development I'LL GET LOST IF YOU WANT ME TO — disappearance

Apr 24, 2023
This is not the first time Doompaw has snuck away from camp. He remembers sliding carefully from the nursery with Pearlpaw at his heels, remembers the determination that had borne small limbs into the forest abroad. It is not the first, but the tortoiseshell half-feels it will be the last time he sees the familiar slopes, the ground scattered with pine fragments, the holly bush Orangeblossom had nursed him behind, the barrier he’d waited for Twitchbolt near.

His paw pads sing with sparks that light a trail of fire behind him. The night sky blazes with stars that will guide him toward and beyond Twolegplace. One hesitant step away from the camp guard—“I’m goin’ to the dirtplace, mind yer business!”—and he’s slipping away, through the shadows, bounding toward the border. He is going to find Abysspaw. He is going to find his brother, and then—then what? Will they return to SkyClan, a place full of rules that suffocate him, of cats who never wanted either of them, cats who scorn them?

There’s a moment, however brief, of regret before he leaves SkyClan’s territory. He thinks about Twitchbolt, quivering with fury and fear. You will not leave camp without me, the lead warrior had hissed, and Doompaw had met his gaze with fearless, smoldering challenge. “If I come back, I will—I’ll make it up to you,” he mutters. “I’ll be a better apprentice. A better warrior.

With a pang, he thinks of Orangeblossom, who had nursed him after he’d been rescued from the Shelterplace. She wouldn’t miss him, he thinks sourly. She has precious journeying Cherrypaw. She has her own kits, born from her body and her spirit. Doompaw had never been that. He had never let the image of his decaying mother fade from his brain, had never let the bond between him and Abysspaw die.

He leaves SkyClan’s territory, and he does not return as dawn comes and the sun burns the frost and the shadows from the forest. He does not look back.

, ”

Twitchbolt awoke with the same feeling he had most days- that something terrible had happened.

He broke from Quillstrike's side the instant his eyes opened, feeling as if a plum-stone was wedged in his throat. There was an errand he did at the crack of every dawn- ensuring Doompaw was in his place. Anticipation buzzed in his throat like a dormant sickness, ready to swell. Terrible, terrible feeling. For once, he was proven right.

"Doompaw?" he called into the apprentice's den, tone split and low. No answer. No calico pelt, either.

Most mentors might have felt accomplished that their student was awake before them, but Twitchbolt felt as if he might disappear in on himself. To the elder's den- not a sign. The warriors den housed no-one, either. Camp was barren and frigid, bathed in the taunting light of a beautiful daybreak. The sun was spitting in his face.

Panic struck him, as if he'd been barrelled into by a charging dear. He was limp, initially, in the face of it- slack jaws and slow-realising. Spasms shuddered across his form, discomfort betrayed- he yelled himself hoarse, then. "Doompaw!"

No answer, still. Stars. He'd seen a flicker of dare in his apprentice's eyes, knew him to be the reckless, fearless type- but this, he didn't think... he thought for once he might have been listened to. Maybe it might have paid off that he worried himself to the point of ripping up his own fur, terrified that he'd go on a patrol and the calico tom would bolt away from him, soon to be struck by a monster, like Blazestar. Or a dog would snap him up, like had probably happened to Spiderpaw. Or a fox would get him, like Tidespin and Ravencall. Or- the worst thing that could have happened...

He'd just vanish, like Centipedepaw.

And what had happened? Where did all the worrying get him? Uncaring who he'd stirred from slumber, Twitchbolt whirled upon gathering onlookers, his wide eyes frenzied. He barked orders in a way that felt unfamiliar to him, and yet- familiar in the way they spilled from his mouth like blood. "I need a patrol, now. Anyone who's awake enough. I need, I need- anyone who's a good tracker. We don't have time to waste, I need-"

His breath hiccuped, hitched. Shaking from head to tow, he twitched, again. One-two-three, each eyelid individually. "Stars, I shouldn't have- slept, taking my eyes off him for a second..." Stupid. Didn't make any sense. He was going to find him across the Thunderpath, wasn't he? Or, or, he'd just find a trail of blood. "I said I need a patrol!"
penned by pin ✧

It's the shout that makes him jerk into a sprint, having left his twoleg nest to travel back into SkyClan lands. Now, as he nears camp, the silence is shattered, and he bursts through the camp entrance with one eye narrowed and claws piercing frost, ready to fight. There's no immediate threat, however. Just those who awake to the morning with sleepy expressions, and those who are returning from dawn patrols. Tigerscar's gaze finds Twitchbolt, a question shining within his flaming gaze. What was all this racket about? Some foolish apprentice. The Lead Warrior would scare all the prey from here to the river with such chaos. Squirrel for brains, he has! Should tear his tongue out if I fail my hunts this morning. The brute doesn't show his annoyance outwardly, however.

"I'm here for your patrol, then." Tigerscar speaks simply, figuring that if he volunteered himself, he might increase his standing within the clan. After all, he did enjoy being the hero, and Twitchbolt certainly looked like he needed one right now. The Lead Warrior was a mess, and Tigerscar is surprised the other cat hasn't melted into some foul puddle of dismay. "Doompaw's missing, right? You got his scent?" The shout for the apprentice's name had been clear enough, but Tigerscar wonders if the Lead Warrior could even pull himself together enough to get the job done.
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
Times like this, Duskpool was thankful for his insomnia, emerging from the camp’s entrance with mangled fur from another sleepless night out in the forest, away from the prying eyes of camp to stare at Twitchbolt’s form, mangled ear swerving in prickling alarm. “Shit.” He muttered, surging forward on massive paws at the call of a patrol, molten gaze narrowing.

He only caught the tail-end of Tigerscar’s speech, muscles stiffening beneath marred flesh, helm twisting to peer through the camp for Doompaw, knowing damn well he’d come up empty-pawed. With a silent curse, Duskpool twisted on heavy paws, ears swerved forward on top of a mangled helm. “Don’t go blamin’ yer self, Twitchbolt.” He snapped, tone rumbling. “The kid’s his own bein’ there’s no point in blamin’ yerself with the what-ifs.” He finished, wooly tail flickering. He understood it all too well. Better than he wanted to.

With a grunt, the obsidian-furred warrior jerked his helm toward the camp entrance. “We better get goin’, no tellin’ where the kid ended up.”.
thought speech
Being awake super early has never been that odd for Drizzlepelt, anxious as he is. While he only has so much to worry about for now, at least until the dam that is WindClan finally breaks, his body is now on a set schedule he does not have the energy to fix. For once though, he’s glad that he is awake; his ears instantly perk up as he hears yowling about another missing cat. Not again…what is causing them to lose so many?

He snakes his way through the warrior’s den, trying to not wake anyone up while leaving. The loud voice might do that anyways, but he’s not about to add any more to the panic. He’s glad to see that Duskpool also took notice, his old mentor ever the reliable cat. Both of them want to be as helpful as possible, it seems.

“It’s not your fault at all, Twitchbolt,” Drizzlepelt tries to assure him. “He purposefully snuck out when you would not notice. And I think we all know what he aims to do.” He sighs heavily, realizing that stating the obvious probably wouldn’t help the lead warrior’s nerves. “Anyways. Let’s move, yes. I’m sure we can find his scent on the way!” He’d feel bad making Twitchbolt more anxious if they took the time to stop and smell the roses, when he might not have gotten far anyways.​

Figfeather is quick to offer herself to the panicked Twitchbolt, she shows up behind the others. ”Let’s not panic, all of us. We know how apprentices are.” Always sneaking out when they shouldn’t be. Doompaw had always been the impulsive character, he’d be the type of apprentice to think he’d earn the awe and praise of his clan by going out and getting an early start on hunting.

She aims to place the tip of her tail against Twitchbolt’s shoulder, ”So long as he’s not taken to the trees I’m fairly good at tracking.” Together they’d find him, and when they did Twitchbolt best give him a tongue lashing… What drama Doompaw has stirred up.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Their pleas for him to not blame himself fell on deaf ears, bounced off steel. His eyes were wild, his pupils unravelled- the world refracted like a prism before him, splitting in two and melding, in-and-out. Fastened jaws ached; it was a wonder he had not splintered his teeth in two. Tigerscar, Duskpool, Drizzlepelt- they spoke feeble reassurance, they volunteered, but he knew what all of them were thinking. They were thinking he was a useless mentor, a pathetic excuse for a lead warrior.

Someone who could not reel their own apprentice in should hardly be leading a patrol. He looked at them like he did not know them.

Figfeather spoke- we know how apprentices are. He bristled- oh, if only Doompaw was just any apprentice. He'd have traipsed off to WindClan to be a hero, or stayed up all night hunting. But no, no- "Not my apprentice!"

He hadn't meant to shout at her. He hadn't meant to sound so nasty, so riled- but all he could do was offer her a softened glance, a flicker of weakness, because there was something more imperative gnawing at him. Swallowing down the flare of rage, he relented, smothering himslf. "Let's- let's go, then. Quick. His scent'll be easy to catch." With a flick of his crooked tail, he beckoned them hurriedly, not looking back to actually check if they were behind him.
penned by pin ✧
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