private I'll have you by my side || Thorn

[ ༻❄༺ ] As time moved on, the thought that continued to swirl through their mind continued on, and each passing day, Snowpaw became more and more confident in her decision, that she truly wasn't a molly and yet a tom. However, even with the thoughts that continued to ease in their mind Snowpaw wanted to tell her friends, the two she trusted the most with this. Thornpaw and Basilpaw. They both deserved to know right? Be the first to know before the whole of the clan, of course Scorchedmoon already knew since he was her mentor and someone she cared deeply about, and those two... they were her closest friend, and both she cared so deeply about.

So, she waited for Thornpaw's return on itchy paws, and once she saw the pale fur of her friend she was quick to greet the other, ears perked with a warm gaze in her yellow gaze. "Thornpaw" she said, her words soft, warm while a nervous smile itched across her lips. "May we speak? Alone?" she asked with a pleading tone. Nothing was wrong, no, but she did feel anxious. Would it be odd to admit that she did not feel like a molly but a tom? It was Thornpaw after all, and she hoped to be able to lean on the other during such a time as this.

As soon as the other agreed to speak alone, she found a spot where the two could speak in hushed tone without any prying eyes or nosey ears. "Its, nothing bad, I promise...uhm, for a while now..." she shifted herself while letting a sigh out, beginning to fidget with her own paws, meeting the other in their bi-color eyes. "For a while now, my thoughts have been muddled, especially after what Birdpaw had said, and it gave me enough time to truly think...and... well, I'm a tom... I'm not ready to tell the rest of the clan, but I wanted you to know because you're my closest friend and someone I care deeply about" she expressed. By the stars it felt like a confession, but she wanted to be honest, Snowpaw didn't want the other to feel betrayed if she ever admitted to the rest of the clan her own thoughts, this was...the right thing to do. Yellow eyes searched the others while awaiting her response

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 8 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Maw clenching a small toad the hefty youth trotted into Shadowclan's camp with an eager pep. Lately, her hunting skills had been improving more and more. Maybe it was the recent bounty of frogs and newleaf warmth, but for now she would chalk it up to improvement. A familiar pale pelt caused the she-cat to pause and smile through her catch. There weren't many cat's she awarded such an expression but if any deserved it that would certainly be the friend in question.

Nodding in acknowledgement she plopped the prey at her own paws and mewed back. "Snowpaw!" Thornpaw greeted warmly, noticing the nervous smile that crossed her friend's muzzle. The plea in Snowpaw's voice didn't go unnoticed, and Thornpaw's curiosity was piqued. "Of course, we can talk." She replied, tone affirming, though inwardly, she couldn't help but wonder what could be causing Snowpaw's anxiety. A strange sensation of excitement caused the paws' heart to skip. I wonder what this is about? Allowing the speckled feline to take lead, Thornpaw quickly deposited her catch, and in a swift turn around rushed back to her denmate. Barbary tail swishing in tandem as they walked away to a more secluded area.

Once they found said spot, the moggy listened intently to their companion. As Snowpaw's words unfolded, their expression softened, bi-colored eyes reflecting understanding and empathy. Oh, I see. Her earlier nerves fizzle down and are traded for a low purr. "It's okay. I'm here for you." She reassured, reaching out a comforting paw to gently rest on Snowpaw's own paws. Hoping to calm the others nervous fidgeting and offer a smidge of alleviation from the tough topic.

Leaning down the tabby intended to give the tom a more sincere and leveled look. "I'm honored that you trust me enough to share." Thornpaw continued, her mew kind and as soft as her naturally gruff voice would allow. "Your feelings are important, and I'm here to support you, no matter what. I care about you a lot Snowpaw." She offered the other a reassuring smile, hoping to remove some of the weight from their shoulders. "Whenever you're ready, I'll be right by your side, whether it's to share your truth with the clan or just to lend an ear." There would be no realm in which she wouldn't have supported his decision. Not to mention Snowpaw had been there for her own circumstances and the blonde molly was elated to be able to return the kindness.
  • Love
Reactions: Snowlark.

[ ༻❄༺ ] Thornpaw's reassuring words and the reach of the comforting paw eased him, helping to relax a bit while a gentle smile played on his lips while he looked into his pale friend's bi-color eyes, he felt so lucky to have been able to grow up in the same clan as Thornpaw, to of known the she-cat and been able to be there for the other. He was happy to have them at his side, and for many moons to come he hoped that he could always have the other by his side no matter what was and is to come.

"Thank you Thornpaw, I am grateful to have you by my side" he breathed, before aiming to lean against the taller apprentice, feeling any anxious nerves that they had ease away. He wanted things to stay like this, with Thornpaw forever, even when they become warriors Thornpaw would be the one cat he'd wish to have at his side even when he drew his last breath. "More than that, Thornpaw I am glad we met, you're an amazing friend. And I promise I'll always be by your side no matter what, thick and thin" he smiled at the other. Something he'll guarantee until Starclan took one of them to walk through the stars, and if it was both of them, he'll still stand by his friends side.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 8 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Their ears ran hot and suddenly she grew far more aware of her paw. Trying not to weasel out of the gesture of support, she instead nodded. "You don't have to thank me for being there. That's where I should be is at your side.." Thornpaw's friend always knew how to make things feel a whole lot brighter. Intently, the molly listened to the pale feline's admittance.

Thornpaw's rare smile amplified and melted into a softened meow dripping with sincerity, "I hope you know you can always count on me. Anytime. For anything." She could feel the intensity behind her own denmate's statement. If there's one thing she prayed would be conveyed, it would be her own spoken words.

For just a moment, it seemed like all the outside world had fallen silent. As if to silence its own air for them to share the moment alone. Quietly, her brown and blue gaze looked back into honeyed depths. Such breathtaking eyes. The sudden thought caused her stomach to backflip with butterflies. Even in their own moment of vulnerability, she could always tell there was a glimmer to him.

Her heart rate quickened this time at Snowpaw's gentle nuzzle. Catching the other's shift in weight against her side with a surprised hum, she shyly peered around them before conceding into the embrace. Tufted cheek brushing thoughtfully against the other's forehead as her shoulders relaxed. I could stay like this awhile.

She couldn't help the earlier purring boosting up in intensity at Snowpaw's gesture. I'm glad I have you. With this, she sat comfortably at his side, unwilling to be the first to break the contact.