I'M A BETTING MAN ☆ nightswarm

With Pitchstar dead and Chittertongue missing it was just him and Nightswarm now and he is constantly reminded of the tragedy that was their family everytime they passed by one another on their duties. They did not have a lot of free time to just simply exist together as they once did in the Marsh Colony days, getting into mischief and underfoot and enjoying the simplicity of being kits again. Now they would be even more busy going forward, each of them with an apprentice now who would surely take up so much of their remaining freetime it would be a wonder if he and his sibling ever got to just fool around like the old days. But today was a rare gift, both of their apprentices had been pulled aside to clean nests and assist in some camp chores and he was free to do as he pleased. Skunktail had seen Nightswarm leave the camp moments before and eagerly sprinted out after them on swift dark paws and with a grin as wide as the crescent curve of the moon. It did not take long to find the other's equally dark pelt amidst the drooping trees and swampy earth and with a speed he often only indulge din for hunting the warrior went racing forward so he could skid to a stop and kick up as much bits of dirt and debris as he could in his wake; sending it all flying upward into his own face but also into that of his siblings.
"Nightswarm! How convenient we are both apprenticeless today, hm? Want to go-oh, I don't know-leap across the river to see who falls in?"
The river that wound through their territory was not particularly strong in current but it was dangerous when the waters rose after heavy rain, in some places it was a wide gap and in others a mere step to cross but his favorite game as it always had been in his youth was to go back and forth leaping across, moving to the wider expanse of water with each attempt until finally someone took a tumble right into the depths.
"Not scared of getting your fur wet are you?"
As much as Nightswarm would've enjoyed to spend their freetime with their littermates, they couldn't find the time much like Skunktail and the warrior was usually more reserved one of the two which oftentimes made them quite awkward when it came to initiating simple conversation or pulling the other for a lighthearted activity. And it would continue to be that way it seemed, Nightswarm had been appointed as Nettlepaw's mentor and it wasn't any doubt that they would take this responsiblity seriously. But today, the apprentice had been taken for simple camp chores and Nightswarm took the opportunity to make themselves scarce in camp to focus on their own duties yet that didn't seem like an option either. The fur along their spine prickling when they feel dirt and debris flying at their coat, their body would tense up and they were prepared to whip around to snap at whoever had done that but stopped when the voice of their brothers voice reached their ears and that was enough to cool the anger that had began to bubble within them.

Nightswarm turns slowly to face Skunktail with their usual half-lidded gaze though it was softer and slightly irritated due to their brother having basically kicked random crap at them, their ear flicks finally registering what he had said to them. Apprenticeless. Right. Their eyes squint already knowing that this was going to lead up to one of Skunktail's shenanigans or schemes and they feel rather appreciative of it, a half smile threatening to form on their face. "Skunktail," Nightswarm returns the greeting and continues to listen to their brother speak. Leaping across the river, a soft thoughtful hum leaving them as they think of their more youthful days where they didn't need to worry about responsibilities and were just carefree kits. Nightswarm's whiskers would twitch in brief amusement and couldn't help but semi-glare at the bicolored tomcat that was playfully challenging them. They suppose that they could indulge and humor their littermate since they hardly ever got time to themselves.

"Afraid? Never." Nightswarm begins as a rare determined smirk tugs at the sides of their mouth and quickly adds on "If anything, I'll enjoy seeing you slip up and end up looking like a drenched rat." This makes a chuckle slip from them and once the two of them arrive at the river, Nightswarm digs their claws briefly into the earth before taking a slight running start and their paws successfully touch the dry ground on the other side. This was simple, Nightswarm is aware that the two of them would continue leaving back and forth until the river was wider but for now, they await Skunktail to join them.

His challenge is accepted heartily and he laughs his cackle of a laugh, high and pitched to the stars so they too can wallow in his merriment. Skunktail followed alongside his sibling with quick, skipping pawsteps like an apprentice on their first outing once again and he only slows as the river gets closer to them and the ground begins to soften and squish underpaw. There was no discussion on who would go first, but he is delighted to see Nightswarm take that first leap and clear the gap with ease, the initiative to take the forefront was always something he admired. It was Briarstar's blood, really, she taught them to take the reigns of their lives - to live strong for their family and clan. One day he hoped to see his blood with the star in their name once more, but for now he was content to just keep watch over Starlingheart's legacy within the clan instead. Maybe he'd have his own one day. Maybe.
"Oh, good show-good show! My turn!"
Nightswarm had taken a small running start, but of course he had to flex and instead chose to get to the river's edge and spring across in one long leap. The downside was his landing was not quite as delicate and practiced and he slid a bit from the loamy ground but he remained upright and that was all that mattered.