i'm a big ol' stunna .. cherrypaw


the exception
Apr 15, 2023
⋆⍋ It felt the closer the days dragged closer to his ceremony, Basilpaw was given more mundane tasks to fulfill. He couldn't help but think about the several implications from it as he cleared some debris from the sandy hollow with a few others. Had he nothing left to learn? Were his lessons already over with, and now he was to spend his last moon as an apprentice scurrying around to find something useful?

It was boring, he knew that for sure.

He lifted his head away from his paws after pushing away some of the more thicker twigs that had fallen from the wind. It felt like whenever he turned around more appeared. An endless cycle of work, huh? He looked to the other apprentice tasked with him, wondering if he felt at all the same. Or if he was just the type to enjoy this kind if labor, like Shiningsun.

"Paws sore yet?" Basilpaw asked blandly, not actual concern hinted in his voice. It was more of a smart remark on what they were doing for so long.
