i'll sleep when i'm dead .. intro


classic male manipulator
Apr 24, 2023

—————————thunderclan | he/they | warrior————————
It seemed like recently, Cedarfire just wasn't allowed to get any sort of rest.

From patrols to other small tasks, the red tabby found himself doing all sorts of things! Though, he couldn't exactly say he minded. Rather, he preferred to be useful for his clan, even if it meant sometimes being unable to just exist without needing to prove it. A good amount of it was self-volunteered too, so it wasn't like he could blame anyone but himself for this. Despite his willingness, it was obvious he was fairly exhausted, to say the least. Letting out a large yawn, the cat shook his head as if to rid himself of his tiredness, and sat himself down.

Surely a few moments of respite wouldn't be looked down upon, right? Hm... if they thought about how this could be seen for their character, then yes, it would most likely be a good plan. After all, it would make them seem more like the rest of his clan. They weren't simply running on endless energy, now were they? It would be considered appropriate to take a short break, so long as they didn't forget their original task. Yes, that would be the plan.

Slowly shifting into a laying position, they tucked their paws underneath them and let out a soft sigh. Yes... no letting their eyes close, no matter how tempting it would seem...

And yet, their blinks started to grow more and more elongated... Perhaps... perhaps they would just rest their eyes, and not really sleep? That was something he'd seen others do, it seemed like a plausible affair. So long as he kept his mind abuzz with thoughts, or maybe focused on listening around him, he would be fine. Of course! A brilliant plan. A short "eye rest" was all he needed before getting back out there. Flawless, for certain.

Ears flicking slightly as he focused more on his hearing, the tabby let his eyes close with an unceremonious flick of his tail.

[penned by bnnuy].
Howlingstar can't help but notice the rather comical display of one of her warriors. As she grooms herself, an eye remains on the bobbing head of Cedarfire, who looks so much like he may drop at any moment. He has been working himself to the bone lately, she'd certainly noticed it. And while his sense of duty is admirable, it's equally important that her clanmates take care of themselves, too.

The tabby gets to her paws and weaves through the camp, tail flicking as she nods to passing clanmates. As she comes upon the dozing warrior, she can't help but give an amused shake of her head. Her head lowers so she can nudge him gently to wake him (hopefully without startling him). "Go to your nest, Cedarfire. You deserve a rest, alright?" Certainly he must know he's allowed to sleep if he's done his work!
Stormpaw found that the longer the days lasted—in comparison to leafbare—the more energy she had. The sun seemed to fuel her, she wondered if that could even be possible. She would race Owlear up and down the territory if she could. In the first half moon of her apprenticeship, her paws had ached terribly but now she was much more accustomed to the thrum of Clan life.

She giggled to herself when she saw Cedarfire's eyes fall shut slowly. She wondered how kittenish it would be to bat at his tail. There were certainly times she wished she had the rank of kit to hide her silly actions under. However, all thoughts of that vanished when Howlingstar appeared. Stormpaw wanted to be on her best behavior.

"What—what'd you do today that made you so tired?" She chirped.


Berryheart had always been a sort that championed the benefits of rest, and showcased in Embers' form was the exact reason why. Working oneself was all well and good when one was fully energised... but vigour and vivacity came from the rewards of rest, blessed dreams and sacred sleep. Usefulness fled quickly when a mind was not in its sharpest state.

As ever, Big Mama's words were wise as she wandered over to Embers, telling them that they needed to rest, and a slow blink of agreement crossed over the dappled tom's stone-stiff expression. There must be some reason that one would deprive themselves of rest... a reason borne of nonsensical origin, no doubt. Rest was as essential as food and water, but some seemed to want to whittle their flesh until they were a skin-stretched skeleton, tiredness a picture on a sunken skull...

Embers had not quite gotten to that point, but as soon as his mother spoke up, Berryheart would give his judgement from where he lay. Though Little Blue seemed concerned with the reasoning for Embers' exhaustion, the medicine cat only cared for the solution. Sprawled across his expertly-made nest that had been dragged into a patch of sunlight, he murmured, "Mhm... rest."

Much like Cedarfire, Flycatcher was something of a hard worker. He often found himself busy - more often than not since he had become deputy - and whilst it could take its toll, Flycatcher was also of the opinion that he didn't mind. He would rather be helpful for his clan than sitting idly.

"You do look tired," Flycatcher mused, padding over to join his fellow warriors who had come to speak with Cedarfire. "You would do well to get yourself some rest," Flycatcher nodded in agreement to everyone else's words. "We appreciate your effort helping out but take care not to overwork yourself or make yourself Ill."

—————————thunderclan | he/they | warrior————————
At words close to his ears, the warrior jumps slightly, surprised that he didn't even notice Howlingstar approach. Did he actually fall asleep or something for a second there? Stars, that's embarrassing. Shaking his head at her, he gave her a small smile. "Oh, but I've just got a few more things to do today. It'd be rather remiss of me to not get to all that I accepted to do," he spoke, turning his gaze to Stormpaw now. "Hmm.. not much! I patrolled the borders this morning, then went hunting right after... I noticed some messiness in the warriors den when I had awoken earlier, so I tidied up in there once I came back. I didn't get any more than a squirrel when I went hunting, so I went back out when I was done with that... I actually just recently returned from my hunt. There's still plenty of time for me to do more, is there not?"

As various cats began their notice of them, Cedarfire felt their pelt prickle slightly. Was their exhaustion that noticeable? That was certainly... discomforting to find out. Even Berryheart spoke a little, which surprised the tabby thoroughly. Their ears flattened slightly as Flycatcher voiced his opinion as well, and they let out a soft sigh. "I... appreciate... the concern... I promise to thoroughly rest later, and not make my schedule quite so busy tomorrow, if that would reduce your worries." Seriously, embarrassing! But it was not as if they could simply refuse all of them.

[penned by bnnuy].
Stormpaw bounds towards them, asking what has Cedarfire so tired. She smiles and returns her attention to the tom as he goes on to describe his day so far. And the list just...continues! Howlingstar blinks in surprise and briefly glances towards the sky, noting the sun's position in the sky. He has already done all of this? Berryheart and Flycatcher voice their agreement with her and she returns her attention to the tortoiseshell warrior.

"You've done plenty today. You're more useful rested than exhausted, you know," She mews with a hint of amusement in her voice, nudging him. "Flycatcher, make sure he doesn't get a dawn patrol tomorrow so he can sleep in, hm?" Lighthearted eyes turn towards her deputy, smile causing creases upon aged cheeks. A hardworking warrior deserves a break.
WE'RE GETTING LOST! Killdeercry's entry into the growing clowder was not at all encouraging for a rest. After getting her blood pumping and mood high with a lovely patrol she came back to camp gloating of her success in irritating some RiverClanners into going back home. Paws stomped in wide circles as she showboated to her Clanmates until inevitably those gathered around Cedarfire were in her path.

"Hey, Cedarfire! Don't make me look bad with that act. You know, why don't I do all your little chores on top of my responsibilities so you can nap with the kits in the nursery." Her teasing words may have been harsh, but Killdeercry said them so sweetly to her peer. She was certainly just showing her concern in her own strange way. — tags

—————————thunderclan | he/they | warrior————————
While it may have been impressive, he certainly would not be able to do this much again without more of an impact on his health. Cedarfire was reluctant to acknowledge this fact, but let out a gentle sigh as he nodded to Howlingstar's words. "I... suppose I must admit being well-rested would make my further efforts more fruitful."

And then... Ah, yes, Killdeercry. His eyes narrowed slightly, but the smile on his face grew. "Oh yes, I'm certain you'd just love that, wouldn't you? Well then, why don't you scurry off and do some hunting? There's assuredly not enough time for you to be gloating around camp if you intend to finish all my duties. Hm... what else have you done today? Because unfortunately, I fear you have been slacking already. In accordance to my schedule, of course." His tone was playful, and to the others it did seem like a friendly little jab back at her. Alas, he was holding in the majority of his distaste for the molly, biting his tongue before he said something that would make everyone bristle at his words.

[penned by bnnuy].