camp i'm a mess [apprentice only] i must confess

Burnpaw's nest is not far from hers, but the one next to her has been empty since the skirmish, Moonpaw often finds herself facing away from the barren spot and refusing to look at it because the acknowledgement of its lack of occupant still stung. Sleeping came easily enough when she managed to stop her racing thoughts, but waking was always a tedious chore; she did not enjoy mornings ironically enough and her name suited her given her penchant for wanting to stare at the stars all night rather than sleep. Some cats just preferred their nocturnal habits and she wished she was given more time to indulge, perhaps when she was a warrior she would volunteer as a permanent night guard.

With a groan of unease at being stirred away by the ever rolling current of time, she stretched as deliberately slow as she could to prolong her presence in the den; she had recently been reassigned to her own uncle Raccoonstripe as a mentor when her old one retired from a combination of leaf-bare sickness and his own feeble age, but family or not she still didn't look forward to being paraded around the territory.
Every shadow, every fluttering leaf, it made her worry they would be attacked though she did her best not to show it. Thankfully, or perhaps unfortunately, she would probably be spared this day.
Biting back a yawn Moonpaw turned and a wall of pristine white so stark it almost hurt her eyes greeted her at the entrance to the den. A wall of snow piled so high it blocked the entire mouth and so thick it held itself up by the sheer expanse of itself.
She blinked tired blue eyes before exhaling the faintest of sighs in response, a paw raised to very gently and almost so lightly she barely contacted them, touch a nearby sleeping body to rouse awake.
"We've been snowed in."


Sparkpaw was happily asleep all nice and cozy and warm. When morning came, he didn't want to wake up. But when he felt the faintest touch to his pelt, and the quietest voice accompanying it, he lifted his head and slowly opened his eyes.

"Wuh.....?" He answered drowsily.

And then he saw the snow piled Infront of the entrance. His eyes widened and in true Sparkpaw fashion....

"WOOAH!!!!! WE'VE BEEN SNOWED IN!!!!" He exclaimed loudly.

Yeah! That's what she said, Sparkpaw!!!


———————————Thunderclan | they/them | 5 months——————————
There was a paw that prodded their side and they shifted slightly in their spot in the mossy nest. It was just starting to become warm in the den and there was a groan of annoyance at being poked. What could be so important? Blue eyes cracked open at the assailant; Moonpaw. What did she say again? Something about being snowed in? The cream tabby apprentice lifted their head groggily and rubbed at an eye with a stubby paw, "What do you mean 'snowed in'?," Littlepaw questioned back. Suerly they couldn't mean it? There had to be a dramatic point or something cause it wasn't even snowing that hard to begin with!

Though as the young apprentice got up from their nest, they padded towards the entrance of the apprentices' den, and nearly bumped into the massive wall of snow. Littlepaw looked up at the snow pile as it was more than a few heads taller than them and they blinked a few times. Okay so Moonpaw wasn't lying about that then, cool cool. Trying to play it cool, they turned around and gave a small gesture with their tail, "Alright, that checks out," They stated with a small shake of their head.

"Do you think we should do something then? Like dig our way out or maybe play campfire stories?" There was a little bounce to short legs as Littlepaw bounded back over to the group of apprentices' nwo stranded in the den with them.


[penned by wolf].
Mousepaw's nest is near Sparkpaw's, and she is a decidedly heavy sleeper. She would not have been stirred by Moonpaw's quiet declaration that they've all been snowed in, but her littermate practically screams in her ear. "WHOAA!!!! WE'VE BEEN SNOWED IN!!!"

Her own brilliant green eyes fly open as though she'd never been slumbering. She lifts her chin from her mismatched paws, jaw dropping. The entrance to their den is packed tight with snow, crowding all of them -- an unspeakable horde -- into close quarters, pelts brushing.

Mousepaw leaps to her feet, stalking close to the collapsed den entrance. She pokes at the snow that spills partially into their sleeping space, surprised at how hard it's frozen. It's almost as reinforced as their den walls!

She gives Littlepaw a wide-eyed look as they wonder aloud if they should try to dig their way out. "It's so hard, though," she says solemnly. "Feel it, feel it -- it's like stone! We're probably trapped in here forever," she says wonderingly. She pokes the snow-wall again.

Littlepaw's suggestion about telling stories gets her attention. "Who here has good stories! I'll bet I have the best ones, but I'm willing to give you silly furballs a chance, too." She sidles up close to Littlepaw, fluttering her eyelashes playfully. "Tell us a love story!"

"We'll have to eat eventually." The apprentice points out, monotonous as always as they lift their head from their nest beside Littlepaw's. They saw no point in telling stories when there was work to be done. So they let the thinner pelted apprentices chitter on about stories like little songbirds, giving a stretch before heading over to the snow wall.

Mousepaw was quite right in their assessment of the fortifications of the obstruction though, Dreampaw checking for themselves by pressing a weighted paw against it and investigating the shallow indent. They were rather large compared to the other apprentices, so they had assumed that their weight would provide some advantage here, but the snow had packed itself tightly. 'Hmm...digging too much from the bottom could cause it to collapse on me or anyone nearby....but regardless it will end up in the den and let the wind chill in if we attempt to get out ourselves. Though this calls into question the state of the camp as a whole. Will there be any prey thawed enough to tear apart? least whatever meager pickings we have left won't rot...'

Though they are deep in thought, their face instead becomes one looking closer to unempathetic irritation than one of genuine inquiry.



Since her initial frighten at the beginning of the blizzard, Patchpaw had taken to cowering in the corner of the apprentice's den, refusing to come out even when her belly began to growl and groan with the lack of food. While she had started to relax, the sudden shouts, yells, and scrambling paws startles her awake, and Patchpaw shoots to her feet with fright, kicking up moss on any-cat that may have been sleeping close to her.
"We're snowed in, oh StarClan, we're snowed in! O-oh--! Oh. we're snowed in..." She breathes hard for a minute, watching as Mousepaw attempts to dig her claws into the wall and Dreampaw leans their weight on it. Patchpaw forces herself to sit back down and swallows thickly. It was actually quite pretty, with the wall of snow covering most of the den, and oddly enough, she found a small sense of comfort in the whiteout.

"I guess that's not so bad," as long as it doesn't cave in on us, her mind adds, "It'd be nice if we all told fun stories. It'd be much nicer than talking about how we might never get out of here," Patchpaw gives a soft laugh, but it doesn't feel very strong. "Hey, at least we've all got each other, and as a bonus, we don't have that freezing chill anymore, 'cause the snow's blocked it all out!"

In fact, she could hardly hear the wind outside because of the snow's ability to muffle anything and everything outside, and for that she was quite grateful. Now that she could no longer hear the creaking branches or howling winds, Patchpaw's hackles begin to lay back down, and she cautiously tucks her paws underneath her. After all, she had nowhere else to be--there was no way out, anyway, but she didn't mind. She was with everyone else, and that was enough for Patchpaw.
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WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ ————————————
He had slept somewhat fitfully that night, truthfully. In his own nest, however, it was far more comfortable than the night he had spent in Berryheart's den. Everything reeked of herbs. Berryheart hadn't actually told him he could leave the den. He had slipped out in the night to return to his own nest despite his own hindering limp, but as long as he didn't leave camp, what did it matter?

Lightpaw was roused from his sleep by frantic shouting, pulling his nose out from under a snowy paw to quietly take in the scene before him. The den was dark. Why were they awake? Green eyes blinked once, twice, and he grimaced as he shifted into a more comfortable position. Through half-lidded eyes, he gazed at his denmates. "Why are you all up so early?" he nearly mumbled. Not to mention why they were all being noisy.

Snowed in? Oh. That's why it was dark. Yeah, he could see it now. Lightpaw made no move to get up. Didn't feel like it. "It just means no chores today," he chipped in with a half-grin. "Maybe we'll starve to death instead. By the way, if Berryheart somehow shows up, I'm not here." If Littlepaw was going to tell them a love story, then by all means they had an audience.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]


Great, they were snowed in. Wildpaw could barely stop himself from twitching with irritation as he sat in his nest as he listened to the other apprentices debating what to do. Being forced to do nothing until they got out was like the beginning of a full blown nightmare, and worst of all he really needed to pee. He would just have to wait. With luck the stupid stories being shared would take his mind off his needs.

Though his concerns were soon shifted towards that of Patchpaw. He found himself staring at her and after a moment of private debate with himself he eventually moved to sneak into her nest, aiming to brush up against her. "Stories should pass the time. But we should try to stay warm! I'm still cold." It was a lie, he wasn't cold at all, he just didn't want to admit to wanting to be near others. "We'll be dug out soon, better make these stories quick."


Huh?, what?. Shallowpaw had been resting in his nest when the alarming call of them being trapped here reached his hearing. He would pick his head up from the ground to cast a look over at the entrance and correctly the entrence was coverd with snow. He blinked his eyes at the sight knowing this meant trouble for them all. He wondered if any of his denmates realized they might die in here. Shallowpaw was about to open his mouth to say something but changed his mind in the last second. They all thought he was a prey stealing rogue. Perhaps he should leave this to them for the time being. He was in no rush in fact he rather went back to sleep still feeling tired after yesterdays challenges.

Having no interest to take part in their games Shallowpaw just got up on his paws so he could change his position around before he laid down again so his back was turned towards them. Closing his eyes he tried to go back to sleep instead. He was sure someone outside would fix this problem to dig them all out. He would leave this to them not feeling in the mood to help them out.


Moonpaw withdrew her paw from her 'cousin' of sorts, she was still unsure how to feel about him given the sudden insistence on her aunt to act as his guardian. She found that, while he seemed very nice, she had no real attachment to the idea of knowing him and almost resented him from filling a place that may have otherwise been filled by another family member for her to befriend; that she struggled making connections with anyone outside of her relatives was not lost to her and she felt foolish for it but comfort was hard to get these days.
The suggestion to simply be and enjoy one another's company with some amusement left her teetering in place, paws anxiously kneading the ground under her and Sparkpaw and Mousepaw's subsequent outbursts did little to east this uncertainty she felt. Surely they should try to escape? But she worried the den might collapse on them if they pushed too hard to get out. A true dillema.
She turned to Patchpaw's enthusiastic optimism as Mousepaw encouraged a love story to be told and inwardly she felt her stomach twist at the idea; love stories held no appeal to her, she didn't want to think of fake longing and mending hearts in this crowded den.
As she glanced aroud for something else to claim her focus she realized with some horror and a little annoyance that Lightpaw was also in the den with them. When he had arrived she could not be sure, but he must have snuck in after they'd settled for the night already or surely she'd have seen him.
Rising to stand she stepped over, carefully avoiding bumping into Shallowpaw who seemed disinterested in the goings on and stood near the golden tom so he could see her unimpressed expression.
"You should be in the medicine cat den, there's no way he let you leave." Moonpaw could not place why but she felt almost angry about it, though it only registered as a light knitting of her brow.


———————————Thunderclan | they/them | 5 months——————————
Mousepaw slided up beside them and they give a grin in amusement, they had plenty of stories to tell! They could explain why the sky was blue or why it rained, maybe they'd like to hear about how the clans came to be? Though there was the suggestion of a love story and they could work with that! Then there was the voices of other apprenatices through the den, some complaining and others' just annoyed out right for whatever reason.

Lightpaw stating something about Berryheart, Wildpaw suggesting the stories were a good idea, and Shallowpaw being well Shallowpaw. Standing off on his own and all that just watching them, he was a little strange but it was no stranger than they were. The cream tabby dwarf gave a smile and settled down in the nest he stood in as he readied himself for the story.

"Alright listen up, cause it is gonna ba good one," Littlepaw stated with their chin lifted in the air as they spoke and the tail went as followed:

"Once upon a dreary night, a castle laid in murky white.
Claw marks danced across each stone and silence blanketed the castle like the snow has to us.
Though something stirred, something dastardly and mean with claws as sharp as a new born kittens and teeth that knash together.
Below in the town square are tales of the beast in the castle, how ugly and mean he was.
An old kits tale to scare them into bed if you will, but one boy didn't believe in them.
How could someone be so nasty- they would ask, why has no one tried to talk to them.
Mocked and laughed at for silly questions, the boy decided to take to the castle at the crack of night.
With nothing but a flashlight in hand and the clothes on his back, the boy in a cloak made his way for the beasts domain

Littlepaw pause for dramatic effect and smiled widely at the brilliance of his story telling.

"The beast does not like visitors- roared the knarly creature and cold fear struck through the boys heart.
The massive animal took a large paw and slammed it down on the unsuspecting man- who dare say you!
I am Beauty, I mean no harm to you great beast- the boy stammered back with a quiver to his voice.
This only seemed to enrage the beast further and thusly he scooped up Beauty with a quickness!
Taking the young man down into the depths of the castle- were beast would keep beauty prisoner!
What Beast did not account for was how persistant Beauty is.
Never before had the creature been asked so many questions in such a short span of time.
No one took interested in him- for who could ever love a beast?

The cream tabby cat smiled a bit at themselves in their little attempt at a story, it seemed to be going rather well!

"As time passed, the pair had grown a fondness for each other.
The beast loved food, loved to dance and even dared shared his most sacred item; a ruby red rose.
Beauty was the only one to see the rose since the beast transformation many moons ago;
It is said that true love would break the curse laid upon the beast.
Beauty though didn't believe it at first, magic wasn't real. Curses were just supertitions and all that.
But yet the miracle of Beautys care for the Beast was more than enough to break the curse one faithful day.
The castle seemed to brighten with new found light, and the beast was back into his princely self.
The boy and the prince lived happily ever after in that castle and to this day their love story knows no bounds


[penned by wolf].
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ ————————————
While Littlepaw seemed to mull over the story they would tell, Lightpaw focused on waking up, jaws parting in a wide yawn, one eye opening to peer at Moonpaw as she approached, who looked less than thrilled. It wasn't long before he mirrored her expression when she scolded him for being in his own nest.

The golden tom let out a small huff, gaze sliding over to the den entrance - or lack thereof. "No, not really, but my nest is more comfortable and it doesn't reek of herbs in here." His eyes flickered back to her. "Besides, I don't think I'll be getting back there any time soon." Unless she felt like freezing her paws off, that was. He didn't.

"Anyways," he continued, shifting until he sat up, "shhh. Littlepaw's got something, I think." He reached up and planted a snowy paw on the top of her head, pushing down in a clear indication to sit.

Sure enough, they began to tell a story, leaving him to wonder if they had heard it from an elder or made it up on the spot. Even still, by the time they finished, describing the unexpected love between a beauty and a tom-turned-beast, he mostly felt confused, mind caught on one detail in particular. "What's a castle?"

[penned by its_oliverr - ]



Snowed in? The commotion was enough to wake even the heaviest sleeper, and Sweetpaw found himself yawning and stretching in his nest as he tuned into the excitement around him. Pretty green eyes blinked open tiredly before searching out the entrance and, sure enough, the snow had packed them in. He would admit, it was a little unnerving to know he was trapped there, but Wildpaw seemed confident they'd be dug out soon, and Littlepaw seemed to be about to tell them all a story, so the youth simply got himself comfortable and prepared to listen in.

The story she told was a nice one, if he was honest, and he couldn't help but feel happy for both Beauty and the Beast.

"That was a good story, Littlepaw!" he called from his nest, curling up a little tighter to keep from shivering. "I'm glad they were able to find each other."

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Wildpaw listened to the tale being told, equally baffled about what exactly a castle was at the same time, but finding the eventual romance a buzzkill. "Tch! If I were the Beast I would have used my strength to takeover the land. Sod needing to be loved, I would just keep the Beauty guy prisoner... or eat him. I dunno." By this point he was itching for a story that carried something with a little more action and adventure, without the mushy stuff. "Anyone else got a story? Maybe something scary or involving a war?" He was grinning at the idea. If no one else had anything then he'd tell his own story!