private I'll be there to catch you - family time

( ) With news that Sunfreckle was expecting, she couldn't help but feel a tug towards her kits. She missed the times when they were little, and they depended on her for everything. Now...they were growing up, and they didn't need her as much. It broke her heart to watch them grow up, but she was proud of them nonetheless. After her incident in the battle, she had been so afraid of the fact that she had almost left her family, that she had turned herself into a monster. She had threatened a clanmate...that was completely not like her.

She needed a break...she needed her family. It hadn't taken much convincing to ask their mentors if she could have her kits for the morning. Hopefully they wouldn't be too upset about missing whatever they had planned...She had asked for their mentors to have them meet her by the camp exit, and that is where she would wait. When she arrived, she could see Flycatcher already there. Her tail rose in greeting, and she would push her head into his shoulder fur. She was so excited to take them both out today...their kits had been so busy with their training that they didn't get to spend as much time together anymore.

@STORMPAW @Falconpaw
If it were up to Falconpaw he'd have stayed in the nursery for many more moons, regardless of the fact that he was already taking up to much space in the nursery when he was apprenticed. He misses being able to spend more time with his family, it felt like most his time was directed towards training with Ospreytalon and doing chores. while he didn't mind doing what was expected of him he still laments the fact he doesn't have a moment of spare time to update his parents on his progress much less lay besides them sharing tongues and chattering about every little thing on his mind. Along with his worries. His mother herself being one of them, it'd been a while since she'd been injured but the fear he could've lost her still remains he doesn't think he'd have been able to cope without her but she's here and she's fine but he worries still that she's not completely honest about that fact. That somehow someway she'd return to that battered state as if her survival and healing had been little more then a temporary mirage. A illusion that time would dispel...

He'd been disappointed at first when his mentor told him the day before that his training tomorrow would be postponed but that disappointment lasted only as long as it took for Ospreytalon to explain it was on Flamewhisker's order (request). He wakes up far bright and early regardless before the sun dapples through the overhang of branches, he always prided himself on being one of the first up and yet today it's disadvantageous but he still lays awake until the time comes; he's quick on his large paws and would soon crest the entrance a pitched thrill of meow chirping from the young tom.

He moves closer lightly bumping his head against both of his parents' ❝Good morning❞ he purrs before drawing back.
// late :(
( )

Since their kits had been apprenticed, it felt as though their little family had hardly spent time together with just the four of them. Of course, Flycatcher made time where he could, but it was usually only with one or two of them. Since Flamewhisker's incident in the river, Flycatcher had been keen to get the family all together again. If that moment had taught him anything, it was that you never knew when the next day might be your last.

When Flamewhisker had asked for the family to all meet up, Flycatcher was happy to oblige, even putting in good words with his kits mentors so that they would be more amenable to letting them come. Flycatcher was the first of the family to gather by the camp exit, soon joined by his mate. When Flamewhisker pushed her head against his shoulder, he lowered his head to lick the top of her head affectionately. They were soon joined by Falconpaw who, bumped his head against each of his parents and greeted them. "Good morning, Falconpaw," He responded, eyes studying his son carefully. After a moment he looked away, watchful for Stormpaws future arrival.