private I'M A MESS ❤ Iciclefang

Petalnose hadn't quite gotten individual time with the young warrior. Even when she had thought about it, she hadn't gotten the opportunity to bring it to life. In addition, the lead warrior rarely approached others unless it involved her curiosity or responsibility. Socializing wasn't to her taste, she was regularly getting her paws dirty in some chores. Even though she knew how to speak when she was in a situation to socialize, she didn't particularly enjoy it as a pass time. She was still private. Iciclefang was as well. They were both distant from the majority of their clanmates and part of the feisty bunch.

When she had gotten the opportunity to drag someone along on a small hunting trip, she first had thought of Aspenhaze.. maybe even Pikesplash. Although, she didn't want to particularly show Cicadastar she was always picking her friends. There was a set of warriors she did genuinely want to learn of. One was Iciclefang, the stoic and quiet young female.

"Iciclefang." The tall female began, tail held high in confidence but showed her good intentions. "Join me for hunting, yes?" It was more of a command towards the younger feline, but she did in a way ask. She doubted the tortoiseshell-furred warrior would turn it down in the first place, Iciclefang was serious about her responsibilities. From what she had observed, she hadn't yet turned down authority upon chores. So, more on the side of questioning wasn't really worth it in her eyes, "We're going in the direction of Beach corpse. Maybe we can spar if we catch enough if you so please." she invited, flicking her head in notion to the exit and turning to lead the way. "I haven't taken you anywhere so I supposed it was about time. I'd enjoy seeing these skills I hear good things about come to play. So, do me a favor and blow me away." she teased flatly, checking over her shoulder to see if she was following.

The tortoiseshell is finishing a quick wash when Petalnose approaches her. Though her tone is not demanding, the request for Iciclefang to accompany her to the Beech Copse does not sound optional. She tilts her head at the other she-cat, quiet for a few heartbeats. Had she done something to earn Petalnose’s ire somehow? “Of course.” She dips her head, her curiosity getting the better of her. Languidly, she stretches, enjoying the tingle in her muscles and the burn in the arch of her back. “I’m ready now, if you’d like to leave.

Their exit from camp is quiet, which the young warrior does not mind. Reeds slap against their flanks, and the river’s rush—though lower now, with the swelling greenleaf heat and StarClan knew what else—is a gentle serenade in the background. “I haven’t taken you anywhere, so I supposed it’s about time.” Iciclefang flicks a ginger ear in acknowledgment. She supposes it’s only natural for the lead warriors to spend one on one time with all of the young cats. Petalnose says she’d heard good things about Iciclefang’s fighting and hunting skills and wants her to blow her away. The young she-cat looks at the tabby with a neutral expression. “So is this an assessment?

Part of her is somewhat insulted by the implication. Her actual warrior assessment had been public, a match between herself and Smokethroat in the middle of their makeshift camp. That display had earned her their leader’s respect and an early warrior ceremony. But another part of her is more amused than anything else. Perhaps this is Petalnose’s way of making friends—far be it from Iciclefang to judge the method.

Are you a better fisher, or a better land prey hunter?” Ice-blue eyes flash toward a nearby sandy mound, littered with stones. The scent of vole caresses her scent glands. She flicks the tip of her tail to let the older warrior know she’s spotted something and drops into a crouch. She can hear scratching noises scuffling against the insides of the rocks—and in a flash of mottled fur, white paws are knocking the stones away to reveal a squealing rodent. Her teeth sink into its neck, ending its cries. When she turns toward Petalnose, she drops the vole without ceremony, as if she’s proven a point somehow.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white markings and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin

So is this an assessment?

She looked over her shoulder at the young warrior, quirking one of her brows. She wasn't surprised the tortiseshell molly took it seriously, she herself didn't make it quite obvious whether she was joking or not. "Pft, I was teasing. This is simply how I learn of others. Their personality and ambition.. intelligence.. that all shows through hunting and spar. Small talk isn't how others can really know each other, don't you think?" Her eyes turned back to focus upon the scents of prey, ears swiveling in the direction of the smallest movement.

Shoulders shrugged at the question before she crouched low to the ground at the scents of prey, "I think my skills are about the same in both; average. But I suppose I'm faster with land. You?"

She kept in her spot as Iciclefang signaled to her, staying silent and observing in the meantime she searched for her own victim. Iciclefang was swift and powerful in her hunt, it started and ended in a flash of light. She perked her ears and gave an approving look in silence.

Then she turned to the scent of a shrew with a flick of her tail in alert, listening to the faint rustling underneath a group of reeds. She moved quickly and silently, gaze focused upon the glimpse of grey fur. Once she had gotten a fox length away, she sprung lowly to avoid a shadow, crushing her teeth down into the creature and ending it's life with little notice and sound except for the underbrush rustling against her body. She pushed her way out of the reeds with her victim dangling from her mouth. She didn't voice of the matter or show any ego, nodding her head in Iciclefang's direction. "I think I'd go crazy as an elder or queen if I couldn't get out often and hunt. May Starclan bless those who interact with me whenever those days come."

Petalnose meets Iciclefang’s eyes with an expression of mild surprise. “Pfft—I was teasing,” she says, and the tortoiseshell feels herself relax somewhat, though there’s still an edge to her movements. She supposes Petalnose’s methods are sound enough. “Did you do all of that before your promotion?” It’s an earnest enough question. She knows Petalnose has always been a capable and strong warrior, but now she is privy to knowledge the rest of their Clan is not. Cicadastar’s council is a coveted place… and he must have eyes everywhere.

She flicks her tail at Petalnose’s admission. Better prey hunter than fisher. “I’m the opposite. I’m a swimmer and a fisher at heart.” She turns cool blue eyes on the lead warrior. “But like you, I could hold my own anywhere.” It’s bragging, absolutely—but she says it with only the sincerest of expressions.

Petalnose matches her vole with a shrew, and Iciclefang makes a small noise of appreciation in her throat. Their excursion is proving to be fruitful already, it seems. “I agree. I admire those who dedicate their moons to raising the Clan’s kits, but…” She thinks of Smokethroat, condemned to the nursery for many moons because of his love for Cicadastar, “…it’s not for me.” Pain shadows her expression—a ginger pelt, bright green eyes, a cheerful laugh—she chases them from her mind like demons. “None of it is.” She doesn’t elaborate, and won’t without prompting.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white markings and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin

The question wasn't of what Petalnose was expecting, silent for a moment as she thought of her past before her promotion. More distant. Confused. Miserable. She didn't know who to trust. Still, she was all of those but she knew her place in her clan and her purpose which made her more tolerable to her conditions. She had a mate. She had friends. She had a rank to live her true devotion in the name of her clan."Mostly, I was approached. But the reasons then are a bit personal. Something I don't want to elaborate for now. I'll say I trust everyone better, still, I'm distant. I don't do this very often actually." It was as honest as she could be without telling her life story. Besides, she was here to get to know the spitfire, not bawl on her past. She still didn't get to properly meet the other lead warriors, she barely had a private conversation with Cicadastar or Smokethroat. Most of the clan she still had to properly meet without grumbling and telling them off.

Iciclefang bragged on her abilities and she simply nodded in acknowledgement, "That's good, some of our clanmates should learn a thing or two from you. I believe an apprentice will be placed in your paws in no time." Honest she still was despite her importance of humbleness. Nevertheless, It was wasn't as if she was saying she was the best and her expression wasn't one of boast and pride. Confidence in abilities was important, something she lived by. Without that confidence and mindset it was sure to run you into failure.

Her agreement and sudden slip of emotions was what made Petalnose regret bringing up her little attempt of bringing light and humor. She supposed, it was a sensitive topic for some felines. Iciclefang seemed to almost desire kits in her eyes, although she assumed the problem was the same as hers. She couldn't keep still enough, enjoyed severing and protecting her clan. More than a day stationary was hard for her, maybe it was the same of Iciclefang. Despite the capability to relate, the woman failed to empathize the way others could. "We can't be everything all at once and everywhere all at once. Atleast, there's pride in the talents we can persist. I'm sure you know we're all proud of you."

Iciclefang catches the far-away look in the lead warrior’s eyes, but she is unable to interpret it. She dips her head. “As you wish. I apologize if it seems I was prying.” She is pleased to hear Petalnose confess she does not take the other young warriors on solo hunts often. Perhaps, despite the distance between them in rank and age, there is more camaraderie than previously she’d considered. She remembers Petalnose’s strange somnambulant walk to the river, the glaze of her mismatched eyes when she’d finally came to. There is a story there, and perhaps one day the tabby will feel willing to share it, but it’s clear today is not that day. “I was glad when Cicadastar added you to his council.” Her tail flicks idly behind her. “RiverClan needs its fiercest warriors in charge.

The tortoiseshell pauses to give the marbled fur on her shoulder a quick smoothing with her tongue. Petalnose’s praise pleases her. “Do you think so?” An apprentice of her own. Since Ashpaw, she’d not been sure she wanted to be entrusted with that responsibility, but she can’t deny the thrill she feels when she watches the other warriors take their charges to the river. She could give back to RiverClan in so many ways—she could turn out fine, well-trained warriors who would be a credit to their Clan. She would take all Smokethroat had taught her and funnel it directly into the youngest, brightest youth in RiverClan. “Is Silverpaw your first apprentice?” She’s secretly glad that hadn’t been her appointment… the she-cat is a handful, she imagines.

And perhaps she’d dampened the mood with her reaction to Petalnose’s humor. Iciclefang gives the other warrior a small smile. “Don’t worry. I won’t bite your tail for bringing up kits. It’s not a sensitive topic.You need love to have kits, anyway. There was nothing like that for her here, or anywhere, and she is slowly realizing that the closeness she’d shared with Ashpaw is dangerous nonsense. “Love is for other cats. And that’s alright. Like you said, we all have our own talents.” She remembers Petalnose’s recent engagement to Aspenhaze, and briefly considers asking the older warrior for some semblance of advice—but it’s neither appropriate nor wanted, she realizes. Petalnose and Aspenhaze are different, that’s all.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white markings and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin