camp i'll stop the whole world; introduction


➥ apprentice
Feb 13, 2023
The normally bubbly apprentice had been rather quiet since Howling Wind left camp to the moor. Her heart was filled with worry. She knew from her mentor, Grayspot, that they would face off against dogs soon. Some of the other apprentices had already encountered the beasts that wandered through the pines. Shallowpaw, Moonpaw, and Wildpaw. But, they had all made it back alive. That was cause for hope, right?

Bouncepaw sat just outside the apprentice den. Hanging out with some of the other apprentices as they whispered to each other about the dogs. Some seemed nervous and others seemed eager to prove themselves. The round calico felt somewhere in between. She wanted to show off how much she had learned since becoming an apprentice. As much as she wanted to prove herself, she didn’t want to watch anyone get hurt.

Shuffling her paws in her spot. She takes a brief pause in conversation to speak up. “I just wanna say, if we all go up against the dogs, I couldn’t ask for better cats by my side.” she says bashfully. Her brown eyes that were glued to the ground looked up at the cats around her. “We all have been training hard for this very reason! These beasts won’t take anything else from us! I believe in all of you!” Bouncepaw says bluntly, hoping to ease some of the worried cat's anxiety.

// takes place right after Howling, Raccoon, and Berry leave for the moonstone <3
poor baby girl about to be crushed so tried to make her intro light hearted as possible lol

The tension that lingered over them all was hard to ignore, and even Shiningpaw persistent need to smile was beginning to waver. He found himself fazing out mentally and staring at the camp wall, lost in thoughts and worries. The whispering going on about the dogs wasn't helping him either, and with being one of the older apprentices he felt a greater weight of responsibility for looking out for the younger ones.

A young calico soon draws his attention, pulling him back from the abyss of his inner thoughts. It's then that she does something truly brave and meaningful, and he extends his ear to listen. Slowly a smile began to warm his features as he drew strength from her words. "Heh! That's the spirit!" Shiningpaw proclaimed as he stepped closer so he could sit beside Bouncepaw. "You know what I reckon, we're gonna be okay as long as we work together. And Bouncepaw, we believe in you too, don't forget that!"