private i'll only fly away * valekit

bio ₊˚✧ ゚. He's sent prowling the camp like a short furred ball of looming terror, temporarily cast out of the nursery after picking fights. In search of something to occupy his time he is eubmerging himself in the river outside of the nusery,. While not entirely succeeding in the endeavor, he's managing to swim in short bursts, paddling, and slowly sinking. Before his head is pulled under water he reaches the edges of the river. It's not been especially warm, fall has seen to that. At least with paws in the camp that persistent displaced anger and fear has seemingly subsided to a degree, as such no one has been subjugated to the full extent of his jerk behavior, the kittens taking refuge in ShadowClan are seemingly the worse off of his targets. He hauls himself out of the water when he decides he's had enough of failing to keep afloat for a long period.

The nursery is nearby - a head is poked in. "Hey. Over here." He hisses, trying hard to be sneaky, water sliding off him. If he stays, he knows that disappointed eyes are going to fall on him. Something about it makes his skin crawl, so if he can help it, he's drawing someone out.
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Valekit was growing to love this little slice of heaven... it was warm in here, the ground littered in soft piles of moss and feathers with an ever-present guardian to watch his back. Some of the other kits were not terribly friendly but... at least there was the queen to defend him from unnecessary onslaughts? He still preferred to have Rookfang around... not that he doubted her abilities but she didn't exactly have a firm loyalty to him.

A soft hissing from nearby, his ears swivel to get a listen at it, wondering what it could be now. One of the warriors coming to bring them dinner maybe? Or better yet, the knight he was thinking about! Excellent, then he could- Huh? His head tilts slightly, listening to the beckoning voice before warily rising to his paws to investigate. Creeping carefully to the entrance, he raises a paw slowly... patiently.... Peers around the edge of the den and-

Narrowly stops himself from smacking Bitekit in the face. "Oh...." Placing his toes back on the ground, he frowns slightly, offering a confused look. What do you want?

bio ₊˚✧ ゚. He's familiar with Valekit's way of communication, his father doesn't speak outside of private. "Look." He whisper-hisses, leaning in slightly from outside the den, trying hard not to be shooed off following his temporary banishment. He pauses to actually look at the other kitten. He squints. "You're.. You haven't been here long?" Bitekit's seen him around, he's secure in that. He's mostly familiarized himself with the nursery in picking on or being subject of conversation amongst their fellow den mates, outside of being born there.

"Well. It's realllly boring here." Bitekit huffs. Throughout speaking he's watching Valekit for responses. "Lucky for you I know lots of things to do." He backs up, heading towards the river by the nursery. Without saying it he's expecting the other kitten to follow. He takes a seat by the river, dipping a paw in, as the water he's already soaked himself in sits in his fur. "So much talk in there." It's complained out like he isn't the main perpetrator of sparking any kind of discourse in the den, or running his mouth about other clan members.
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Bitekit leans in real close, peaking his muzzle into the den just enough to look around suspiciously. Valekit follows his gaze, tracing the edges of the nursery for the perceived threat. Was he looking for Apricotflower? Avoiding her? Oh... he was in trouble wasn't he....

The question hissed in his ear summons a lighted meadow gaze again- "Mm-mm," he responds softly, hardly more than a growl to deny that he'd been here long. RiverClan was still quite strange... still quite new. He loathed that he did not see his knight as often as he liked and further still did not like that 'Velvet' boy who glared at him at every turn.

He is prompted to follow, though not directly... Valekit takes longer than he should to realize before hurriedly getting to his paws and rushing after him. Where was he going? Somewhere not boring? He leads him close to a splash-ground nearby and the chimera leans forward to stare his reflection in the face for awhile, eyes wide and unblinking. Dark and light... he thinks to himself, admiring the way his fur changes color. "So much talk in there."

Peeling his gaze away, he turns to look at the other kit with a curious tilt of his head, ears perked forward to listen better. "Too loud...? he speaks in soft syllables, a murmur just as loud as the bubbling of the creek.​

bio ₊˚✧ ゚. Seeing Valekit join him eventually has him sat triumphantly, chest puffed out as usual. "There's shiny things in here. Sometimes, you can even find fish." It's a serious admission, he lowers himself onto his soft belly by the water, staring at Valekit's reflection as if he can find answers there. So he hadn't been there before. Interesting.

"All anyone can do is run their mouths." The tone he carries is spiteful, can't prevent the hurt that sneaks in against his will, the thought reminding him of the words that had been spat at him by Fallow, which still spike him uncomfortably. The kitten doesn't want to be thought of as bad, doesn't want that guilt that drags at his paws with the knowledge he's disappointing everyone. Uncomfortable lingering on the thought he dredges out the questions that are crowding on his tongue, naturally a curious creature. "How did you get here anyways? Didn't get lost did you?" he asks, unable to stop the mocking tone that seeps into his words.

He looks at Valekit, actually regarding him with a critical eye. "Do you even have any family here?" he settles his barrage of questions, continuing to submerge a paw in the what has become icy cold water.
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Hmm... shiny things... Valekit peers back into the shallow water to see if anything fun might be there waiting for him. Maybe he could collect a bunch of little trinkets to show to... Rookfang? Or I guess even that witch, Hazecloud would be fine... He blinks, expecting them to practically materialize for him but nothing shows up. What a boring game this turned out to be.

His velvet-touched ears flick at Bitekit's elaboration, a discussion, though small, on what is bothering him about others. It was not the volume (that was the reason Valekit disliked the nursery at times) but rather, the contents of the conversations themselves? Scrunching up his nose for a small sniff at the fish-lacking waters, he wonders if it's worth pointing out that the dark furred boy he sits next to doesn't have to actively antagonize the same 'loud mouths' he hates.

Probably best not to...

The silence is loud then... in a way the chimera hadn't expected it to be. He opens his maw to offer some kind of feeble reassurance- I don't mind you, or something equally barely passing as friendly but instead a line of curiosities becomes an interrogation and Valekit loses the will to speak with kindness rather than suspicion.

Why did it matter how he got here? He tenses his jaw, clenching his teeth once, twice, considering. Shoving the upset feelings that gnaw in his underbelly. "Kind of..." Lost didn't feel like a good answer but, what did you call it when the milky scent of 'mother' had disappeared? Wasn't that being lost? "Rookfang found me."

It did not seem worthwhile to comment on the hunger-craved spittle of a predator that had instead found him first, if only a few hairs faster than his corvid-cloaked knight. The daunting question of family becomes the last to confess to and Valekit is left... entirely bothered. His mother was the only family he was familiar with, really... but she, the moon in his sky, had sung tunes of the reach of her Shadows, her kin far and wide that thrived elsewhere, without them. Rookfang was... his knight... but his brother? It still felt strange to call it that. "Yes," he answers unrevealingly. "You born here?" Quick.. divert the focus back.​

bio ₊˚✧ ゚. The response he receives isn't what he's expecting, not that Valekit seemed one to fight. Sharp green eyes see the discomfort, a familiar bad feeling creeping under his paws. What had seemed worried. He had done that yet- makes the decision to ease off, having someone humoring him that isn't his family has him desperate for the companionship of other kittens, even if the desire is something he turns his nose up at.

"Yeah, my mum's in the nursery." He's secure in not being in the den, it seems she's been on a good-day streak, a sparkle back in her eyes. He's not been spending the day hovering nearby worriedly. "Dad's Sneezefur." He has to think carefully about what he says next, a rare thing for the brawny kitten. He shares with great caution. "Listen.." It's a request he's been unable to extend to anyone else, perhaps because of obvious reasons: "When you're in the nursery you should make sure she's okay if I'm not there.. okay?" Another pair of eyes when he's busy rampaging around the camp, the worry won't be as persistent at his heels, The nursery usually has presence in it, but the security in having someone who he's assured is good is something he's wanted. "She's.. never feeling good." Words taken with such care are rare, but important, he delivers them with a wary determination.

Curiosity holds him, prompts more questions, this time he makes an effort to not be overbearing, instead of pelting Valekit with questions, he pulls back, offers an: "Where'd he find you?" He can't quite picture a world outside of what he's known, familiar with the camp to a degree that is to be expected of someone spending nearly their entire existence in one area, save for his failed exploration attempt. "Should tell me everything, or nothing."
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Sneezefur... these are all names Valekit can hardly say he recognizes. Obviously, Bitekit's momma is in the nursery, which is nice... it made a lot more sense then why he was constantly getting into trouble. Valekit's own mother would probably be more willing to send him to time-out than some random molly like Apricot... Apricot uh... What was her name again? Whatever that nice one was, the one that had more or less been tasked with babysitting him indefinitely.

The seriousness that becomes like a heavy weight upon the other boy's tone requests, sincerely, for the protection and watchful eyes of a perfect stranger to ensure his mother's health, her safety. Valekit takes it seriously, bringing a paw to his chest as his brows furrow, "Promise... I swear it." It seems she is one whose struggle with wellness is constant... how unfortunate.

A good prince would help the suffering, just like in the stories.

The conversation ping-pongs back to Valekit's history, as short as it is but at least this time his insistence includes the option to not. The chimera understands this to be a kindness rather than what Bitekit really wants.. but it is appreciated regardless. "Uhm... It was kind of dark? I lost track of her... but there was something else that found me first."

He blinks, glancing back towards his reflection as the sensation of hot breath came back in startling familiarity... "There was like. A really big monster... I think it was gonna... e-eat me...." A frown settles more and more intensely on his face, willing to share for once though it remains an agony to recall. "He showed up like some kind of hero though! Out of nowhere almost... and saved me. I guess that makes him pretty strong..."
bio ₊˚✧ ゚. He doesn't think he's ever thanked any feline, and he's not about to start, instead he offers Valekit a meaningful look. He's not sure what it is, but he feels an affinity for the kitten, likely due to the way Bitekit seems to be able to hold a conversation with his quieter peer. "She doesn't even know you." He's not sure why he's spiting the kit who's helping him, but it just seems right.

Trying to fill in the blanks with his mind to little avail, he questions: "Her, your mother?" The knowledge is valuable to the black furred kitten, he wants to know all there is to know, a persistent urge that keeps his jaw moving, often draws his paws to conversation. Valekit's continuation has his eyes rounding. A monster? He's only heard stories of the supposedly huge things. He shudders at the thought, kittens were fine enough foes, but from what scary tales Bitekit has heard, he doesn't want to be snapped up by one, he's wrongly imagining what he's heard of the thunderpath, misinterpreting Valekit, still, the bitter words spill out. "It must have been better than living here." It's an entirely ignorant comment. "Do you like being here?" he wrinkles his nose, unable to produce any answer for himself that isn't some variation of no. "Is he like..." Squints suspiciously at Valekit again operating under his own experience of having his family present, "your dad now or something?"
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He seems bittered by that answer.... why? Valekit's face screws up into one of confusion- what's the point in asking for my help if my promise is frustrating? It seems to be only a half-hearted retort... which is the only reason the chimera doesn't bother to just get up and leave the sour-puss to his own company. "Doesn't matter. Right thing to do." is the stubborn answer he insists upon.

But Bitekit seems far more interested in Valekit's complicated family affairs than arguing with him about Bitekit's own mother. He nods, affirmative to the clarification of his mother. Did he know her by name, he thinks for a second... and realizes... no. She had only been mom... mother... the moon in the night sky... the queen. Bitekit muses that the life outside of RiverClan had to be vastly superior which leaves the chocolate and vanilla boy to question what exactly about being nearly eaten seemed an improvement from this? At least here.. he was warm and looked after. At least here, there were so many squires and pages and knights of varying calibers, he could trust he was safe. There was no one to steal another queen into the inky black of night.

"I do like it... feels safe. Too many cats sometimes... can be overwhelming. Not looking forward to leaving the fruit lady behind..." At least it meant he might narrowly escape that witch, Hazecloud. The suggestion that Rookfang might be his new father makes Valekit laugh for the first time since he'd arrived with the river felines. A squealing thing, full of a childish wonder not yet lost but kept in quiet reserve. "He's my big brother! I think... I remember momma telling me stories about him, about my older siblings... I have a couple actually. Do you have any brothers and sisters?"