I'm a mess {flycatcher}

Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

It had been an uneventful day, for her anyways. She wasn't sure what all else had happened outside of this den. A couple apprentices had brought her fresh moss and a squirrel to eat a little while ago, but it had been pretty slow other than that. When she had first settled down in here, she had been worried about being lonely, but the only time she had felt lonely was during the night. During the day, she had many more visitors than she could have imagined.

As if on cue, an NPC padded in to say hello. The red tabby stood up and stretched her legs for a moment before laying back down in her nest. Suddenly, her eyes lit up excitedly. "Go get Flycatcher, quick!" she ordered, hoping the grey tom was nearby. She didn't want him to miss this. She had only felt this a couple of times, but he had missed those times.


The lead warrior had been grooming himself quietly when the appearance of Daisystep caught his attention. A hurried comment of "Flamewhisker needs you now!" is spoken to him before the NPC warrior disappears again. Rattled by the apparent urgency in her tone, he raises to his paws and quickly hurries to the nursery, perhaps a little bit worried that Flamewhisker had gone into early labour based on Daisystep's words.

He pokes his head into the nursery cautiously, quickly spotting Flamewhisker standing near her nest. Well, she seemed fine at least, but you couldn't be too careful. "Is everything alright, Flame?" He asks, looking at her with a curious expression.

Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

It was only mere moments before her mate poked his head in and asked what was wrong. She lifted an alabaster paw, and motioned for him to come towards her. “Hurry, come here…quickly!” she purred, her eyes glowing even brighter. “Put your paw on my belly.

If he obeyed, she would crane her neck and use her nose to move his paw. She then looked up at him, her eyes round with love. “Do you feel them? They are lively today.” her voice was quiet, wondering if he was excited as she was about being able to feel them.

They were just a couple weeks away from meeting the wiggly bodies inside her. She was terrified, but excited nonetheless.

To his relief, Flamewhisker wasn't actually in trouble. She merely wanted him to come feel her belly and their kits moving inside of her. The first few times this had happened, Flycatcher had missed it or when he had felt her belly the ktis seemed to not be moving as much. This time they really were lively, just as Flamewhisker had said. "I think we'll have some good runners on our paws," He chuckled, stepping back a little from her. "I bet you're keen for them be here now, huh? I wish there was more to do for you being in here all day."
This time, unlike before, he was able to feel them. She was sure it felt neat to him, but to her it still felt strange...like little mice moving around inside her. Part of her wondered if it were normal, but she quickly dismissed the silly thought. If they were moving, then that at least meant they were alive. "Before we know it, they will be running around all over and we won't be able to keep up with them!" she would purr. "I can't wait to take them out and hunt with them. With how much they are moving today...their mentors will surely have their paws cut out for them."

With his next words, she would nod. She would then stretch out her forepaws and hook her claws into the soft dirt for a few moments before tucking her paws back up underneath her chest. "I am ready for them to come...it's too quiet in here, and at night its lonely. I'm also ready to not feel like a bloated tick!" the queen added on with a chuckle. "I think if I stretched my legs out, I would roll right out into the camp!"


"Nor can I," Flycatcher nodded in agreement to her words of taking the kits out to hunt. He couldn't wait to take them outside, show them some small basic hunting crouches, play silly games, and tell them stories. Whilst the impending arrival of their kits was a cause for nerves and worries it was also one of great excitement.

"You may feel like a bloated tick but you'd be the prettiest tick in my eyes," Flycatcher teased with a gentle purr. His gentle laughter subsided when he realised Flamewhisker probably was quite lonely in the den. As a queen, there wasn't much for her to do, despite her best efforts to do otherwise. "At least you'll have Little Wolf for some more company now," He mewed. "But since the kits are almost with us, maybe I can spend a few nights in here with you and keep you company? Plus I'll be right by your side should the kits decide to make an early appearance."