Her twoleg was very unorganized and often left her various accessories scattered on various surfaces. She didn't understand how this man survived, he looks for things and makes an even bigger mess in the process! That's his problem though.

She was on a mission today.

With the help of her trusty sidekick and dear friend Fish, she managed to acquire the bandana she had been asked for.... A nice and simple green one, already tied, thankfully.

Sure, they may have almost tipped the piece of furniture over and hurt themselves, but it didn't happen, so there was no problem! The twoleg would clean it up anyways. Never punished.

She brought the bandana back to camp with her tail high and pep in her step. She remained quiet though, the recent death of Snowpath still heavy on everyone's hearts... She would respect their mourning.

Finding her target, she bounded over to Dandelionwish and presented him with the green bandana.

"Here you go! I think you'll look wonderful in it!" She said with a smile.

(( @Dandelionwish ))​

He had been hesitant to ask around actually, thought it might be weird or perhaps a little too awkward but when he had asked Sweetybee his questions she had been more than a little enthusiastic in her replies so his request was met with genuine interest and eagerness to assist. It could've gone worse, he had expected to be laughed at for his curiousity and desire but she'd been quite kind and he was thankful for it. When he sees the calico prancing back into camp clutching the fabric in her maw he pads forward to greet her with a wide grin, "Thank ye kindly, ye got that real quick! Ye sure yer two-leg won't care its missin'?" As he speaks he has already dipped his head forward to slide into the opening in the bandanna she still held aloft for him and once secure he sat upright with it now gently sliding into place around his neck.
It felt strange having something around his neck, he fought the urge to shake it off as he glanced down to admire it. Dandelionwish had seen plenty of barn cats wearing such things in his time at horseplace when he was but a wee kitten still, but he'd never thought much of it as mousers generally weren't 'owned' by two-legs in the same way a kittypet was; it was a mutually beneficial relationship-they kept the barns mice free and the two-legs left them alone to live there peacefully.
The cream tom rose to stand, swaying back and forth to see how loose it swung about his neck and it was just snug enough he didn't think it would slip off unless he got hung on something: perfect.
"What do ye think?" He felt quite silly wearing it because it was so unfamiliar, but it didn't hurt or annoy him so he was happy to keep trying it out.

"lookin good, dandelionwish!" a bright chirp announces her arrival as she takes in his new accessory. it was a nice shade of green indeed. eve never paid much mind to the grassy color, it was practically everywhere anyways. green grass, green trees, other various green foliage. she much preferred the dazzling hues of the sky and flowers, but she supposed that it looked nice on him. it stood out well against his earthy fur. "you've got an impressive eye, sweetybee. couldn't have picked a better color myself," she added, sending a friendly grin to the daylight warrior who was the mastermind behind the bandana.


Brightpaw had been itching to be outside of camp ever since the tree fell, she understood the mourning and the grieving and was still doing it herself, but she didn't like the negative feeling that being in camp made her feel. She knew that it would take some time for some to grieve more than others, but upon seeing Sweetybee walking into the camp with the bandana in her maw, Brightpaw couldn't help but be curious and walk over that way.

Nodding her head in agreement with Eveningpaw, the apprentice offered a smile, "Are you going to keep it in camp when you're going out so it doesn't get dirty? Or so it doesn't fall off somehow and fly away?" She would hate for Sweetybee's hard work in bringing it here in such good condition to be for nothing if it happened to fall off and be sent all the way to ThunderClan or something.


With all that has been going on as of late, Greeneyes can't help the sense of dread that rises within him at the green fabric that now sits around Dandelionwish's neck. Of all the colors for Sweetybee to pick, why green?

He doesn't want to ruin Dandelionwish's excitement. The former moor-healer didn't really seem to be one to carry a curse anyway, does he? Perhaps this shade of green would bring luck instead, like what Fireflypaw insists the color's connotation truly is. Greeneyes can only hope so, as he moves to get a closer look.

Green or not, the young warrior doesn't think he could ever wear something like that - it looked bulky, like it would get in the way. The tom doesn't understand how the daylight warriors - how Butterflytuft - can wear something like that all the time.

"I think," he starts, pushing down the dread he feels and opting to look up to meet Dandelionwish's mismatched gaze. His new accessory matched his eyes, sort of. An eye, at least. He matches Butterflytuft too now, but Greeneyes doesn't think he has to mention that. He feels like his sister's friend must already be aware of such an observation, anyway. "I think it, uh... It really suits you. You look... nice. Like a SkyClanner."

The connotations of the colour green, the superstition that had apparently spread throughout the Clan, went entirely unrecognised by Twitchbolt. To him green was the colour of idyll, matching one of the only sights that relaxed him. To climb heavenward pines and look out over all the territory, all of SkyClan... it, oddly, grounded him in a way that even a measured conversation could not often do. The tangibility of his home, the fact it was there and rigid and wonderful... to Twitchbolt, that was what green meant.

Seeing Sweetybee hand the prized possession over to Dandelionwish, Twitchbolt found himself meandering over, head cocked at an angle. It dipped further with a twitch, but otherwise he stayed relatively calm. He- he'd asked for this, apparently. Twitchbolt could not help the places his mind went when he thought of wearing a collar or an accessory of that sort... could the position around the neck... snag on something, trap you, make it easier for an attacker to grab you and-

"It looks-" he interrupted the whirlpool of his thoughts, starting his sentence a little too loudly. Embarrassment prickled beneath his pelt for a fleeting few moments. "Nice, man. Suits you. Makes you... match, hah." A vague, limp paw gesture flicked toward the general camp-area, where many of their population bore similar accessories.
penned by pin ✧
"He won't mind at all, I think he even forgot it was there." She says with a chuckle. Her twoleg was so scatterbrained, it was a wonder he even functioned at all. He was such an interesting creature, nothing like the twolegs she's known before. He must be an odd one out, which is fine by her. The others aren't NEARLY as interesting as him.

She watches Dandelionwish put on the bandana and smiles brightly once it sits on his neck. "Oh, you look so cute in it! I knew it would be the right one for you!" She cooed excitedly. "Growing up, I was always told that green was a lucky color." She says. "I hope it proves true for you, too!"

She knows Dawnglare as something against the color green, but she simply cannot grasp it. Green was the color of the forest, of new leaf. It was the color of life. That was a conundrum for later, though.

She smiles at Eveningpaw. "You think so? It is fun to think of what items others would look good in." She says. "For instance- Silversmoke would look great in a blue bandana." She adds teasingly. She hopes he hears her and explodes from the mental imagery.​