sensitive topics IM A BIG DOG // intro.. kinda [TW: injuries]


say i'm old fashioned
Jul 5, 2023

[ooc - context] the events of this occur directly after this thread (warning for fighting a dog & injuries.) tldr; Houndwhisper goes out for air and finds a kittypet, Ducky, being cornered by a dog. As the kittypet falls out of the tree, Houndwhisper comes to the rescue and gets hurt in the process.

[tw] there will be mentions of his injuries, the biggest one is a scratch across his eye and a few smaller scratches.

"Can I... Can I see you again?" The kittypet blurted out.

He glanced over his shoulder, finally answering. "I... I don't know. That's up to you, if you can catch me on patrol."

Yeah, because he’s totally gonna be on a patrol this moon. It wasn’t unusual for Houndwhisper to be caught interacting with kittypets and loners, and while he wasn’t always fighting dogs, it definitely wasn’t out of character for him to get into this situation. But this time, it bit him right in his rear-end… or rather, scratched him across the face. The adrenaline was helping to get rid of the pain, but it wasn’t helping his heightened anxiety. Who could even remain calm after something like that? Jeez, that mutt could have just taken his eye out entirely, but then Houndwhisper would have been left dead on the border of the territory… Yeah, no thanks.

Houndwhisper was now wandering back to camp, at first in a hurry, but now at a slower pace, panting and growing dizzy. Maybe he should go lay down under a nice bush… that would be nice… No, no, he had to get back to camp, he needed healing. And with that, he kept pressing on, hoping to get to camp or have a patrol catch him… whichever came first.

anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
It wasn’t unusual to see Duskpool scouring the undergrowth for hours, jumping from patrol to patrol with minor breaks when he caught a whiff of ichor, mingling with the potent smells of pine and nature. His frame tensed, helm whipping to peer into the undergrowth, massive paws pivoting towards its direction.

Emerging from his spot, Duskpool stiffened, watching Houndwhisper with a calculative hue. What the hell? He hissed, darting towards the other, attention rapid, looking at the other’s injuries with wrinkled distaste. Fool.

“Come on, kid. Don’t need ya passing out on us. I don’t want to drag your sorry ass through the dirt.” He rumbled, turning to peer at those who followed him. “Someone go warn the medicine cat.” He grunted, deadpan optics narrowed.

He sure as hell didn’t want to drag the other, might land a few bruises along the way, but damnit kid. “What the hell happened to you?” He’d rumble, offering the other his side to lean on if they wished, brow raised.
thought speech
Dawnglare slinks around the territory for his own reasons. More prominently: feverfew. He was running low on the dreaded thing– had never thought it would be an issue, when greenleaf was far from the keenest time for sickness. The world works he could not control, even if She may whisper word and warning to his ear, from time to time. He could recall rumbling warning. It must be– his Star - blessed dreams had overridden anything She had to say. Often, Mother and the stars worked in tandem... but this was mere coincidence, for truly, they could not say too much to each other.

His heart is calmer on this day. His face is not so unfavorably set as it might've been another time. Blue eyes rake the ground... then fur, and– oh, a body. Bloodied and bruised. He sees this too often, he thinks with a frown. It takes a moment for him to truly recall how little he cares. That was the truth of the matter, wasn't it?

" Oh! Poor you, " genuinely mused. He feels no need to repeat the spoken question, and Duskpool is not so daft that he must be told when to help. Mentally, he is cataloguing what he would need... slashes by the eye remain too - reminiscent of his apprentice's unfortunate visage. Perhaps this one should be taken care of away from camp, outside of the plagues range... " You will be just fine... " he reassures for some reason.

  • OOC:
  • 66822083_8akGM16AUReCLf3.png
  • ( 𝙒𝙃𝙔'𝘿 𝙄𝙏 𝙏𝘼𝙆𝙀 𝙎𝙊 𝙇𝙊𝙉𝙂? ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    —— He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    —— Currently 54 moons old. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    Currently in an era of questioning; upset and uncomfortable by things he should not be.​
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads

Although he couldn't see Duskpool very well, he felt a large amount of comfort in hearing his clanmate's voice. A smile crossed his maw as the warrior came closer, instructing someone to grab the medicine cat. "Ah, I uh, I fought a dog," He responded, leaning onto Duskpool some, but still holding a lot of his own weight. "I was just wandering around, was gonna hunt some, then boom- kittypet in a tree with a dog underneath it. Had to do a little rescue mission, but I ended up fine!" His smile got wider as he told the story, then fell to a slight frown. Yeah, he was 'fine' alright. The word echoed in his brain as the medicine cat arrived, the tabby looking at him and chuckling. "I'm sure I will. I hope. Hopefully." There was that worry coming in once again.

anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
At Dawnglare’s approach, his whiskers twitched at the irony. Some impeccable timing. He thought with a flick of his tail, gaze lingering on Houndwhisper at the medicine cat’s response. Better than havin’ the kid dying. He mused, lips twitching in a grimace.

The older male paused, brow raised at the casual statement, biting back an annoyed puff of air. “Dog, huh?” He muttered, shaking his helm. What the hell is up with everyone getting attacked by dogs? His gaze narrowed at the mention of a kittypet stuck, sighing inaudibly. He couldn’t be mad, because he knew he’d do the same damn thing. With a grunt, Duskpool shifted, relaxing his shoulder at the slight lean of Houndwhisper’s frame against his own. “You’ll be fine, kid.” He’d repeat, voice firm, molten copper flickering to the slashes over the other’s eye, similar to his own misfortune against a rapid dog while out on patrol.

Turning to Dawnglare, molten copper narrowing. “You need anythin’ specific?” He inquired, figuring the other knew he was referring to whatever herbs the other might need for Houndwhisper’s wounds.
thought speech