private ILL BE YOUR PROBLEM ♡ Aspenhaze

Leafbare was threatening supplies as deeper as it went. The chill set to skin and bones was unforgiving. It was painful strike. Tiresome the feline was, more than normal. Each night sleep was accepted with more ease. Although, she was more tired than she should be, more than she has been in awhile. Peculiar behavior. Usual. Her coat buried the secret she kept. A veil to mask; only the closest would truly know what was underneath.

The moon was beginning to rise. Patrols were shrinking in numbers as clan members retreated to their dens. Petalnose hadn't stopped to eat, merely slinking away straight to her nest she had shared. Exhaustion clung heavy to her lids despite the painful twists in her stomach. A weak circle was made to situate and then a collapse upon it with a soft groan.

Familiar pawsteps made her lids flutter in direction as she picked up on the identity. With ease she knew it, like a breath from her lungs. "Aspenhaze." The lead trilled tiredly, "Joining me?" Her tail uncurled from her shivering form as if to make room.


The colder weather was brutal, just as it always has been. Though, it feels like RiverClan was just having another day. Something always seemed to be going on, and Aspenhaze was used to the constant tension in their flesh as they have to remain on high alert. The lack of a steady food source is about the last thing on their mind right now, though it doesn't make things easier. How much was wasted on those traitors? They innocently hoped that RiverClan would become more of a force, but it's turned into the opposite. They are as pitiful as ever.

They find their mate already in their shared bedding, looking worse for wear. It has not escaped their gaze the way she has been faltering lately, though they haven’t confronted her yet. Now is as good a time as ever, they suppose. Aspenhaze takes a seat beside Petalnose, wrapping their tail around her. “Hello dear,” they purr. “Is everything alright? I noticed you didn’t take your share of prey.” They hope her reaction to their line of questioning isn’t hostile.​

The sight was a comfort to her, a warmth she so needed at this time. Agony she was only feeling and it was dragging its feet to make time shuffle slow. Each day felt like a moon. The nights were what she looked for; The rest of no nightmares and the comfort of hearing familiar soft breaths and warm fur that laid against her. But it went by so fast. It went in an agonizing loop. The bliss only felt like a blink so she tried her best to cherish it. Who knows if she would even make it the next day. Even if she was so sure of herself. Atleast she cherished this more than she had first did.

But the question she so tried to escape appeared. Tensing in her muscles with a deepening frown was quick to appear. They were observant. She should know better. They would know first. They knew her the most. Her gaze pulled away from theirs in avoidance but still, she persisted to lean against the affection in acceptance.

Never had she lied. Truth was what came out of her maw. Her mind hardly kept her thoughts caged, blunt or not it would pour out of her throat. She didn't want to lie. That was betrayal. "Someone else will benefit. I'm strong… I'll last a night." She promised, a truth that was more difficult to speak. A curt nod was made, pushing the confidence into herself that made her look so strong. Although, she was uncertain if Aspenhaze could still see right through her.

How about make conversation?

"Your patrol, how well did that go?"

Aspenhaze is quick to pick up on how hesitant Petalnose is to answer their quandary, though they hesitate to say anything. It feels like a button they should not push, lest they face her wrath. It’s not like they haven’t been on her bad side ever, but it’s a gentle topic. That’s only more confirmed by her answer, her loyalty to the clan as clear as always. They wish she would be more selfish sometimes.

“If you say so,” Aspenhaze muses simply. They trust her, though part of their phrasing is also used to incite guilt onto her. Petalnose is a lead warrior, and her being at prime health is essential in times like these. Prey is only so scarce, after all. But she doesn’t want to continue the topic, so they allow her to shift focus. “My patrol went fine, nothing exciting. I’m happy though; last thing we need right now is more drama.” Though they’re certain it won’t be long until the next trial rears its ugly head.​
  • Nervous
Reactions: Petalnose

She wasn't pressed and to say the least, Petalnose was internally surprised. Sensitive buttons of hers were normally played with, an explosion of emotion normal to come. Her warning was respected. When ever had she gotten that? The only response was a statement of trust. Nothing more. Guilt had internally touch her more, knowing her mate wasn't entirely right to trust.

But I can do it.

She was trying to help her clan. Even when she was beginning to look like a ghost. There was still more for Aspenhaze to know... what lied underneath. Even more stubborn she was with herself than others. Truthful she was but not to herself.

I can make it a little longer.

The response to her question gave her time to relax. She laid her head upon their paws gently as she listened to them speak. Pointed ears twitched in acknowledgement, "Good. I agree, it'll be anytime we can expect Windclan at our heels. Starclan knows I don't want you to be the one to encounter them." She had remembered the patrol of the bobcat attack. Petalnose might've arrived at the right time, but not enough in her eyes. She could've been there more soon. Before they got hit. The image made her wince.

"How are you feeling after that swipe?" Eyes finally met theirs in a lift of her lids, curiosity and worry in her tone and gaze.
