border I'm a killer and a killer is a bad, bad thing to be || Sorrow stuck in a tree

-ˋˏ🥀 ˎˊ-

The branch groans underneath her weight, and the bark wasn't the only one. Sorrowthroat had contuined her attempts to hunt long into her pregancy, but now? Now it was unavoidable. She could hardly jump without feeling like she was hitting a kit on the head! The whole goal was to give them a better life - not hurt them before it started! But Dusk Clan did not care. How could they, when their bellies were empty and she was harolded as the solution to their problems. She had let down so many... some part of her did not want to let down anyone else, even if they were traitors and murderers. The lowest of the low. All I wanted was a good, fair life. All that, redused to this.
The once powerful huntress huddled at the edge of Sky Clan's territory, close to where she first joined. Her bones ached in exhaustion, but she had pushed further and further. One paw infront of the other... But that kind of logic did not help now. Now her claws could not support her weight, and ignoring the facts only made things worse.
She huffs, tail flicking wildly in anger at the ground just out of reach. Hissing, the queen attempts to lower herself slowly, her claws scraping and failing to find a hold in the new-bark. She retreats upwards, curling around herself. Star Clan...please come on, you can't hate me that much....
A near by scent only makes the matter worse. A nearby patrol. Her heart sinks, to tired to be afraid. They wouldn't hurt a pregant queen would they?
She shifts, uncomfortable, and begins to search for another way down.

ooc// IC opioions <3 Sorry if it's unclear, my muse is super low but i wanted to do something with Sorrow! She's preggos (4 weeks) and stuck in a tree :,)
Also, she is noticably pregant!



A chocolate point tabby molly with icy blue eyes and a slightly uneven pelt. She has small scars on her back, her shoulders and a slightly crocked tail. Her frame is lanky and sharp, boney even. Once well-feed in the pine forest, the last remaning fat buldges on tratior queen's belly. she is 4 weeks along and visably pregant.
60 moons old; ages the 1st of every month
aro/ace. ; currently not looking
child of NPC and ANWIR :: sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang
Mentoring Mercurypaw and Plumpaw && Mentored Flora
loyal to Flora
hates Orangestar and Duskpool
"speech", thoughts, attacking
peaceful powerplay allowed
Her Clanmates didn't share this sense of hers... draw to the exciting. Nose, ears, eyes... all too-big, and all hungry, keen to every bird's chirps and warbles... Some days yield bigger bounties than others, of course. Newleaf has only just begun, but oh, she could drag in something grand. Primed to her ears is the creak-creak of tree branches, and as a wedge head cranes upward, the shift full-bodied and wolf-jawed— she sees it: the plumpest bird she's ever seen. There's a flare of the dog's eyes, a sharpening of the grin. Her knowledge is loose, really, on what made this one's feathers so valuable. Doesn't really matter, though. She just see's something wanted, and mutts ought to do as they're told...

Tricky, though... the wanted's roundness isn't all flavor. It was hard to sever a head attached to so many others. Funny, hadn't the other ladykiller been similar? Some trend, how the unburdened loved to gobble up kits. Er, have them. Whatever... Her head tilts, doglike. Consideration draws her eyes taut, slits between a pair of slick lids. Even she, in this moment, does not consider a trip to death's door...

Things were complicated now, and she hated that. Real strong word, but she hated. She ought to ask for direction; means to really, but it gets caught in her throat. Instead, rumbling comes unconscious. It's not any one thought that spurs it, not anger, excitement, thoughtfulness... The growl's just her really, without the stupid filter of speech. Her tail fwip-fwips back and forth, matches the gaudy beat of creak-creak. Hunter's eyes are keen on the fat bird, but terribly, terribly, she cannot move...

She doesn't bark up the tree, no... Just rumbles, paces, pokes. Her ears swivel in search of Clanmates— in search of guidance. Her breath comes out hot. Real great effort, for her to say the one thing she does. "Birdie's stuck..."

you can have anything you want — but you better not take it from me

The scraping and scrambling of ivory nails against pine is loud enough to capture the attention of the patrol, in which Slatesnarl pursues after another points out the nearby commotion. He himself had not heard anything but saw no reason to distrust the observation of his clanmates, amber eyes scanning his surroundings for any—

A striped chocolate point, a sight that inspires repulsion and bubbling anger, causes Slatesnarl to narrow his dark pupils into scar-thin slits. "You..." The gravelly word rumbles from the warrior's throat, something of an accusation in itself. How dare Sorrelsong show her face around SkyClan's territory again?

The others begin approaching the tree, craning their necks to gaze upward at the exile. The shaggy Maine Coon's claws flex into the dampened earth below, muscles tensing and hungering to slash and crush and rip. To destroy. That pathetic excuse of a molly attempted murder on Duskpool and defamed his mate. The latter alone was enough to land Sorrelsong deep onto Slatesnarl's personal shitlist. "Someone drag her down here!" Snarls the tattered and torn tom, faux brows creased together in a fiery anger as he gritted his canines tight. He certainly would not be able to take on such a task himself. "I'll flay her myself." He growls out next, lashing his bushy tail and beginning to pace around the base of the evergreen like a caged tiger.

  • slate's pregnancy intuition is lacking aksdklsdkfg
  • 89500234_STGLrSoOuEKaqOU.png
    SLATESNARL is a shaggy-haired solid black Maine Coon with amber eyes and scars littering his form.
    He/him pronouns. 47 moons.
    Warrior of SkyClan. Former Lead Warrior.
    Mate to Orangepath. Father to Ramkit and Lambkit.
    Click for full tags

This patrol has her nerves spinning and fraying; Slatesnarl, with his brutal movements, the stonelike clench of his jaw, and Bloodbird, all skittering limbs and flashing teeth, have her at complete odds. She tries and fails to make conversation—and she is saved from having to perform that duty for much longer when the warriors catch the odd sight of a traitor hunkered into the branches of a tree.

Fluffypaw's heart stutters in her throat. Sorrelsong. The she-cat had been her Clanmate for so long, but she'd been cast out in a fervor when Orangepath had seen how she'd wounded Duskpool. The cream tortoiseshell's breath begins to hitch as Bloodbird's gaze shivers with hunger. "Birdie's stuck," she says, and Fluffypaw wonders if that's true. Is Sorrelsong stuck, or had she thought to hide here, to steal prey from them?

Slatesnarl's righteous fury is instant; he demands for the patrol to clamber up the trunk, to bring her down for whatever justice he sees fit. Fluffypaw's shoulders tense, and she nervously wanders closer to the roots… but as she places her paws precariously against the bark, her stomach begins to flutter. "I… I can't, Slatesnarl," she mews, her green eyes wide with surprise. "She's—she's with kits." The once-skinny molly has a thick and protruding middle, and Fluffypaw—who had been close to the nursery and the queens her entire life—recognizes the look of an expecting queen instantly.

She does not take her paws off the tree; she peers up into the branches, thick and fragrant with boughs of pine, and mews, "Sorrelsong… why have you come back here? We don't want to hurt your kits, but you…" Her whiskers tremble. "You have to leave." And don't come back… for your sake, and for your kits'.

Fluffypaw is a SkyClan apprentice. She is slightly smaller than the average cat, but her thick, puffy pelt somewhat makes up for her size. Her fur is mainly solid-appearing cream, broken up by swirls of chocolate and amber. The tip of her tail, the center of her face, and her paws are white. Fluffypaw's eyes are a round, innocent jade-green.

Dandelionwish x Butterflytuft / sibling to Weedwish, Daisydrop, Budpaw / mate to none / mother to none
mentored by Greeneyes / mentoring none
16 moons old as of 03/08/2025
penned by Marquette