✟ 18/4-24 ✟
Aug 3, 2022

Shallowpaw was running through the forest chasing after a vole who had dared to come out in search of food. He had been lucky to have found it when he had so had taken the opportunity to go for it. That was how he had ended up chasing the prey. Shallowpaw was putting everything he had in this hunt and it was the first time he actually dared to run at full speed since he had always been worried he would trip and fall if he pushed himself to much. But thanks to Sunfreckle and having watched how fast they where when chasing prey, the three-legged apprentice wanted to take after them, to be just as fast and speedy like they were. Shallowpaw hadn't even realised how fast he was until today, as he speed run through the forest.

It was not easy though. He was underweight and running on low energy, still he gave everything he had in the hunt hoping that today would be his first catch as the apprentice of thunderclan. With tired panting leaving his mouth, Shallowpaw would see his chance when he got close enough to the vole, so he leapt into the air but the vole made a quick turn, leaving Shallowpaw's empty as they landed back on the ground, the vole having slipped through his claws in a second.

When he was about to make a quick u-turn to start chasing the vole again though not going to give up that easily...he saw when another thunderclanner leapt out from some bushes to capture the vole he had been trying so hard to catch. Shallowpaw could do nothing else but watch as his denmate gave a quick death to the vole. " Woops, was this your prey Roguepaw?." Badgerpaw would lift his gaze from the vole, licking the blood away from his maw before he cast the three-legged apprentice a snide smile. " Too bad you where to slow." the black white tom taunted and snorted as he cast a cold glance down at Shallowpaw's missing leg. " Better luck next time i guess... looks like you need all you can get!- " Badgerpaw turned his back on them to pick up the vole before hissing. " loser." he started to walk away, and at a short distance the apprentice friends was waiting, and Shallowpaw could hear from there he stood how they talked about him in a mocking way.

He said nothing though, just watching as they walked away with the vole he had given everything he had to catch. Looked like today wouldn't be his day.

// Badgerpaw is back if anyone remembers him from CC >:)


Sunfreckle had failed his own hunt moments before, trailing off from where he'd tried to dig his mouse back out to no avail and made his way further forward into the forest only to hear the skirting of paws across the snow. A quick pounce upward onto a partially fallen tree branch gave him a good spot to perch as he watched Shallowpaw dart across the snow and slip; a breath sucked in at the impact but the blue tom got right back up on his paws immediately. Sunfreckle wriggled in place, delighted at the determination but the chase ended abruptly as it began by another apprentice. He heard 'Roguepaw' but not much else utters though it was clear to tell the comments were not so kind and with a swiftness he was making his way over. The prey was caught and that was all well and good, but he should say something....anything.

"Excellent teamwork!"
He hoped he scared them, he hoped his sudden booming cheer and his bright coat emerging from the surrounding foliage was enough of a surprise to send them jumping and if they did he would laugh in amusement. "I see we're hunting together today, a good idea! Pairing up balances out those who are less skilled and allows them to learn more. Why, you'd have never caught that without Shallowpaw's assistance I warrant."

He was not accustomed to having much authority but he was a warrior and these were apprentices, still it was hard to be stern when he was....him. So he opted instead for a more casual approach: he would kill them with kindness, lean into his own naivety.
His voice rose in a shrill tone, the kind he used to talk to kits, "Badgerpaw, silly, I heard you forgetting your clanmates name? If you have a hard time remembering that I can only wonder if maybe you might struggle recalling what your mentor has taught you too!" The tabby shook himself, smiling as he stood there, "Perhaps...that's why you were the ambusher and not the chaser? I was often made the ambusher on team hunts you know..." He shook his foreleg lightly, the one that ended just above the elbow, "I was terribly slow, had a hard time. Maybe your mentor and I should have you two hunt together more often, Shallowpaw can teach you how to move quicker if you would like, he can balance out your struggles while you learn! It could be fun! But ah..." He trails off slowly, dismissively, "That will be a talk for later, I'm afraid I need to borrow him for more training. Why don't you all scurry off and chirp like birds somewhere you won't scare the prey now~"
His great plume of a tail rose, swished in a gesture to urge them all to wander off and his smile never faltered.

Shallowpaw was not the only one who got startled when Sunfreckle come out from nowhere to start rambling cheerful words which almost sounded like insults. It probably was but Shallow found it difficult to understand social cues especially when the voice said one thing and the words something entier else. He decided to just watch, and as he blinked his eyes turned his attention to Badgerpaw and his gang who had started to walk away but had got caught before they could. He could see how the fur on Badgerpaw's back started to bristle, and his face looked both embarassed and angry at the same time. Clearly getting compared with him to be stated to be a better hunter than what Badgerpaw was did not settle well with them.

Aha, it must be insults then?. Sunfreckle putting them into their place. Shallowpaw glanced between his mentor and the apprentices who looked like deer caught in the headlight. Badgerpaw looked like he was about to say something, to spat something out from his mouth full with prey fur but it seemed like something held him back, maybe the fact a apprentice shouldn't speak out against another warrior. Whatever the case the gang decided to leave without a word, some of them having their heads hanged low in shame or embarassment but not Badgerpaw. He left with a furious look upon his features and teeth digged deep into the vole.

Left was him and Sunfreckle.

" Why did you do that?." Shallowpaw looked up at them with watchful yet wary eyes, his mentors behavior just now being a mystery to them. He couldn't even tell if they were angry or happy right now. All he knew was that they acted strange right now and that they had done something unnecesserily.