development i'll look like hell just to wear it well || reflections

Rain falls in a steady pit-pat against the oversoaked earth, consistent enough that the noise is negligible. A day of dreary off-white skies and heavy eyes — Betonyfrost has taken to laying in what has become her usual post just outside the nursery, near enough to the mouth to be protected from the worst of the drizzle. It had started sometime in the early morning; the world had already been damp by the time Betonyfrost had woken and now, nearing Sunhigh, camp was dotted with puddles.

Betonyfrost considers the one nearest to her with curiosity.

She has never been one to sit and look at her reflection. She knows what she looks like through happenstance, her face endlessly reflected through the uneven facets of an icicle or seen wavering in the surface of water she drinks from. She knows her tired green eyes, her frost-wilted ears, the scar gifted to her by Halfshade cut across the line of her nose. Betonyfrost knows what she looks like and has never been tempted to seek out her own reflection, and yet —

The her that stares back from the shallow depths is never the her that Betonyfrost expects. She always looks younger than Betonyfrost remembers herself to be, never old enough to have lived all of the life that Betonyfrost has. She finds herself looking for the features she associated with her youth: big ears and bright eyes, and finds instead the face she has come to understand is her own. She's always had the habit of dismissing her appearance as painfully typical, but now in the pit-pat puddle she sees herself for the first time as a stranger would.

Those drab green eyes that Betonyfrost had previously dismissed as unremarkable hold an unexpected intensity, her ears that had been a sad consequence of her clan's negligence are now those of a lion. She realizes in this quiet moment that she could be intimidating if she so wished. It's the way she stands, how she's always stood, as if she's waiting for the next blow. Head tucked and paws together as if protecting the softness of her gut — as if she could ever truly make herself small.

Betonyfrost leans to drink from the puddle and when she rises, lines of water running down her chin and into her chest, it is with a spine unhunched.​
shadowclan queen | blue mackerel tabby | 19 moons | tags
Comfreykit awakens in her nest feeling unusually cold. The soft curve of her mother's belly is gone. The little tabby she-kit rolls onto her belly, blinking sleep-addled amber eyes with confusion. Perhaps she'd gone to the dirtplace, or to get a bit of fresh-kill, but Comfreykit doesn't like when she leaves without telling her where she's going.

She rises to her paws, stretching and letting out a squeak with her yawn. Through the mouth of the nursery, she can see Betonyfrost sitting at the edge of a puddle, peering into it clairvoyantly.

Comfreykit pads close to her mother, sitting at her side in a mimicry of her pose. She blinks drowsily into the surface of the puddle, looking at their mismatched reflections through the haze of an interrupted nap. Is her mother looking for something? Comfreykit touches the tips of her own ears, which Betonyfrost is missing, and then the bridge of her own nose, unscarred. She wishes she looked more like her mother.

"Whatcha lookin' at?" She asks her, unknowingly disturbing the moment of self-reflection.

❪ TAGS ❫ — Roosterstrut has never given much thought to his appearance and how he looked in the eyes of other cats. It's easy to forget about those things when there isn't a reflection to constantly stare into and obsess over. Sometimes he'll gaze into the pools of the marshes and see his father staring back at him; his mother always said they had the same eyes.

He notices Betonyfrost resting outside the nursery and observing her reflection pensively in a puddle formation before drinking. It's mind-blowing to him that her brood has come into the world so quickly; he finds himself feeling so aged. Roosterstrut hadn't visited the she-cat too often as to leave her ample space, though now that she was feeling comfortable enough to rest outside, he figured he'd check up on the new queen.

As he's padding over, a little bundle of charcoal stripes coming to settle by Betonyfrost. Roosterstrut cannot explain the elation that fills his chest with warmth whenever he sees the little ones out and about. "Hey, Betony." The orange tabby tom chirps, taking a seat before glancing down toward Comfreykit and purring, "Hi, kiddo."

He stares into the water himself now, blinking, pondering. "Does your reflection ever surprise you? Like, you've forgotten what you look like?" Roosterstrut muses aloud. "Sometimes I forget that I have stripes on my face." That probably sounded silly, but it was true. He knew that he had stripes all over the rest of his body, but without a reflection to constantly gaze into, it was easy to misremember his facial features.
The arrival of Comfreykit pulls Betonyfrost from her thoughts. She cannot help the smile that tugs at her mouth, cannot stop her body before it decides to lean down and press a nose to the top of Comfreykit's head in greeting. Betonyfrost notes, distantly, that she doesn't need to lean as far as she once did — Comfreykit grows. They all grow. Betonyfrost can hardly get her mind around the fact that someday, sooner than she can understand, they'll stand somewhere closer to her height.

Betonyfrost remembers being small, surprised to find she could look her father in the eye, and wonders if her kits understand.

"What are you doing up?" Betonyfrost asks gently, rather than answer Comfreykit's own question, "You seem tired still."

Roosterstrut gives his greeting, and Betonyfrost inclines her head in turn. His question doesn't make her pause so much as consider. She knows the answer, but not how much of it to share, "What? Is it that you think the stripes stop at your neck? You'd be the only tabby like that," Betonyfrost does look back into the water then, catches her own eye, and then returns her attention to Roosterstrut, "I don't forget my face, but I forget how it looks on me."​
shadowclan queen | blue mackerel tabby | 19 moons | tags
Her mother's greeting is low and gentle, diverting Comfreykit's curiosity. "Yeah," she says, stifling a yawn with one paw, "but I was cold without you in the nest so I came to find you."

Roosterstrut's approach delights her; Comfreykit's dark tabby fur fluffs up with excitement. "Roosterstrut!" She purrs, leaping forward to nuzzle against his side. His comment about forgetting what he looks like causes her to giggle. "That's silly!" She swings her tail about thoughtfully. "Next time you forget, ask me and I'll remind you!"