private I'll take thee away {Weasel}


Sweet but Psycho
Nov 21, 2022
( ) Vixengaze was many things; a deceiver, a manipulator, a cat who when she saw something she wanted she felt no hesitation in taking it.

And this time? Her copper gaze had settled upon the former lead warrior of Windclan. She had been present in the shadows the day he had fought against the Riverclan patrol for a squirrel, and while many of the others had chastised him, including his own mate, Vixen simply saw an opening. She had taken her time, ensuring that their interaction was as natural as possible before she approached.

The day would finally come, much to her pleasure, and as she spotted the injured tom resting she would make sure to groom her pelt to perfection and then made her way over, a piece of prey hanging limply from her jaws. Once she was before him, the chocolate and fawn chimera would gently place the meal before him and dipped her head to him in a gesture that still showed respect despite his demotion, "I'm sorry to bother you, Weaselclaw. But you must keep up your strength if your wounds are to heal."

Twin flames of kind copper would glow towards the tom as she smiled, her gaze traveling his form as if to see how much more healing needed to be done. "The scars will be glorious." She praises kindly, "A testament to your loyalty to Windclan, I only wish others could see what you did as heroic, as I do." With another dip of her head, the former rogue would turn as if to walk away but look over her shoulder as she does so, "I suppose I should take my leave now, apologies again for troubling you."


( ) Weaselclaw should be used to not being popular with other cats. As a kit, he'd been just one of the many brown tabbies who roamed the farm, faceless and dust-pelted like his siblings and mother. Nondescript. Had it bothered him then? Of course not! Even when he'd first joined WindClan, being met with accusations of being a kittypet, of his scent being intertwined with that of horse shit, Weaselclaw had held his head high. He's always known who he is, what his worth is -- and he's never needed other cats to back that up.

But Sootstar's public denouncement of him has taken a toll. Weaselclaw was not dually scarred, like Hyacinthbreath had been when she'd betrayed their leader, but he feels as though his soul bears her claw marks. The other cats have the nerve to label him a coward when he would have died to feed him -- it's disheartening. It makes him wonder why he ever fought so hard to be a cat worth helping to lead them.

He's sick, and he's injured, and it helps give him an excuse to avoid the rest of his Clanmates. His nose runs, though it's not too bad, nothing like Wisteriapaw, and his cough is rough, but he can speak without rasping. He's fine physically, despite the torn ear, the scarred flank... he's fine.

But Sootstar took away so much he didn't know he needed, and he feels out of sorts in his own home. He spends his days alone, when he isn't on a hunting patrol. He's kept quite far from the gorge and the RiverClan border these days, after all.

Monochrome paws bring a strange scent close to him. Weaselclaw's ears jetplane with confusion, but the scent of prey sets his mouth watering. Though he fears he cannot taste the meat, he hardly waits before tearing into her prize. Blue eyes glow with appreciation, though the tabby gives her cautious looks between bites.

"The scars will be glorious," she tells him, her fiery eyes boring into him. He swallows his mouthful before muttering, "I don't know if I can take glory in something the rest of my Clan condemns." His tone is bitter, brittle as ice. Begrudgingly, he glances towards what's left of the meal and says, "Thanks, though."

He almost panics when she turns to take her leave. When's the last time someone spoke to him like he wasn't an infected piece of crowfood? He says, hesitant despite his feelings, "Wait. You don't have to go. You're Vixengaze, right?" He rakes his gaze over her. "You were one of Gin's rogues?