I'll be right beside you [open- they're in love, your honor!]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


He was pretty sure he'd been staring at Twitch the entire walk back to camp.

It wasn't really all that different from any other day seeing as his eyes had a bit of an obsession with the other, but now he was acutely aware of just why that was.

Quillstrike was in honest to god love.

He'd though he'd known the meaning of the word when Banansplash had confesseD to him all those months ago, but in reality, that had just been hope. Quill had never considered himself mate material. He'd been told all throughout his childhood just how unloveable and easily forgotten he was, and so the idea of taking a mate wasn't one he'd really considered despite having joked about how great he'd be at it if given the chance. And Banansplash had given him a chance.

Looking back now though, it seemed painfully obvious to him that he would have said yes to any shecat who'd come to him with a promise of a future- which perhaps spoke to why she'd left.

But none of that would have been real love. It wouldn't have been what he wanted, either.

Because there was only one thing in this world he'd ever truly need, and his name was Twitchbolt.

And so when the pair finally arrived back at camp, there was no showmanship like there'd been last time; no puffed chest and loud announcement. There was just eyes for Twitch as he gently herded the shorter cat toward a little clearing in camp, dragging the other down to lay beside him with a quiet "C'mere." as Quill practically bear-hugged him to his chest.

He didn't care who saw. He didn't care what they thought. Twitch was his and he was going to smother the shit out of him with all the adoration he'd had been storing up for them.


skyclan - male - 19 months (Feb 17th) - mates with Twitchbolt <3 - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


Camp was busy, and the day grew old- but the fear that had clung to Twitchbolt only hours before was replaced with a momentary ease. The ground he walked upon seemed enchanted and swollen with reverie, still- despite the rush of blood in his ears, the hotness he felt under his pelt, the spark that skittered across him where Quillstrike brushed his side. Giddy with slowly-ebbing disbelief, he padded into an abnormally-populated camp the same as he would every evening, the taller chimera at his side.

Today was different, though.

There had always been something between them. Something private and unsaid that cats picked up on but seldom mentioned. Maybe those same cats would look at them now- Twitchbolt considered it, but found at last that, at least when it came to Quillstrike, he didn't care what people thought. They could think whatever they liked- between him and Quillstrike they finally knew everything about each other.

The tightness with which his mate held him as they reclined to the ground was staggering, and knocked the breath out of Twitchbolt- in an exhilarating way, for once. For once. While he was walking on these wispy strips of cloud he would make the most of his momentary fearlessness, he decided. Into the light fur of Quillstrike's chest, Twitchbolt giggled. "I- I wasn't going anywhere," he laughed, his tone void of any annoyance and positively sopping with adoration.

It was flattering that Quillstrike had felt the need to embrace him so hard it was like he was trying to shove his soul back into his body. It made it all feel that much more real.
penned by pin ✧
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it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
He’d been grooming himself, biting at a stubborn spot when he glanced up just in time to see Quillstrike and Twitchbolt hug. He blinked. Littlepaw remembered Twitchbolt when he was a kit, not a lot of interactions, but the black-and-white feline was slippery, using his size to his advantage. He enjoyed being small, but that doesn’t mean he wanted to be small forever.

With that, Littlepaw stared at the two, gaze unblinking. “What are you doing?” He didn’t get it. Why were they hugging? Twitchbolt seemed content, but shouldn’t they be doing other things? His nose crinkled. He couldn’t help but think of his own father, unknown, but his mama had explained a few things. It didn’t really paint a picture, but at least he had a father, but he was content with never knowing. Oh. They must be cold, or was it … Littlepaw blinked. “Are you mates?” He stated bluntly, tone deadpan.
thought speech