camp i'm a ghost // lunchtime gossip

Mar 26, 2023

sleekserpent & 17 moons & genderfluid & he/she/they & thunderclan warrior

Greenleaf heat is unbearable - even with pale fur and shorter-then-some pelt, Sleekserpent feels as though he is suffocating in his own skin. Its an unpleasant feeling - reminiscent of days leading up to her illness, of the unbearable fire of fever that once coursed through her veins. Still, there is little way to escape save to dip their paws into the river where they can, or to curl up in the shade when they find it. That afternoon is just the same - the tom quickly scoping out a shady spot near @badgerstripe to enjoy a quick bite before returning to patrols. Sun-high was about the only time one would ever find Sleekserpent idling about after all - avoiding the sun best she could while it was highest in the sky.

" How's hunting been going? " he asks quietly once he's settled beside her, baby blue eyes glancing between her and the squirrel at his paws - a silent offer of sharing, should she show any interest. " You know - Howlingstar missed her catch the other day - sure, the rabbit got spooked, but I think she should've at least tried to catch it. It was right there, " Sleekserpent certainly would've gone for it - and sure, it hadn't really been an accident, but the plan all along, but that doesn't stop the irritation he fels at their leaders dissapointing reaction. She should've caught it, interruption or not.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

B O Y S D O N ' T C R Y A N D I W O N ' T T O O

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Though some of her winter coat had shed throughout newleaf, Badgerstripe's fur remains long throughout even the hottest days of this season. When she is not actively hunting or patrolling, the tortoiseshell is seeking refuge in the shade, where she would rest on her side (or even sometimes belly-up) and conserve as much coolness beneath her pelt as possible.

It's been difficult, lately, with the extra effort she had been putting in to regain the trust of her Clanmates. Slowly but surely, it is working - cats are recognizing her again, as she is them; and she finds her mood gradually improving, albeit not without its gloomy days. Today, Badgerstripe feels great - this damned heat aside - and greets Sleekserpent with a warm smile when she settles down next to where she rests underneath the shade of nearby trees.

The molly had taken part in the morning's patrols, and intended to move out again soon, but she supposes they won't miss her too much if she takes some time to chat and eat while she cools down. Who can blame her, anyway? They all suffer the sun-high heat together, and she wouldn't be disappointed to see some others join them in their break as well

Her companion indicates he wants to share, and Badgerstripe accepts readily. Busy as she was this morning, she hadn't quite had the chance to eat. She pulls the squirrel close and takes a small bite, then pushes it back between them while Sleekserpent opens a conversation. "Oh, hunting has been well. Greenleaf has been kind this season." Especially now that the wolves have been driven out and there was little to show for other predators taking their food.

Gossip had been flourishing amongst the warriors lately - mostly the newer generation, but she had heard her fair share from seasoned warriors as well - so she isn't entirely surprised to hear it as she is mildly disappointed. She'd have rather talked about Sleekserpent, or even herself, before talking about those uninvolved. But, if this is what he wants to spend time with her over, she'll indulge this once.

Badgerstripe pauses, whiskers twitching thoughtfully. "Howlingstar missed her catch?" she echoes, furrowing her brows and pulling her lips back in a confused frown. What's the big deal? Was their leader supposed to be immune to such mistakes? "Well, accidents happen.. I'm sure a lot of us miss catches every now and then.." she begins, hesitantly. Prying eyes and keen ears are nearby, in the form of the cats that are (much to her distaste) gradually adopting Sleekserpent in their little clique. Suddenly, acutely aware that Sleekserpent and his new friends might have higher expectations of Badgerstripe than her recent indifference to their gossip and thoughts, Badgerstripe's ears grow hot and she dips her head. She would not want to disappoint, not when she was just starting to blend in again. "I suppose.. as cats get older, well. . ." she mutters, aiming to keep her voice low and discreet - even then, if only Sleekserpent and whoever else is nearby were to hear, she finds herself too afraid to finish the thought. Green eyes doubtfully flick up to his, hoping she gets the gist - and praying her poorly-mannered contemplations were heard only by the ears they were meant for.

⊱⊰ When Hopekit hears Sleekserpent’s words, he expects someone to jump in and contradict them immediately. Why would anyone allow them to gossip about their leader like that? Lilac ears perk up as Badgerstripe begins to speak—and then swivel sharply backward. As cats get older, she says, and then trails off. She doesn’t even defend her leader, like a loyal warrior would! His mouth snaps shut, jaw clicking as teeth slam against one another. Hopekit marches straight up to them, fluffy tail lashing behind him. "You’re wrong," he declares, the statement entirely unfounded. He doesn’t actually know whether or not Howlingstar had missed a catch, but she’s his grandmother… or the closest thing he has to a grandmother, at least. That she would miss a catch without even trying to catch it seems impossible. She’s a strong, wise leader. She would never just let prey escape from her!

Clear copper eyes narrow, and the boy’s form hunkers down in a show of defensiveness. Sleekserpent may be a warrior, but they don’t scare him. "You shouldn’t spread rumors. How would you feel if someone said that about you?" That’s what he’s learned from one of the queens, and if he has to be nice, then so should the rest of the clan. Warriors and apprentices should be nice, just like kits have to be.

  • ooc:
  • 81309324_2wmLWzBSS6UkcAG.png
    HOPEKIT ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan kit
    skinny, thick-furred lilac tom with deep copper eyes. soft-spoken and sleepy, but can be a bit of a grouch.
    son of batwing and leopardtongue ; brother to bravepaw, hazepaw, cardinalpaw, coalkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
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( 𖤓 ) basilkit has been on high alert ever since his discovery of bullying within the clan. as an older kit, he feels responsible in looking out for his younger denmates. so, rather than prance and play, he's been schmoozing. the boy is not a charismatic type- he is one to jump into a conversation and ruin it, rather than asking politely if he may join. he scoffs at cats who dance gingerly around difficult topics, and he finds the petty gossip of a certain subset of young warriors distasteful at best, and akin to fighting words at worst. it's why he's seated next to hopekit, vaguely passing his gaze across camp in hopes of seeking out trouble. it's also why, when hopekit stands to confront sleekserpent and badgerstripe, basilkit has already bristled his fur in back-up.

"howlingstar's the wisest cat in the whole forest," he says matter-of-factly, snorting as if he can't believe these cat's don't know the obvious. "she wouldn't just miss a catch. she's a great hunter, and you should try to learn more from her." viper-green eyes flick between the two warriors, settling poisonously on sleekserpent, whom basilkit deems the main aggressor. badgerstripe seems like a background issue. "plus, cats make mistakes, and warriors are supposed to be supportive of their clanmates. so even if she did, which i don't think is true, why does it matter so much to you. maybe you need to go back to the nursery to re-learn your manners."

sniffing, basilkit sits back down, tossing his head and licking a paw to drag it across his ears. these anti-kittypet howlingstar haters are getting on his last nerve. the two sitting here are lucky they didn't insult any of his denmates, or he'd be much angrier, much more in their faces.

  • // ic opinions as always <33 "#FAC966"
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    a cream ticked tabby with high white, and green eyes. a tall boy sporting a chaotically ruffled coat of pale cream tabby. darker ticked stripes flow down his fur, and band around his legs and face. his chest, stomach, muzzle, and most of his tail are white, he has verdant green eyes that sparkle with mischief.

Antlerpaw herself had been putting freshkill on the pile when she heard the lunchtime gossip. The thought churned in her mind before something even bothered to occur to her- her ears lowered, taking a slow breath. Her vision stared out across camp, towards Highrock, before her mind was made up. The apprentice, fully-grown and waiting for her warrior ceremony any day now, stepped over to stand behind the two kits.

When she speaks, however, she isn't so quiet- her words are firm, unbending. "You weren't there. Either of you." Antlerpaw said, orange eyes all but aglow as she spoke. The berries pressed against the fur near her ear as she spoke, a reminder of you must be kind, you must be, because these cats loved to create... misinformation. "The rabbit was already across the border when it revealed itself." Antlerpaw said, in a decisive tone.

Her shoulders squared. "Warrior code dictates that we cannot hunt across another clan's border." Antlerpaw recited, and a flash of anger burnt her. What if these cats laughed at her for believing in what she was taught? What if they still belittled Howlingstar, the only maternal-type she-cat she had anymore? All this behind her back, the very same cat who protected them politically and ensured everyone got a fair meal? Her head turned briefly, then, a kind smile finding her face.

"Basilkit, Hopekit. Have you two eaten anything?" Antlerpaw said, now firm on changing the topic. "Lets leave these two alone to their... conversation." Perhaps any other cat would have been crueler-tongued, but Antlerpaw was doing her best to be herself, to leave the issue alone once the truth had been spoken. "I put a nice vole on the pile just now." She hummed, her tail twitching.
  • "speech"
  • ANTLERPAW she/her, apprentice of thunderclan, ten moons.
    LH cinnamon lynx sepia with low white. smaller body, agile and slippery, fits really well in small gaps in the underbrush. soft spoken but strong and determined.
    mentored by howlingstar / / mentoring no one
    padding after no one / / sibling to fallowpaw and doepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.