private I'M A MESS &. serpentspine

this was not a conversation they wanted to have. they often avoided anything about the cat they had the displeasure of being related to, but they cannot avoid this. serpentspine was so worried and they can't get that look on his face out of their head. they did not need their younger brother worrying for them. they were fine in the end, right? they always would be– no matter how much this was absolutely eating them alive. no matter how much this was wearing them down to their bones. they'd be fine. they always would be.

"serpentspinneeee. what are you doing out here, little brother?"

chilledstar walks over to their brother, gently nudging their not so little brother. he's big now. so much bigger than he been when he was born. oh, he was so tiny. so small. so... fragile. he's far from that, they know it. but it doesn't mean that they will ever stop protecting him. or treating him like he's their little brother. they move to gently lick down a stray hair from the back of his ear, before nudging him and sitting down before they got too tired. they're restless, at least, and they're ready to get out camp but they've yet to be cleared yet.

"as much as i wish I came over here just to share tongues, i think we need to... talk. about what happened."

//gosh this is so late !! we can just say they were avoiding talking about it for a bit but this is before their new Family(tm) comes into the picture @SERPENTSPINE

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    44 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed