    ↪ DEXTERITY: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ SPEED: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ STEALTH: ★★★★☆
    ↪ SWIMMING: ☆☆☆☆☆
    ↪ HUNTING: ★★★☆☆
    talkative and open in conversation
    semi difficult to talk to

    ↪ STRATEGY: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ PERCEPTION: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ MEMORY: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ HEALING: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ WISDOM: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ MOTIVATION: ★★★☆☆
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truthkit | truthpaw | truth-???
named 'truth' after blazestar

cisgender male [amab] | uses masculine pronouns [he/him]

panromantic | asexual | ambiamorous

kit | duskclan

shorthaired seal point & black chimera with low white; breeds point | ref
a mostly white kitten at birth, truthkit was a child made of cotton and clouds, his short fur perpetually scruffy and rumpled where it lie against his skin. a broken band of black stripes it's way down his spine, a poor mimicry of his birth givers' - and at first, it seems to be the only color upon washed-out frame. as he ages however, inkblot points begin to make an appearance - spreading like hazy storm clouds across all five limbs, and covering most of their muzzle. ears remain steadfastly white however, and white markings reveal themselves upon the right side of his face, carving out a shape not unlike a crescent moon. his front toes are just as bright white as the rest of him, and dull baby blues reveal themselves to be a striking shade of deep sapphire. a frail thing, truthkit is tall for his age and far to thin - hardly putting on weight no matter how endlessly he eats. a gangly kitten, he finds himself to be rather unsightly, always uncomfortable in his own skin as he clumsily ambles about.

honest | obedient | focused | task-oriented | humble
truthkit takes to his name like a fish to water or a moth to a flame - by choice, he's grown to be an honest child. emotionally distant and very intelligent, he often finds more whimsical pursuits to be puzzling and a waste of time - far more interested in learning than playing games with others his age. he's extremely hardworking and dedicated, spending an awful amount of time trying to 'better himself' - a standard of which he never seems able to meet. he lacks confidence in himself, often pushing himself far to hard or holding impossible expectations, and nothing anyone says seems to steer him otherwise. despite his low self-esteem, he's a rather positive child, a realist at heart but never truly letting such things drag his mood down. he's a calm, mature little thing, more than content to trail after the adults of duskclan with carefully posed questions on the tip of his tongue, or sit on the sidelines watching in silence.

edenberry x rumblerain | gen 03
01 littermate (name)
other relatives: (will fill out later I got eepy)

ambivert | easy to form surface level platonic relationships with; struggles to connect on the emotional level required for deeper relationships | hard to form romantic relationships with; has no interest in kitten crushes or romance right now

amoral | loyal to rumblerain first, duskclan second

plot ideas.
alt. birth name of splitkit (for his markings); keeping the name assigned at birth is highly preferred, but open to any alternates from the list if rumblerain wishes to change it for IC reasons (i love IC plots)
will begin to question his gender and orientation after reaching six moons old; orientation will remain as planned/listed but gender identity is highly likely to fluctuate and is subject to IC actions and experiences
struggles to connect with others his age; while he will always hold a soft spot for his littermate he finds it far more interesting to hang around those older than him. uninterested in games unless they serve a purpose, often poses questions and uses vocabulary considered advanced for his age. will likely pick one or two older cats to attach himself too, mimicking their mannerisms and doing his best to act 'like an adult'.
purposefully molds himself into what he thinks his name is meant to be - his parents clearly must have aspired for him to be an honest, dutiful child, and he works everyday to meet this perceived expectation. base personality would likely remain the same under any other name, though he is liable to be less honest and trusting of others if renamed.
possible thoughts of future names include truthseeker, truthchaser, truthcatcher, truthwatcher, truthheart, truthmask
likely to view edenberry similarly to his thoughs on starclan - the idea of having another parent is an abstract, whimsical concept in that his other parent must exist for him to be born (it takes two after all) and must be out there somewhere, but has little to no influence on his current reality or day-to-day life. once his heritage is fully revealed, will show extreme interest in his other parent - and confusion at why they are not in his life. holds no real anger against edenberry for giving him up, after all in his mind it was a logical choice, but can't help but be curious as to what life in skyclan must be like compared to duskclan or what life might have been like had they chosen otherwise.
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——— a slim seal point & blue point chimera with low white and badger stripes ———​

physical appearance.​
●● patience
●● empathy
●● honesty
●●  humor
●● ambition
●●  volatility​
●● spirituality
●●  happiness
●●   warmth​

Hummingkit | Rumblerain XX Edenberry
(Alternative name options: Blackberrykit, Downpourkit, Mizzlekit | feel free to honestly assign him a name that calls to y'all the most)
(Note: happy for him to be renamed by Rumblerain if they want to! If so possible names: Berrykit, Badgerkit)

AMAB, HE / THEY (note: pronouns and any future sexuality may change on IC events) | KIT OF DUSKCLAN | ONE MOON

There is a glimpse of Edenberry within this kit, the strongest resemblance is their green eyes. Their face is mostly white apart from some unique facial markings that are exempt from the white spotting. He has two patches under their eyes which is an echo of what Rumblerain has. It connects to two patches above his eyes which further extends to connect to the back of his head where it is black. Their markings create a mime like style and these features are a blend to represent both parents in an abstract sense. (OOC note: the upper eye markings are also to reflect Edenberry’s black eyebrows because I think they’re super cute and look like little markings to me sometimes)

Otherwise his body is white for the majority, along the spine connecting to his tail is a black strip, their fur is always immaculately groomed and despite the fact that his head is always in the clouds he has the time to keep up appearances.

His frame is sleek and will grow to be quite tall, still at the height of an average cat but will have rather long legs which will lend to the appearance of height. They will carry himself simultaneously with a rigid posture and one that’s a little too relaxed for any given situation. His green eyes will always carry some twinkle of amusement and wonder, always seeming like a kit ready to pounce on a piece of new information or experiencing the world for the first time. Their expressions will be a little too cool and calculated despite their eyes betraying it, as emotion is always held within their eyes.

Personality notes are based on in/out of DuskClan but in general in DuskClan would also be the equivalent of kit/adolescence and out of Duskclan is roughly older teens/adulthood!

Birth/In DuskClan

Overview: cunning, laid back, sensitive, prone to outbursts, outgoing, naive, stubborn

Hummingkit presents himself as an air head, always seeming to have their head lost in the clouds or away in some day dream. That is to an extent true, he finds it extremely easy to be whisked away into a rich fantasy life as a form of escapism. Quick to emotions he will later learn to use it to his advantage, while in his infancy it will be quite the challenge to keep him content. Easy to cry at the drop of the hat and even easier to get a rise out of, a tempest of a child but the one thing he will never be is fearful.

A side effect of believing that StarClan is a fairytale is having a lack of fear other than being reprimanded. This combined with their rich fantasy life is a recipe for a lack of regret, he's prone to take things too far by default while in Duskclan. Not knowing what's too much until told so, over this course of their life it will be extremely likely to do things that he will regret later on.

They are an extremely confident kit, willing to try new things and has a healthy curiosity about the world around them. Is very gullible as a child but is stubborn in their beliefs alongside that naivety (for example if you successfully convince him that the sky is green then he will defend that fact to the grave and act like he has always known it). Because of that stubbornness they're a little bit of a know-it-all and will masquerade questions as suggestions.

Outgoing despite being so prone to emotions, tries to not be so serious all the time and promotes the role of a jester. Thinking things get dull a little too quickly he will happily pull out a joke or a pun that he's heard, has a habit to mimic others due to this. Hummingkit will develop a sharp tongue and quick wit, fast to mock and equally as fast to delight those around him.

Post DuskClan/Older years

Overview: Elusive, hardworking, charming, fearful, cunning, outgoing, curious

Hummingkit will eventually learn the consequences to his actions. Whatever the IC cause for this sobering reality will fundamentally shift them into a different cat. He will still be quick to feel emotions but at this point will have learnt to use them to his advantage, his default purpose for them is to manipulate those around him. Hummingkit will be a mirror of his younger self, now deeply fearful of his actions being judged and obsessed with the deed of redemption. Wherever it being in the eyes of StarClan or through trying to correct any wrongs that have occurred by their paws.

They won't be the perfect cat, far from it. Hummingkit will always be inherently flawed, being raised with Duskclans ideals as his sole belief system for so long will never truly be erased. Duskclan will always live on in him and depending on IC events they may always hate themself for it. While Repentance/Redemption is the goal for them it will be rocky, he will keep his cunning mindset but will try to use it for what they perceive as ‘good’.

There is a hunger for something more, whatever it may be could depend on IC circumstances, the fill this void may be power or to seek being loved by those around him. No matter what happens his loyalty will remain with his littermate, that is the one rooting constant in his life that he won't try to fight.

However, he will still be outgoing and will become a spitfire of a cat. He will develop a strong sense of justice and that will come into play with them being so outgoing. Not afraid to call others out and will often land himself in hot water because of it. This is due to the fact that they still sometimes take things too far, will act like he's burnt when releasing this and will be very apologetic. They have learnt how to evolve his jester like mannerisms into flattery and as such will become a rather charming cat due to that. Not above turning that quick tongue that he had as a child into a silver tongue, sometimes they even mean it.

Overall character personality notes (carried over from younger years into adulthood)

Hummingkit will always be a character of devotion, originally the devotion is held towards DuskClan and Rumblerain, as they grow older that devotion is solely directed onto his littermate and what the idea of Edenberry is. He could grow to have devotion to SkyClan and others outside of family but it will take time.

Hummingkit represents Jesters privilege, the ability to mock and talk without fear of punishment. Not to say that he wouldn’t face punishment at all but it’s rather the delusional mindset of not believing there is really that harsh of a punishment out there.

Overall in both stages of life he will always be that emotional kid who still clings to fairytales and daydreams.

During DuskClan/Young stages of life:

  • Will solely use he/him for a couple of months, then realising that they/them pronouns are a thing just outside of Rumblerain they will adapt that into his own pronouns.
  • The first indication that he doesn't know when to stop would either be pushing himself too far during a game that results in him accidentally injuring himself
  • Will show a penchant for strategy, this would show in him butting into conversations with suggestions that while are rather clever should not be brought up since the conversation didn't involve him
  • Will involve his littermate and/or other clanmates into their daydreams / adventures
  • Finds out jokes are a thing, will become obsessed with them (loves puns)

Post DuskClan/Older stages of life

  • Obsessed with the idea of redemption combined with their child-like curiosity he will seek out Edenberry. To him they are an unobtainable figure, maybe if he can find them then he can find a fragment of himself worth saving and get to better know this fairytale like figure of their past.
  • Will be very self sacrificial, hungry to prove something.
  • Will aim to join skyclan if IC circumstances allows it, his views on clans are warped but if Edenberry is part of it then surely it's worthwhile.
  • At some point will fall back onto old habits and tries to resolve a solution through poor choices, will take the conflict too far.
  • Slowly regains that childhood curiosity, finding a new zest for life and a wonder for the world as if he's discovered it for the first time
  • Becomes a workaholic, married to the grind

Misc character inspo
  • Essek theyless (critical role campaign 2)
  • Jonathan sims (magnus archives)
  • Thistle (dungeon meshi)
  • The hanged man tarot (reversed duskclan, upright post duskclan)
  • Mirrors (mirroring oneself specifically)
  • Mimes, jesters
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(alt names: cheerkit, sootkit)



masking spotted tabby, carrying longhair, dilute, point; no mutations

mizzlekit is not unlike their parents in appearance. over most of their body, they are a clean, blank white. not ivory, not off-white, just white. very few places differ from this: their skin is a pale pink, coloring their nose, their pawpads, the inside of their ears; their eyes are a bright cyan, a greenish tinge in them but overall clearly blue, wide and curious; and lastly, there are spots of black in their fur, those being their ears, their tail, and a half-moon under each of their eyes.

in form, they are long and limber, gangly from the time they are born to the day they eventually die. as a kitten, it’s thought that they might grow into the length of their legs, the thinness of their body, but their shape does not change. as they grow, their legs lengthen with them, leaving them as thin and as tall as they will always be.

  • mizzlekit is a contemplative and empathetic kitten, characterized by their nearly fully white fur and bright blue eyes that reflect the world around them. born from a duskclan deputy and a skyclan warrior, mizzlekit embodies the duality of their heritage, constantly navigating the tension between ruthless loyalty and compassionate empathy. their reflective nature—both literal and metaphorical—allows them to understand and mirror the emotions and traits of those around them, making them a keen observer and mediator. as they grow, mizzlekit grapples with their identity and the legacy of their parents, striving to blend the strengths of both clans while forging their own unique path.

    CON ●●●●○○○○○○
    DEX ●●●●●○○○○○
    INT ●●●●●●○○○○
    WIS ●●●●●●●●○○
    CHA ●●●●●●●●○○

    mizzlekit is a curious and introspective kitten, often lost in their own thoughts. this contemplative nature sets them apart from what other kits are likely around, ones who prefer to spend their time playing and exploring. they, on the other hand, find comfort in watching the world around them, fascinated by the way everything has an impact on everything else around it in some way or another.

    mizzlekit is also deeply thoughtful and empathetic. they have an uncanny ability to understand the emotions and motives of those around them, often mirroring the personality and feelings of others in their own way. this makes them a comforting presence for their sibling and even some of the older cats around them, who will likely find it easy to talk to the perceptive kit. they want to be helpful, to understand those around them and to be able to get them through whatever they might be going through.

    despite their gentle demeanor, there is a quiet determination within this kitten. they are acutely aware of their lineage and the expectations placed upon them as the offspring of duskclan's deputy. this gives them a sense of inner conflict; they feel torn between the ruthless loyalty expected by duskclan and the softer, more nurturing side inherited from skyclan, but they want to make their clan and their father proud of them, so they push their personal feelings down in order to be the strong, ruthless warrior they are expected to be.

    as they grow, mizzlekit's natural curiosity and empathy will make them a keen observer and a skilled mediator, able to navigate the complexities of clan politics and personal relationships with a wisdom beyond their moons. they will strive to balance the harshness demanded by duskclan with the compassion and understanding they feel in their heart, always reflecting on their actions and the impact they have on others.

  • PLOT: mizzlekit struggles with connecting two distinct sides of their personality: the ruthless warrior and the compassionate mediator. they often reflect on their actions, trying to reconcile these conflicting aspects into a cohesive identity. they will likely always have a disconnect in them between each part of themself, struggling to find a way to simply be themself without being forced into either of these two ideals.

    PLOT: the stories of starclan told to mizzlekit will inspire them, even if they are told more as a bedtime story rather than as something that exists. they will likely develop an intense interest in the idea of starclan, more in the manner of a cool concept to explore than as a spiritual belief. whether this changes over time is yet to be determined.

    PLOT: mizzlekit finally meets edenberry, either through a chance encounter or through deliberate intent, either from them or from rumblerain depending on what happens. this reunion forces mizzlekit to reconcile their mixed feelings and choose how they will honor both sides of themself, a task that is as desirable as it is daunting.

  • two birds - regina spektor

    under my skin - jukebox the ghost

    curses - the crane wives

    notion - the rare occasions

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grandma track… ur making scenior feel old af also here’s a concept

(Starkit, Sootkit)



  • “Though I was strong and brave and never sought beauty's renown, yet I was known for beauty, nor did its praise—too praised—once profit me. That dower of beauty, other girls' delight, brought but a bumpkin's blushes to my cheeks and in my thoughts it seemed a crime to please.”

    — ARETHUSA, Metamorphoses
  • 83947002_WX7TUm36Q0a30Y7.png
    SH black with high white and green eyes / SH blue point with high white and blue eyes

    Shadow-tipped, awash in dappled moonlight, her pelt is a splash of white against a normally-drab background. A canvas of stardust shrouds her lithe form, and short, soft fur graces the edges of her pelt. At her spine lies a dark stripe from nose to tail—her ears are caught entirely in its inky darkness, as is her tail—and from this stripe are scattered small dots of black fur in nearly starlike shapes. Her forepaws are wrapped in black and blue, and there is a smattering of small blue speckles on her muzzle. Settled upon her forehead, like the stars amidst the nighttime sky, is a single white spot.

    Her eyes, narrow and sharp, glitter with the resilience of grass and the clarity of sky. They are framed in long, sweeping lashes that further the girl’s image of innocence—but they hold a clever, calculating gaze when focused. Of course, as a kit, her presence is undermined by her proportions. Thin and gangly, with spindly fawn-legs and bat-cone ears, the kit clearly has much to grow into, and her poor coordination is further proof. She tends to stumble over her own too-long legs, and frequently trips over things in her path—her attempts at keeping a graceful, smooth gait are foiled by her own incoordination.

    As a young kit, born into a twoleg household, Arethusakit is soft and sweet, a delicate petal clinging to a flower. Gentle and kind, she shows great care when playing with her sibling and parent. Her destiny seems to be outlined in the stars, the ideal candidate to be a kind and caring SkyClan warrior—but it is not.

    Taken away (given away willingly, she thinks, and aches) from her birth parent at a young age, Arethusakit will not be pleased to join her other parent in DuskClan. But in Rumblerain’s care she will grow quiet and cunning, raised to be an ever-loyal DuskClanner.

    A social shapeshifter, she blends easily into any conversation. She is graceful and clever—but she is overconfident, and the naïvety of a kit born and raised in a twoleg household does not wear off quickly. She does not remember much from her time with Edenberry, but what she does remember is softness. Secretly, she longs for that softness which was left behind, but DuskClan demands strength, and so strong she is determined to be. She is fierce in her support of Rumblerain and is not above making petty threats if necessary. Although, as young and awkwardly-shaped as she is, her threats don’t sting as much as they could once she grows into her too-long legs.

    She is often viewed and treated as older than she is, saddled with duty, but even as mature as she is, she still retains a kitlike naïvety and overconfidence that gets her into many sticky situations. Even as a kit, she has sharp eyes and a sharper wit; she is difficult to deceive, and is able to see right through many lies from others. However, she is naïve enough to believe that none of her clanmates would ever lie to her, and so her suspicions are often ignored. She is not the type of cat to go with her gut, preferring to meticulously plan each and every aspect of her day, and she is prone to panicking if her plans are disrupted.

    At last grown into her long legs, she is undeniably beautiful—and she is clearly aware of this fact. Stardust shines upon a snowy canvas, and the blue of her fur has settled in at full opacity at last. She carries herself with a grace befitting a queen, yet battles with the ferocity of a starved rogue.

    She is confident to a fault. Having grown up as the daughter of DuskClan’s leader, she thinks herself above most others, and never expects anyone to tell her no. She fears little, and that which she does fear she refuses to acknowledge. Her trust in her own skill threatens to be her undoing at times; she carries injuries near constantly, and cannot bring herself to back down from any challenge.
  • A SINGULARLY BEAUTIFUL NYMPH: Uses mainly fem terms until apprenticeship, at which point they will begin using multiple pronouns. Will be uncharacteristically nervous about sharing their newfound identity with DuskClan, and Rumblerain especially (which they acknowledge is a bit ironic). Has problems coming to terms with feeling like more than a girl, because she has always prided herself on being “beautiful” and “delicate”. Can she feel like a boy while still being pretty and beautiful?

    THE FAVORITE OF DIANA: Relationship with StarClan (or lack thereof) — she plays games frequently wherein she pretends to be a StarClanner vanquishing non-StarClanners; thinks of StarClan as a fun fairy tale that she’s free to make up her own stories about. Feels heavily guilty / repentant when she reaches SkyClan and learns that the cats she’s been making up some wild lies about for her entire life are in fact real.

    PAST SHROUDED IN MYSTERY: Recalls very little of her life in a twoleg house (gets the occasional familiar feeling / snap of a memory). Doesn’t like the idea of their other parent being a kittypet & denies it when Rumble tells them. Refuses to believe that she could have once been a kittypet, but silently acknowledges that she now has a backup plan for if DuskClan falls.

    TRANSFORM ME INTO WATER: The myth of arethusa is one of a woman fleeing an unwanted pursuer; Berrykit’s story is meant to reflect this (somewhat). Any attempts at affection from Rumblerain are refuted, and she turns her nose up at the idea of romantic pursuits. Someday she will (hopefully) find someone who cares for her romantically, but she will turn them down quite harshly. As in the myth of Arethusa, the other doesn’t give up and continues to pursue her. Eventually she is worn down and agrees to give things a try—but they don’t work out at all. Her tendency to push others away, to flee from any love or care offered up to her, causes a rift between the two that can’t be repaired. They each go their separate ways, but with DuskClan’s small size they are forced to work side by side frequently.

    DUSKCLAN PRINCESS TRIES TO ADAPT TO CIVILIZATION: Keeps SkyClan and Edenberry constantly tucked away in the back of her mind. Will be distrustful of them when she is forced to find them, and her loyalties will never lie fully with SkyClan—but she will do whatever is necessary to join and be with her parent. Acts as a mindless soldier for the first long while, but if others show interest and put forth effort, she can blossom into a true SkyClanner.
  • SKILLS: Combat — Being trained to fight since kithood and eager to prove that she’s not a kittypet anymore, she essentially puts all her skill points into combat. She is a poor hunter, and struggles to make real connections within DuskClan. She will grow to be a strong hunter as well, but will always struggle to form true relationships with others. Friendships are shallow and often only maintained for the sake of convenience or keeping useful cats close to her.

    DESIGN: Very clearly Rumblerain’s child—long legs and a thin frame, with matching undereye markings and pointed forelegs. Gains an ear injury in the future, which is the same ear that’s injured on Rumble. If anyone in DuskClan knows of Edenberry, their influence is also notable in Arethusa, from the dashes of green in her eyes to the bold stripe of black across her back.

    MOTIFS / THEMES / INSPO: Big developments happen at night, with the stars shining above. Her anger is noted as specifically burning hot like a dying star. The myth of Arethusa.

    ALIGNMENT: Lawful Neutral — Her own sense of right and wrong can be cast aside if stepping outside of her morality can help her to take down those she deems as evil. Raised to believe that DuskClan is in the right and WindClan has wronged them.

    DND CLASS: Paladin (Oath of Vengeance) — Fights quickly and packs a great deal of power behind her strikes. Committed to righting wrongs and bringing low those who would wreak havoc on the world around her. She doesn’t care about what happens to her, so long as justice is delivered. Will always choose the lesser of two evils, and does not show mercy to those who have wronged her or those she cares about. Generally knightly in her demeanor.
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Badgerkit exhibits his descent in his build. Long, lean, and wiry, this is a child of the wind, built for racing across the moors—or the scrubland, alternatively. He has short, wiry fur, wind-blown and wild despite the length of his coat. His fur is near-white at birth, and as he ages his face, ears, paws, and tail will darken to a silken ebony. A white stripe kisses the crown of his face and descends into the shadowy fur of his dark nose, reminiscent of the beast whose name he carries. Likewise, on the tips of his dark paws are snow-touched toes, and the very points of his ears are frost-bitten, ivory. Badgerkit has long, bristling whiskers protruding from an exaggerated, elongated muzzle; his eyes are round and close-set. They will deepen from faded kitten-blue to intense storm-blue.
Inherited from Rumblerain. \ Inherited from Edenberry.
——— gen 03. sh seal point with low white; carrying longhair, dilute; masking spotted tabby

Badgerkit is descended from ferocity; his lineage contains the blood of two battle-hardened WindClan deputies. Born to a DuskClan warlord and a SkyClan daylight warrior, there is something moldable and fine about his psyche. It's rugged, like the rocky face of a cliff, unrefined, untempered, but it's genuine and without guile. On his rigid surface, Badgerkit is his sire's shadow—quiet and dutiful. The law of the land is what Rumblerain declares it to be, and then it will be whomever he follows in DuskClan's wake. He takes no pleasure in harming others, but his code of honor is twisted and bent from an early age into whatever it needs to be. When he becomes a seasoned warrior, he will land killing blows or near-killing blows without remorse. He is resilient, steadfast; traumatic experiences touch him the same as they do others, but he is good at masking his demons, at remaining unbroken in the face of hardship. Badgerkit is raised believing StarClan exists in theory, and he will never unfortunately hold much stock in their power.
  • If selected, Badgerkit will remain largely formulated by IC circumstances!
  • He will always be curious about the cat who birthed him and will seek them out once DuskClan is no longer around.
  • I'm willing for him to possibly join SkyClan if IC takes him that way!
babies will be chosen in the next 36h or so! if you haven't finished your form now's the time<3

edit: also if you want to withdraw, please mark as such on your application! otherwise they will be considered<3

also for those playing along at home rumblerain is now duskclan leader ;3c
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