i have a dream, a song to sing
Nov 27, 2023

Macaroni truly loved her two-legs. All three dens of them. The two-leg kits absolutely adored her, possibly more than she cherished them. They gave her all the food and love she could ever want, how much easier could life get? A yawn would escape her jaws as she yawned, stretching in the early morning light filtering into the den. As her eyes adjusted to the light, she would glance around the den in search of the older two-legs. This time of day the kits would be at something called "school" before the older ones went to "work." She didn't understand what those were or why they had to leave for so long but was grateful for the time she was allowed to spend in the gardens during the days. It was better than feeling trapped indoors during the day. A flash of color caught her attention, and she quickly made her way over to where the two-leg stood. A small "mrroww" would catch their attention and earn her a full bowl of food, to which she found herself wrinkling her nose. While the easy food was a blessing, she found what she could attempt to catch outside more appealing. Knowing that she needed to show her people what she wanted (as they were clueless and couldn't figure it out themselves), she'd stand in front of the door waiting to be allowed outdoors.

As soon as the door opened she would allow her legs to take her quickly outdoors, soaking in the beauty that lay before her. While she knew most of the cats that lived nearby, she was always intrigued by the ones who left each morning to the forest and returned at night. Where were they going? What was out there? On this particular morning, a familiar-looking tom (@DUSKPOOL) passed by her garden on his way into the forest. Curiosity got the best of her, and without any thought or consideration lept off the garden fence and trotted behind him at a distance. Keeping to the shadows and out of direct line of sight of the tom, she would carefully follow him deeper into the forest, hopeful that she could finally discover what secrets her neighbors were hiding.

// no need to wait for duskpool! feel free to catch her before she sneaks into camp or after she makes it to camp! she thinks she's being sneaky!
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”At your tail, Duskpool!” Figfeather yowls to the tom to draw his attention to his new ‘shadow’. Yellow fur bristles as she throws herself in front of the stranger, her lips curling to reveal pointed fangs as she sounds a warning hiss. It was clear to her by the stench that waffed off the she-cats pelt she was a kittypet, likely curious and harmless, but Figfeather had always challenged any and all trespassers of the land. ”What are you doing following him? You’re deep in SkyClan territory and unwelcome here.”
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
The bulky warrior shifted, muscles coiling at the sound of Figfeather’s call, expecting something else that wasn’t an apprentice-sized kid following just short of his tail. A sharp hiss split dark-hued lips, brow raised in well-hidden annoyance. He hadn’t noticed the small fry then, havin’ been visitin’ his kid further into the upwalker residence, further than he was comfortable with but better than what they had before.

A molten copper hue narrowed, striding forward with a subtle puff of air, taking in the crisp air of leaf fall, letting out a low rumble, non-threatening. His gaze narrowed, glancing idly over toward Figfeather. “Don’t think followin’ me was a good idea, kiddo.” He finally added, mangled ear flickering. The kittypet didn’t pose much danger, not with the two of ‘em here. “If yer curious about SkyClan, then I think ya should get better at yer sneakin’ around.” Duskpool hummed, amusement dancing within a molten copper hue.
thought speech

Confusion crept upon her features as a cat darted from outside her field of vision, causing the tom in front of her to spin around. With the pair hissing and spitting before her, she couldn't help but feel frozen in place. What were they talking about? Did they really grant her that much intelligence? "What are you guys talking about?" Tilting her head as she gazed at them, Macaroni took a careful step backward as she tried to make sense of the current situation.

"What's a Skyclan? I just wanted to see where everyone goes every day! I just wanted to follow that guy and see what he was doing!" Pointing to Duskpool with her tail, she would glance between the pair hoping somebody would dumb things down for her. While she lacked intelligence, she could understand simple things once explained to her in a simple manner. "I'm not hurting anything by being here! Why would you not want me around?"
"There are plenty of reasons why we don't need some nosy twoleg pet wandering around our forest." A gruff voice rumbled like thunder itself, cutting through the air. The lumbering Maine Coon's tolerance for trespassers was hair-thin, and kittypet trespassers even thinner. Slate hated everything about the life they lived; it was bad enough that plenty of them cramped SkyClan's camp during the daytime, spreading their human stench everywhere, but they had the nerve to cross their scent markers as well!

Duskpool and Figfeather were already trying to warn the young she-cat away, but it didn't appear she was quite understanding the point. He narrows his fiery orange gaze, glaring down at the curious adolescent feline. "Go back to your home before I drag you there myself. You're scaring off the prey." She may have not been hurting anything, per se, but she was interrupting his hunt and potentially causing his food to scurry. That was enough reason to want this kittypet to turn around and leave immediately.

    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
“The territory yer standin’ in, kiddo.” He rumbled, wooly tail flickering behind him. “Group of cats that live out here in the forest.” He elaborated, glancing at the lead warrior through his peripheral. It wasn’t unusual to catch a wandering kittypet past the scent markers, looking to satisfy their curiosity. He sure did give the kid some credit for followin’ him when she did.

He huffed, shaking out his fur. Duskpool bit back a sigh. He wasn’t all that against it, but foxdung did the kid not have any common sense? Her curiosity was gonna get her killed. “She’s doin’ no real harm, foolish as it was followin’ me, but ya could have asked—” He directed his last statement toward the kid, brow raised. “Ain’t no harm in askin’ kid, but don’t think ya thought far ahead when ya got there.” He mused. “What’s yer name, kid?” He finally added, brow raised, not before adding, “Ya just curious, or are ya wantin’ to join kid?” He responded, leveling the other with a deadpan hue, tone monotone.

It’d all depend on her answer, and if she refused, then well, Duskpool would bring her to wherever she lived and be done with it, not before giving the kid a good lecture on followin’ strangers into the damn woods.
thought speech

It wouldn't take long for Slate to join the pair, leaving her feeling hurt by his words. Why did he have to be so mean to her? Who wouldn't want her around? Some things he said though did make her giggle. "What do you mean? You didn't even notice me silly! You don't know where my home is!" Luckily, Duskpool would make the slip that Skyclan potentially would come to regret. "Live out here? But there's no two-leg dens! How does that work?" Surely she couldn't get any more clueless than this. "I'm Macaroni! You mean I get to hang out with you guys every day?! Yeah, I want to join you!" Poor Macaroni had no idea what she had just signed herself up for. Unintentionally ignoring the comments Duskpool made to Slate, she would enthusiastically nod her head, all but jumping up and down with the thought.

Figfeather is far from approving of Slate’s jibing words while Duskpool lacked a firm paw. Her trespassing on the territory did harm the clan, they had borders for a reason, trespassing wasn’t something to brush off intentional or otherwise. She could just about whack the older tom across the ears when he brought up the idea of ‘joining’. The kittypet named Macaroni, just about leaps out of her fur at the idea.

Figfeather looks seriously to Duskpool and Slate, ”I don’t think she understands, this isn’t a game. Joining us is no simple devotion, she knows nothing of us or the life she volunteers for.” Figfeather argues, her tone non-hostile but stern and informing. For StarClan’s sake, she hadn’t even know they called themselves ‘SkyClan’ until two heart-beats ago.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

The scent drifting towards him is familiar to the former kittypet, has the fluffy ragdoll approaching, but instead of comfort, it offers a pang of empty melancholy. Hazy blue eyes drifting between those gathered, the seemingly bothered Slate, he has no such hang-ups, of what he once was. "I like it." Dolly shares, tipping his head in a lazy nod. He finds it to be surprisingly true, it's more complicated than the cozy, lazy, days and nights but he doesn't think he's ever seen so much. Dolly's lips turning upwards in his usual dazed smile. Unfortunately he doesn't have much to contribute beyond that, perhaps identifying the hesitance of Figfeather and is already lost in how to follow it.

"It's hard work. I had housefolk and it's lot of work." he adds, tipping his head again in agreement with Figfeather. It's important, he thinks, that she understand. He hadn't found himself with many options of which were not surviving in the wilderness or joining the clan, completely ignorant to the basics of catching prey. He prefers not to wonder on what could have been had he a choice between this life and life with his housefolk.


Wow this lady sure was silly! Of course she understood what joining them meant! It just meant she had new friends to play with all day until her two-legs returned in the evening. Surely there wasn't anything wrong with hanging out with them until then? "What do you mean? You didn't even notice me silly! You don't know where my home isOf course I understand! It just means that I get to hang out with you guys all day until my two-legs come back! Then I get to come back tomorrow!" What was there for her to not understand? As Dolly muses his agreement with Figfeather, Macaroni finds herself twitching her ears with his response. While not outright ignoring him, his warning did seem to fall upon deaf ears.

Figfeather appreciates Dolly’s wisdom and expirence on the matter, but Macaroni’s response leads her to believe it’s fallen on deaf ears. Her naivity and ignorance on what she asked for angered Figfeather, No! It’s not just ‘hanging’ out with us, you’re going to be training, hunting, fighting other cats. You will be vowing to give your life to this clan by joining it.” Though growing impatient and snippish she hopes this time it’ll reach the she-cats ears that this was no small dedication. She would be giving her life and energy to SkyClan, this was no hang-out group in the forest.

Figfeather looks to Slate, ”She clearly does not know what she asks for. Are we really going to waste Blazestar’s time with this?”
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Now she was really confused. Macaroni truly thought these cats were just hanging out all day. Nobody had told her anything about these cats, much less that they did weird things. Regardless, she wanted to hang out with these cats. While she had neighbors to spend her days with, they didn't seem interested in doing much with her. "I want to be part of it! You could teach me how to be like you!" While she didn't understand the extent of what she was asking for, soon enough she would learn just how intense her training would become.