pafp I'LL BE RIGHT BACK / prank



TELL ME HONESTLY Things were awfully quiet and dreadfully boring too especially with two of their denmates missing, Yellowkit decides that it's too peaceful and already steps out from the nursery with searching green eyes. What was he looking for exactly? Bugs and lots of them. He recalls how Singekit seemed to grow squeamish around the little creatures, the memory of it making a few giggles slip from his maw as he begins to turn over ever rock or leaves for his very important task. His gaze lights up and a delighted hum when he finds several little beetles, squirming larvae, and a few worms. All of these would work marvelously for the idea that he had planned out for his dear friend and he uses a leaf to gather them all up as best as he could not caring if a few of them were crushed between his toes, he feels a sense of power over these little insignificant creatures knowing how easily he could dispose of them all with a quick hefty stomp of his white toed paw.

He doesn't bother swiping the bug residue and guts from his paws, his bounty held together by the leaf of which he carries in his curved maw excited for what's to come next. Yellowkit already imagining how the other tomkit could possibly react to his little surprise, his kinked tail raised in the air like a flag pole, and he ducked into the nursery once more with his eyes focusing on the slumbering body of his unsuspecting denmate. He specifically made sure that Swallowkit or the queen that tended to them were not present, it made things less messier and he'd rather not involve innocents in his mischievous affairs. His grin grew wider, if that was even possible, and his gaze darkened for a heartbeat before he dumped the contents of the leaf onto Singekit humming a happy little medley to himself.

He steps back carefully and notices a beetle crawling up his leg, he raises a nonexistent brow at it before lifting his other paw to flick it off of him and he can't help but start giggling again at the sight of bugs crawling and squirming all over Singekit. Yellowkit using the same paw to try muffling his laughter as it kept getting louder like someone had just told him the funniest joke known to man, kinked tail tapping on the ground behind him as he watches and waits rather eagerly.

/ please wait for @SINGEKIT to reply

  • urple_yeller.png
    ☆ 2 moons old
    ☆ sexuality unknown; too young
    ☆ shadowclan kitten
    ☆ easy; does not know how to fight
    ☆ has a permanent grin and tends to burst out laughing at the worst times
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ☆ peaceful powerplay allowed
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*+:。.。 Considering how abrasive Singekit was, it was not surprising that he found it difficult to make friends. Not that Singekit minded too much. Although still young to the ways of the world and wholly unfamiliar with the taste of loneliness, he was content living in his bubble with himself, his sibling, and his mother. He liked them, not anyone else, and didn't get why he needed to include others in this special circle of his. And would you really blame him? When one of your few options is a kit like Yellowkit, Sin would happily stick to his family-only policy.
And here Yellowkit comes proving him right.

Singekit twitches his nose, confused when the mice in his dreams suddenly grow wings and begin to tickle his nose with their feathers. Despite the oddity, he still likes the silly fantasy so he fights the urge to properly wake up. Keeping his eyes firmly shut, he recalls the many times his stupid sibling woke him up with his tail, so he lifted his paw to bat it away. "'Walls...'Walls stop it, you're bugging me..."he whines, brushing what should've been a tortoiseshell brush tip off his nose...only to get a handful of something hard that immediately began to - to wriggle?!

Aquatic blue eyes snap open in an instant, an action he immediately regrets when the first thing he sees are six pairs of legs and an outspread of weirdly transparent - how can a body part be transparent!? - wings! Instantly Singekit is a mess of howling squeaks as he bats the bug away, only to discover more creepy crawlies creepily crawling all over him! He can feel them on his arms, and shoulders and oh starclan there's some on his back! HE CAN'T REACH HIS BACK! And not just gross pokey beetles, but slimy worms and wiggling larvae! "They're growing on me! They're growing on me!" he wails, spinning around in a circle trying to shake them off without having to actually touch them.

Only then does he notice the horrible, familiar giggling of none other than his childhood nemesis - Yellowkit.

Singekit now finds himself stuck between a rock and a hard place. The rock is the painful, awesome, horrible, disgusting, soul-sucking terror of having these awful creatures on his person...and the hard place is Yellowkit getting a kick out of Singekit's suffering. His painted mask of red does nothing to hide the boiling blood beneath his cheeks as he freezes, glaring watery daggers at his den-mate as he's forced to decide whether to run to the medicine den screaming and crying, or act like this doesn't bother him at all in front of Yellowkit but be stuck with his pelt full of unwanted friends.
He settles on the former.
Or..tries to, anyway. Every attempt to save face is destroyed by the fact that he's a trembling mess, already fighting off tears and glaring at Yellowkit with all the burning fire of a thousand suns. "I-I'm g-guh-gonna ki-ill y-yo-ou" he chokes out, big words for a child who is somehow both stiff and trembling - like a tree in an earthquake.

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    1 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    NPCx NPC (brother to Swallowkit)
    Shadowclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold ruddy
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: None currently


Nettlepaw had not been part of many pranks as a child. He and his littermates had been kept very separate from the other kittens, huddled in the medicine cat's den most nights; his mother had liked to keep her family together, and that she had managed. Only now as an apprentice was he beginning to hurl himself into the world of socialisation, and sometimes that socialising was simply people-watching and adding the odd comment or two.

Childlike evil dwelled in Yellowkit's eyes, he was sure of it; the grinning little kitten threw a clumped, awful pawful of insects onto Singekit's fur. Blue eyes crescented in amusement as the pranked kitten flew into a whirling display of what seemed like despair, before- in a tiny voice- declaring vengeance against he who had wronged him. Nettlepaw giggled.

"My bets are on Yellowkit, here," he murmured lowly to whoever was sat next to him. Though... maybe Singekit's revenge would be fuelled with wild, gale-force fury...
penned by pin ♡
Sharpshadow finds kits to be quite horrible, despite their small sizes and smaller brains. At times, she didn't believe cats really grew smarter the older they got, but rather, that the had more mental capacity to hide the worst parts of themselves. Kitten's didn't have that. They were openly and unabashedly terrible. In a strange way, she appreciates it— not having to hide, not having to worry about what honeyed words and imperceptable glances meant. In another way, kittens will just do things without thinking about it twice, let alone a single time, and that's pretty unnerving.

Sharpshadow might've grown up to be more miserable than he is now, if Singekit had been his age back when he was one tiny sniveling idiot. It is a wicked prank, and one that only makes her frown, the Singekit trembles and spits. He would not say he doesn'tee the humor in it whatsoever— but more than that, sat at Nettlepaw's side, Sharpshadow finds himself pitying the thing.

Too close— too close; chords striken and played with. His frown peeks through the gap in the nursery. If he would not feel so out of place, ducking within it, he might swat the bugs from Singekit's pelt herself. Might.

Sharpshadow narrows her eyes, and there is a tremble in them. Too - intense, for kittish pranks. Sharpshadow says with seriousness, " ...You'll get him back later. " Gross, crawling sympathy.

  • 6jDzawf.png

  • ( OF THE THINGS I'VE GOT IN MY BRAIN ) SHARPSHADOW: Formerly mentored by Smogmaw
    ♱ he / she , no pref , dislikes gender neutral language ; fine with gendered terms
    ♱ currently 17 moons old as of 11.12.23 / ages every 8th

    dark smoke feline that stands at an above average height. Easily identifiable by her namesake – an unruly mat of fur, destined to be cluttered by inconsistencies between chimera halves. Burdened with a broken tail, often lying dead behind her in the dirt.

    Anxious, antisocial, paranoid. Sharpshadow has not known peace for a single time in his life, and lives anticipating inevitable dangers to the detriment of herself and others. scraping together some higher purpose— making somewhat of an effort to be " likeable "
    heavy ic opinions! he's irrational and mean </3

chilledstar can't help but laugh at the little development. they didn't mean to laugh directly at singekit, but they couldn't stop themself. it was funny. a prank was always funny, so long as no one truly got hurt. singekit was fine, yellowkit was better and nettlepaw and sharpshadow seemed to see it all.

"oh, stars, that was surely a funny thing to wake up to!"

they exclaimed through laughter, tail lashing as they slowly let out a content sigh.

"you know what this means, right, singekit? prank wars! yellowkit already has a one up on you, so you might wanna get ready to get him back! i can totally help you, if you want."

let kits be kits. who knew when something could come in and steal them from under their noses?