I'll Make A Warrior Of You Yet | Lambpaw

The early morning sun kissed at the horizon, traces of Indigo clouds strewn across a pale orange sky. The camp was quiet for once—besides the distant roar of the river and the whitenoise of bubbling streams. A breath of peace and serenity. The dawn patrols were readying themselves to leave, hushed voices drowned out by the sound of the river to distinguish what was being spoken of; but, with the worried expressions on their faces and lowered heads, she knew the gist of what it was about. The streams that usually trickled around the camp now had a stronger flow, pools had begun to take over the camp each day as the snow melted further.
One shaded warrior, who had awakened just before the sun tipped the peaks of the horizon, sat by the warrior's den grooming the ruffles from her pelt. Cindershade had been assigned her second apprentice, Lambpaw, to train to become a warrior a few moons ago. Her teeth gritted at the thought of that—that lump of kitten fur, being her apprentice. He was distant, distracted, and seemed to hardly ever have a serious bone in his body. Apart of her was a little more lenient towards the young tom for his past, given that his parents had been mauled by canines. But, he still could at least be a little more attentive! Did he not want to become a warrior? With him under her, he had the potential to become one of RiverClan's strongest warriors. If he would just get his head of the clouds, that is.
Cindershade huffs as she finishes her quick groom, striding over towards tbe apprentice den and peeps her head inside. "Lambpaw." The dark warrior hissed, chartreuse eyes gleaming in the dim light as they landed on the curled silhouette of cinnamon tom. "Lambpaw, wake up boy. We've got a lot to do today." She moves in closer, her steps light and airy from seasons of hunting experience to get closer to her apprentice who snoozed soundly. "Lambpaw!" Her voice grew more harsh this time, tone growing taut with annoyance as her features began to harden. StarClan, he's damn near bombproof!