i'll make this perfect again 'Twitchbolt'


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


It’d been a long time since Quill wasn’t able to sleep properly. He used to have nightmares about his childhood, about a family that broke the second he became a part of it, but for a long time now that had felt like another life. He hadn’t been ‘Twin’ in a long, long time.

Thankfully, his recent bout of insomnia wasn’t from that. In fact, Quill was pretty damn sure he was just feeling restless. He’d been cooped up in camp for moons after messing up his shoulder, and for most of it he’d been avoidant of the clan, too frustrated and envious at their autonomy over their own bodys to do anything but sulk and bristle at his own confining.

One would think that having been turned loose for light duty earlier that day would have helped some, but it hadn’t managed to completely scratch that itch. The chimeras return to clanlife had left him feeling more like an outsider in his own home than ever. Just how many new cats had joined in the moons he’d been nest-ridden? How many friends felt like strangers because he hadn’t spoken to them?

Anxiety buzzed in his head like wasps in a moshpit, and after over an hour of fidgeting the disquieted tomcat simply got to his feet and slipped outside, not wanting to disturb his mate.

Once outside he felt a bit of the weight lift off him. It was cooler out, the stifling mugginess of the day now gone and replaced with a much more palatable breeze. He paused for a moment to enjoy the feeling, before padding off to a spot away from the den entrances so that he wouldn’t disturb anyone. He still walked with a limp, faint but enough to prove there was still bruising and tenderness that backed up the order for ‘light duty’ only. No heavy exercising or training, no climbing and limited patrolling. The only saving grace to it all was that Quillstrike had always had a taste for the mundane, and things like fixing nests, cracking ticks, and reinforcing den walls was a bit of a specialty of his.

Wanting to clear his head of it all for now, he let out a sigh and flopped onto his back, mismatched eyes greeted by a sky full of stars.

The dark furred chimera had always loved the nights sky. It was so quiet and calm up there in the neverending abyss that cradled silverpelt, and he was grateful for the cloudless sky above.

Starting tomorrow, he’d do better.

He’d be better.


skyclan - male - 29 months (Feb 17th) - mated to Twitchbolt - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


Maybe the two of them would be cursed forever to bad nights of sleep. Through all the grief he'd battled past, worry still hedged the darkness when Twitchbolt was trying to drift away... and he knew Quillstrike to be an insomnac from time to time, too. It was not Quillstrike's movement that eked his eyes open, though... no, it was the sudden draught of coldness on his side, the lack of weight noticed after a little while. Comfort that had been there wasn't there anymore, subconsciously.

Twitchbolt stilled the beating of his heart as he weaved out of the warriors' den, careful not to tread on any sleeping bodies. He'd not- not gone for a walk by himself, right? Oh- stars, he might've. And how could he blame him? Quillstrike was an independent tom, a piller of strngth Twitchbolt had always been able to lean against- reliable and tall amongst all of their Clanmates.

When he'd hurt his shoulder, the last thing Twitchbolt had wanted was to be overbearing, but- but he couldn't deny there had been an unmistakeable glimmer of worry in his eyes whenever he'd looked at him, despite a want- an attempt to keep normalcy going. They ate together, still- sat in silence together, still- talked about nothing together, still. He'd felt that absence at his side, though... whatever he did, he wanted to do it with Quillstrike.

It wasn't really about him though, was it? Just as Quillstrike had been his rock, Twitchbolt wanted to give it all in return. Show his love in whatever way he could, because- well, he couldn't always say it without sounding insecure and pathetic.

Relief flooded through him when he caught his mate's figure, simply stargazing. He'd often caught Quillstrike with mismatched eyes upon the night sky, silent and stoic, still as water. With soft footsteps, he padded close, his swaying concern tempered by the sight of his patch-furred other half. Without announcing anything, a wordless and easy motion, he sank to the ground too at Quillstrike's side.

He let silence lounge between them for a few long moments. When he finally spoke, his voice was low, hardly even a whisper. "Sleeping out here, tonight?" A small joke, fragilely humoured. Twitchbolt nudged their shoulders together, a comforting motion. After a moment of silence, he added with a flick of the ear, "Is there anything storming behind those eyes of yours, or- or are you gonna keep me guessing?" Patience in wobbling tones betrayed that he didn't mind either way- that he was here, no matter what.
penned by pin ✧


His gaze shifted from the sky to Twitchbolt, a small smile quick to follow as he shifted into the warmth of his mate. ”We both know your the one with a thing for storms.” he mused with a lazy flick of his tail, tryng to bide time as he decided whether or not to share- or more accurately, how to share. Even if it was easier talking to Twitch because the other understood him in ways others didn’t, vulnerability wasn’t something the chimera was known for. Weakness was seldom kind to him in the past, and the whole ‘opening up’ thing seemed to require a certain finesse he lacked.

So, in true Quillstrike fashion, he simply blurted it out with none of the tact or emotion that a normal cat would have used.

”I feel like I wasted too much time.”

His gaze shifted back to the sky above, finding it easier to put his focus there.

”A million things have happened since I got injured and I missed it all. I know it’s my own fault, but it’s still annoying.”

When he’d first joined Skyclan he’d been nothing short of an outsider, some kid from twolegplace with an attitude problem who was too quick to use his claws. While said attitude had slightly improved, he wasn’t looking forward to the struggle it would be to re-acquaint himself with the world he used to know so well.

”I had to yell at some cat earlier today for messing with the prey pile and I realized I didn’t even know their name. Luckily ‘mouse-brain’ works just as well, but still…”

He didn’t like it. He felt ike an outsider in his own home again.

skyclan - male - 24 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


Quillstrike's words brought a hoarse little laugh out of Twitchbolt's chest, a tiny, fraying sound that only a select few Clanmates would have heard. "Maybe that's why I love you so much, then," he murmured in response, a wry joke in his tone, though there was something glowing and joyful there, too. He didn't think he'd ever get used to just... saying it like that. That he loved him, and being alright with it being out there. Trusting that emotion clasped in Quillstrike's paws, because he knew- he knew he'd never do anything to harm it.

Quillstrike laid his own truth bare, then. Twitchbolt watched with a softened gaze as odd eyes found the sky, and to him and the stars Quillstrike prized open his vulnerabilities. He knew that his mate had often warred with his past as an outsider- there were things that laid beyone their borders that haunted yellow-and-blue eyes, things that might swing around some day. To feel disjointed from the Clan through all of that... Twitchbolt could not imagine it, felt a twist in his stomach when he looked at him.

At least he was talking about it, though, that was a start. His injury had worried the scruffy tom greatly, and he was glad Quillstrike had the time to recover, but- but... if it had spurred these feelings of unbelonging, it twisted Twitchbolt's gut in a way he couldn't fully describe.

For a moment, Twitchbolt said nothing. He looked at Quillstrike's face in the moonlight, and at the dotted starlight reflected in odd eyes, and let silence softly yawn between them. "You'll get there." it sounded hollow, a little- Twitchbolt cursed his frayed tones for making everything positive sound uncertain when it came out of his mouth. "You will, I'll make sure of it. Mouse-brain works well for more than one cat around here... you can fall back on that for a while."

A little, feeble attempt to bring some light in. A crooked tail brushed gossamer against Quillstrike's own, night-and-stone banded. "And- and you don't have to do it alone." He managed to cram in some certainty, there- because he knew it. They'd made that promise- as long as Twitchbolt walked this earth, Quillstrike would not have to face anything alone... even when he tried to. The big, noble idiot...
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”Adrenaline junkie.” he huffed fondly, unable to help the stupid, crooked grin that spread across his face when Twitch said they loved him. But I love you too, you crazy storm-chaser.”

It was a strange thing, to want to belong. When Quill had first joined Skyclan it hadn’t been due to some innate calling or desire to belong- he’d been running, trying to hide from a family he didn’t belong with because he was tired of all the guilt trips and poorly concealed aggression constantly being thrown his way. He hadn’t been in the market for anything outside of some goddamn peace and quiet- not friends, not family, not some lame sense of purpose.

To be honest, he could lose all of it tomorrow and he’d be fine with it, would find some way to go on, so long as he had Twitchbolt with him.

He wasn’t shy in rolling toward the other cat and wrapping them in a gentle bearhug, tugging them close to his chest and pressing his nose to their cheek.

Twitch’s assurance was everything, the only true approval he needed that he still belonged there.

”And- and you don’t have to do it alone.”

”Good. As long as I have you, that’s all I really need.”

A lazy, contented swish of his tail to tangle it with his mates, mismatched eyes filled with warmth. How the hell did he get so lucky? What exactly was it that he’d done to ever draw Twitchbolts attention to him?

”Everyone else is just a bonus, or whatever.”

Which was mostly true. While there were cats he’d mourn if they weren’t around, he’d eventually move on and live his life. But not without this adorable scruffball beside him.

”Enough about me though- I’m boring. You're the exciting one in this relationship, mr ex-deputy.”

And it was mostly true. Despite whatever strangeness others might perceive about his mate, Twitchbolt had always been better at clan life than Quill. He was better at talking to others, better at gaining their trust; better at leading them. Just more likable all around. The chimera could bark orders or intimidate others into following the rules- might even be able to win some respect for his work ethic and loyalty- but he’d never be as well liked or as trusted as the mahogany and cream cat at his side.

”Speaking of, how’s that been? Any regrets?” Tactful? No. But he was genuinely interested to know and he was fairly certain he didn't have to walk on eggshells with his own mate when they would know he didn't mean anything rude by it. Twitches promotion had been somewhat controversial (though nothing next to Cherryblossoms), but the tom had ultimately proved extremely competent. Suddenly the clan could see everything Quill could; their bravery, their dedication, their selflessness. But stress had always burrowed into his mate deeper than it did most, and so the choice to step down was one the blue and black tabby had accepted easily enough. Whatever made Twitchbolt happiest was good enough for Quillstrike.

But.. were they happy?

skyclan - male - 29 months (Feb 17th) - mated to Twitchbolt - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


Seeing that smile stretch across Quillstrike's face, it was like- like he could do no wrong. That he could make that out upon someone he loved- the blankness in his mother and father's eyes when they'd looked at him, it didn't matter, he didn't care a lick about it. Twitching whiskers, spasming eyelids, fragile, fragmenting anxiety- even still, he could weave a smile there. He leaned into Quillstrike's touch, leaning affectionately into the embrace, letting his eyes flutter closed for a moment. "You'll always have me," he croaked into the pale fur of Quillstrike's chest, sinking his head there.

Everyone else is just a bonus, or whatever. He snickered into his mate's fur, tiny little puffs of air. His gaze crescented, eoes of peridot, jasper-flecked, brimming with a happiness he never thought he could have. Doubt wove their tails together. Maybe it was the disbelief that they truly had this that wove them together so closelt, made the shapes of their tails intertwine so effortlessly.

The boring one, he said. Twitchbolt snorted, swatting him lightly with his paw. "Oh, shut up," he laughed, his tone pitching, torn... and deeply, deeply amused and genuine. He'd not be hearing any of it. Quillstrike had earned his place in SkyClan ten times over, had fought at his side time and time again- had always been there, reliable and attentive. He took on tedious work that others avoided- he was a tall shadow at their borders, a mismatched gaze narrowed with intimidating bravado.

Twitchbolt swallowed, thoughtful. He bloomed like a flower in his mate's hold, willing to bear every regret, every thought to him- there was no other cat he'd do it for. "Not regrets... really. What's... what's done is done. I, I... I didn't think I was the right cat to lead SkyClan, so... I removed that tiny, tiny, tiny possibility." He paused- a quaking smile began to stretch across his face. "But can I tell you a secret?"

He drew away a little to look straight into Quillstrike's eyes. "I changed my mind."
penned by pin ✧


OOC- enjoy my novel lmao

”You’ll always have me.”

Stars, he hoped that was true.. All he wanted was this. Forever.

Quills life had never had proper stability in it. His childhood was littered with the landmines of his father, and as an adult he’d constantly been on the lookout for explosions that weren’t going to come. The yelling, the blame, the guilt- all of it had been so loud in his ears growing up, leaving him craving the silence. His escape to Skyclan hadn’t so much been an attempt to ‘start over’ and it was a chance to ‘get away’. He hadn’t cared about making friends or climbing ranks or being a part of their little community.

Rejection wouldn’t have bothered him.

Today though, or any other day since he’d met Twitchbolt, he wouldn’t have been able to say the same. Even before they became mates- all the way back when they were dumb apprentices- Quillstrike had needed him. The dark tabby had practically gone insane when his fight with that other apprentice had led to Twitch avoiding him like the plague afterward, and when he thought about them doing it now - like Honeysplash had- it fucking terrified him. The mere whisper of the thought in his head left anxiety creeping, that he might wake up one day and Twitchbolt would have just… gone. Or what if they stayed, and Quill had to watch as they found a new mate?

Thoughts like that would have assuredly ruined his mood, which is why he kept them far and at bay, smirking lazily as he was swatted and told to shut up.

They were so fucking cute. Quill would have happily killed every cat in the forest to keep them happy- so he supposed it worked in everyones favor that Twitch loved them all. Quill probably did too, in his own way. It just paled in comparison to what he felt for his mate.

He was relieved to learn that there were no regrets about them stepping down. Quill had never had an interest in the inner politics of the clan, letting the others rise in ranks and do their own thing, but he’d always supported Twitch. He wasn’t really all that surprised to find that they were actually really good at the job, and only ever worried about the stress it might cause. It was a lot to be responsible for so much and so many, and he doubted he could have done as well in his mates place.

”A secret? Dish.” he demanded playfully, though his curiosity was very much real as his gaze caught the shaky smile and almost mischievous look in Twitchbolts eyes. It felt like something important to them, which automatically made it a subject of interest for the chimera.

”I changed my mind.”

”Oh?” He grinned, a brow quirking as if to say ‘is that so?’.

Everything about Twitchbolt was so damn perfect- Quill didn’t even have the right words to describe it. He knew that in a lot of ways he was bias s hell, but he never tried to hide it. Why should he? Even if the chimera was a little obsessed, it was pretty damn clear that the one thing they should all agree on was that Twitchbolt was an excellent Skyclanner.

Twitchstar. came his rumbling purr as he tested the name, mismatched eyes warm with a reverence that should have been reserved for the stars. ”I like it. You’ll make a kickass leader- the stars would be crazy not to choose you.”

There was no shortage of confidence in the words. He liked Orangestar and Cherryblossom just fine, but if there was ever to be a Skyclan leader who would have his devotion entirely, their name would be Twitchstar. ”Cherryblossoms too young to be acting deputy anyways. Have you told Orangestar you’d be open to taking it back, yet?”

skyclan - male - 29 months (Feb 17th) - mated to Twitchbolt - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

  • Love

Amusement and fondness prickled beneath his fur at their closeness- to be guarded so strongly, held so close, would have been an alien thought to the apprentice that he had used to be. Doubt muddied every relationship that Twitchbolt had, except what he had with Quillstrike ... how he wanted that certainty, desperately, to be mutually felt. Unshakeable. The best he could do was reiterate it, again and again ... that this was forever.

He'd rake his claws through the terror in Quillstrike's heart for every moment they breathed; he would shred that doubt, and bind them together in doing it.

Contentedly, he relaxed against his mate's side- but as ever, there was a protective squall within. It went both ways, their need for each other, the bullets they would take. And ... well, it was an easy thing to forfeit his secret. It was intended anyway, and the loving glint that flitted between both their eyes, reflected in the mismatched blue-and-yellow of Quillstrike's only egged Twitchbolt on.

Twitchstar, his mate said, a little grandiosely. Heat prickled beneath the wiry fur on Twitchbolt's face- he succumbed to it, scrunching his eyes shut with a smile and a spasm. Honestly, hearing it said made him feel a little sick. Twitchstar had existed only in distant possibilities, in a doomed impossibility - it was an unlikely and stressful future self, but one Twitchbolt wholly believed he could step into the paws of. And to hear that Quillstrike believed in him, too- a hoarse purr fluttered from the brown-and-white tom's chest. Affection pushed him to brush his nose against Quillstrike's shoulder- he felt his mate's rumbling purr.

"Hah, don't ... don't get used to it just yet." Humour twisted his voice. "Lots of bad things have to happen for Twitchstar to exist." And, and maybe it was pessimistic, or just ... just realistic, really. He wasn't particularly hoping for it, anyway.

Thoughtfully, he clicked his tongue. "Not yet ... and I don't want to uproot Cherryblossom." In his heart he wanted her to succeed, despite his youth- he felt no competition toward her. Only if it felt right would he bring it up to Orangestar. "But I s'pose I can find away to tell Orangestar I'm not just a c-coward, without looking like i'm jusy vying for glory."
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Quill supposed his mate was right about that, and it wasn’t like he was hoping anything bad happened. He just.. Wanted Twitch to have what he wanted, whatever that might entail. ”You never know- Orangestar could decide she wants to retire early. Do you think Starclan would give you her leftover lives if she did?” he asked, curious. He liked the idea of Twitch having so many extra lives. While his mate had done an excellent job staying alive with the single life he had now, shit happened and Quill would always feel better knowing they had a few to spare.

At the mention of ‘uprooting’ Cherryblossom, Quil scoffed, letting his gaze return back to the stars. ”She’d live.” he assured his mate, not sounding particularly sympathetic. Why should he? Cherryblossom was young and capable, and seasons down the road she’d likely get her chance at it again if she played her cards right. ”And I’m sure she doesn’t think that your a coward- a cat would have to be stupid to think that, and Orangestars no idiot.”:

Frustrating sometimes, but not stupid.

”You should talk to her. Otherwise if Cherryblossom ever steps down we’ll end up with Slate as out next deputy- and as much as I’d love the go ahead to claw every cat that stepped foot over our border, I have a feeling things would never be quiet if he made his way to Slatestar.“

Which, to be fair, if Quillstrike wasn’t looking to indulge himself in the quiet, boring life of a regular cat, a fighter on the frontlines would probably be where he ended up. Just a return to his childhood, when running the streets at all hours of the day was a better time than being around his family. Back then scrapping with other troubled young cats his age was all there was to do for fun aside from messing with the twolegs.

Stars- what would have happened if he’d stumbled across the moors before he found the pines? Would that have been the life he led if there’s been no Thistleback or Twitchbolt?

skyclan - male - 29 months (Feb 17th) - mated to Twitchbolt - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.