backwritten illicit affairs


She stares, dumbfounded, at the boy before her — not a mirage, and not just a memory, either — not dead alongside her mother, not bloody and buried. Slate is alive.

"Slate," Ashpaw finds herself repeating, as he explains himself — though she knows he's a 'paw now, too, like her — he's always just been Slate, in her memories. Him and Gravel —

And Gravel is alive, too, both of them WindClan apprentices — Ashpaw shudders and swallows back bile because how did that happen? How could they have — how? Someplace so awful — joy and dread mixing and mingling in her stomach. She's gonna throw up.

Slatepaw's explanation doesn't make things any better.

Lynxtooth. Father.

"Father," Ashpaw repeats, entirely numb. "Father?"

Their father. The man who hurt Adelaide and gave all three babies fever coats, that's what Silverfoot said. Someone cruel and cunning that they had to be kept away from, at all costs — that father?

"You can't be serious," she says weakly. "You — and Gravel — and father? No, no, no — do you know what he did to mom — "

Her voice is higher pitched now, frantic. "Is he — does he do that to you? Are you okay?" She notes, now, the way Slatepaw's condition seems ... less than ideal. She'd assumed he must've been at the raid or something, led along by WindClan warmongers, but oh god. What if — ?

"Lynxtooth," she tests the name out on her lips. "He — he's in WindClan. Oh my god. Is he here ?"

What surges up within her is a kind of protective rage that she's never imagined feeling for a WindClanner. But this isn't a ... a real WindClanner, right? This is her brother. This is Slate, he doesn't... he isn't like them.

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • @slatepaw so sorry it took forever!! tryna get back on top of stuff

  • - 7 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to lead warrior willowroot
    - crushing hard on iciclepaw
    - happy-go-lucky, mischievous, hardworking
    - very friendly, but defensive of riverclan!
    - "speech"
  • - disclosed being abused by spiderfall, who was exiled & who then killed her best friend pumpkinpaw

    - temporarily apprenticed to npc pebbleskip due to willowroot moving into the nursery

    - benched for a few weeks at smokethroat's request after a training incident; mainly stays in camp and helps with the kits or does chores

7 moons - windclan apprentice - speech

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Slatepaw stared at her sister with a sort of wonder - he knew nothing of her life, her friendships, her training, her Clan. He longed to, wished that he had - if only they hadn't been separated, he wondered how close they'd become. He tried to reach back to the memories of their childhood, before Adelaide's death. But.. before that bloody moment, it all felt foggy. He could see her form, her existence, but not the bond that once made the three siblings family. He had to repair that. He had to make it real.

The mention of Lynxtooth seemed to send her into a panic - he expected it, though in his awe and excitement he wasn't braced for the sudden change in her demeaner. He examined her closely, taking in the pitch of her voice, the frantic skips in her breath. He felt a twinge of something less than pleasant at the sight - similar to how he felt often with Gravelpaw. Jealousy? He alone suffered at the paws of Lynxtooth. For a moment, he thought he heard an accusatory note to Ashpaw's words. She couldn't think that he wanted to stay with Lynxtooth, did she? "Of course I know what he did to mother. I watched it happen," he said back, quicker and blunter than he had intended.

He was wrong, though, and he realized quickly. She wasn't accusing them of anything for staying with Lynxtooth - she was worried about him. He tried to force back the feelings of apprehension that threatened to creep to the surface. For so long, he felt bitter towards the cats around him, even his own brother - jealous that they could live a life that he, for some reason, couldn't. That they could make bonds in the Clan, have a proper mentor-apprentice relationship, have something to believe in. Looking at Ashpaw now, he scolded himself for thinking the same of her. While her life might be better in RiverClan, she couldn't be a target of his disdain for his own living situation. It wasn't her fault that the WindClan was the way they are.

Does he do that to you? Are you okay?

Slatepaw couldn't answer. She was already panicking in the middle of the gathering; what kind of scene would unfold if he told her the truth? What is the truth? He trains me. Every apprentice trains. came the voice of his thoughts, ever conflicting against each other. He always felt back and forth about the situation; Lynxtooth hurt him, mentally and physically, but thus was the ways of warriors. It was to make him a better warrior, it was how the other warriors today stood strong. Right?

Instead, he moved onto her next question. "He probably is here," he replied nonchalantly. They walked in together, of course Lynxtooth was here. But he wouldn't do anything to them in the middle of all four Clans. Slatepaw would have to face his punishment later, away from prying eyes.

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༶•┈┈⛧┈★ just a castaway, an island lost at sea
