camp i'll pick you flowers; flower crowns



chamomilepaw | 10 months | genderfluid | any pronouns | physically medium | mentally easy | attack in bold #ffff99

There's not many flowers around these days, and much of what is eft cam has been warned away from. He doesn't understand why the medicine cats need his pretty flowers more, but he's not going to argue Theres probably a good reason. Humming absently to himself, the fluffy tom wanders the riverbank and underbrush, a pile of materials quickly filling his jaws. Plodding back to camp and finding himself a nice, sunny rock to lay on, it's surface smooth and flat and warm he drops his finds down at his paws. Curling up as small as his bulk can, nimble paws begin the ever-so familiar process of weaving flower chains. Except, this time it's mostly reeds and grass and ivy and fallen leaves, only a scattering of daisies and vervain and goldenrod to show for all of his foraging efforts. He doesn't have anyone in particular in mind as he works - he simply thinks it might be nice to give his clanmates some color and cheer. Mismatched eyes look up from his work as the first is finished - a lovely mesh of autumnal color, reds and golds and warm browns tangled and woven together into a makeshift crown - and lands on the nearest person to him. "do you want a flower-crown?" he chirrups politely, a bright smile on his face.

Peachkit was crouched nearby, her wide green eyes fixed on the flowers between the older cat's paws. She had never spoken to Camomile before, and she didn't want to pester him by asking to for some only to possibly fail at weaving them together. She was just about to turn and pad away in search of a more familiar face when the tom turned to her and asked if she'd like it.

"Oh!" Peachkit jumped slightly, startled by the sudden offer. "Um...yes please!" she finally answered in a small voice.

honeypaw had recently finished cleaning up nests in the nursey, of course adding little extra gifts to each one. it was a task that many apprentices found bothersome, but she really did enjoy it. it was a nice break from heavier duties, but the kits and queens seemed to appreciate it. that was more validating to her than catching the biggest fish or learning a new battle technique.

as she exited, she spotted chamomilepaw and peachkit. a smile was on her face as she trotted over to see what was going on. her gaze fluttered down to the flower crown. although she didn't love the weather growing colder with each day, it sure did produce some beautiful colors. she couldn't give all the credit to the seasons. her littermate was the one who had the creativity to bring them all together.

"that's gonna look so pretty on you, peachkit!"

The duties of an apprentice never seem to stop, especially with the chill of winter beginning to creep up on the clan’s borders. Go catch your own breakfast today. Go catch food for the elders. Go clean the nursery. Go fetch this specific herb. Go give your thanks to StarClan. There’s so much that their mentor feels necessary to saddle them with, and there’s only one tired, aching Crappiepaw.

Today, their short reprieve from their useless mentor’s near-constant tasks is spent socializing sparingly with their clanmates. They find themself huddled at the riverbank beside Honeypaw, watching another apprentice craft a ring out of flowers. Chamomilepaw offers the so-called flower crown to Peachkit, leaving the tortoiseshell tom a bit befuddled. "You just… wear them?" They squint at the flower crown as though they’re attempting to solve a puzzle; they don’t understand why someone would use flowers in such a way. What’s the point?
( ) "Oh, well these just seem like a delight!" Silverstripe purred, examining the flower crown with interest. Never before had she seen anything quite like it, and it seemed to her quite a fun and novel idea. She was certain she'd look just wonderful in one. "I'll take a flower crown as well, if you don't mind." She requested with a serene smile.

Not everyone seemed as happy with the concept as she was though. The molly gave Chamomilepaw an inquisitive glance in response to his question. "Well, yes." Silverstripe told him with a soft laugh. "I do not see what's so confusing about that. It is a fairly simple concept."
chamomilepaw | 10 months | genderfluid | any pronouns | physically medium | mentally easy | attack in bold #ffff99

An every present gin on his maw, he stands up - towering over the child, though he doesn't realize his stature might make him seem intimidating. He gently plops the colorful wreath upon the child's head - its a bit o big, but that's to be expected. He hadn't really had anyone in particular in mind to wear it after all. His sisters appearance has him waving his tail in greeting, turning about and settling back down to enjoy the conversation. "Mhm," he answers a bit absently, "You can put them on your head, or your paws, or even on your neck like the twoleg things kittypets wear," he thinks there's a word for the objects, but even in all of his travels, the twoleg place is one he's never ventured to. To many twolegs and their monsters. He tips his head to the side - he'd never stopped to consider that perhaps his experiences weren't universal. After all, he'd seen numerous apprentices weaving dens or nests flowers into furs - weaving a vine to wear seems decidedly less odd. "It's pretty easy, you just loop them together and braid the ends, like you do when you're putting things in your fur or making a nest," he adds, giving voice to his previous thoughts.
