pafp I'm a neon rainbow & you're no fun // Kit questions


May 22, 2023
Glimmerkit prides herself on being a mature kitten, at least in her mind. She wasn't itching to grow up, not at all, but that doesn't mean she had to act like a baby! Even so, sometimes adult cats perplex her. Why are some so serious, for example? Sure, it's good to take some things seriously, but it sounds boring to be like that constantly. Even more so, grumpy cats are perplexing to her. No one is born that upset, right? At least from what she can tell. So what kind of things have to happen to you to turn out like that?

Her thoughts on the subject immediately make her mind drift to Slate. Glimmerkit doesn't see him often, but she knows that he's kinda close to her mom. She honestly can't come up with a reason has to how they could end up becoming that close. She loves her mom a lot, but she isn't sure how she could tolerate him. Though, it's not like she fully understands her mother, either. Maybe one day, but that's not what's important right now.

All the questions rattling her brain make her feel like she'll explode, so she searches for the black tom so she can ask him things. When she locates him, she can't keep her mouth shut.
"Hey, hey Slate! I have a question for you. Why are that?" She hopes he understands what she's asking, but maybe not, as she blurted it out immediately. But she needs to know!

// OOC : Please wait for @SLATE !
  • Haha
Reactions: SLATE
❪ TAGS ❫ — The charcoal-hued lead warrior had been grooming through his thick, wispy fur when a small voice reached his ears, causing him to perk up and turn his attention toward whoever was addressing him. This was... Shimmerkit, wasn't it? Glitteringkit? He wasn't great with memorizing names, especially since Orangeblossom and Ashenclaw had so many damn kits. The only kit's name he remembered by now was Cherrykit's, and it seemed that she possessed a similar inquisitiveness as this one did. Stars, were all kits this bothersome or did this level of curiosity just so happen to run in Orangeblossom's family?

He cocks a brow at her question, seeming to take offense at what it insinuated. Slate wouldn't claim that he wasn't a rather gruff individual, but he had never been publicly called out on it before. "... Like what?" Was the Maine Coon's response to Glimmerkit. Slate wasn't boneheaded; he could probably figure what the kit was asking him, but he wanted the she-kit to clarify herself. Would she have the audacity to do so?

Orangeblossom kittens, though a boon to SkyClan, had seldom garnered the interest of the silver tabby. ARW" Kids were often extremely awkward to talk to, having nothing in common with the burly maine coon, or they were so full of energy that it tired him out after mere minutes of seeing them. He'd been passing by the last time one of Ora's brood had harassed Slate and now, by chance, he was passing by again, hearing a mouth running faster than a Monster heart as he whipped his head towards the dark Lead Warrior and his little protege. More incredulous blinks come from the moggy, his eyes shifting between the ant of a cat and Slate. Her question caused him to suppress an immediate chuckle, the reaction swallowed down further by Slate's own confusion. Right, so it wasn't meant to offend him. That was almost a shame, though he was moving at a painstaking pace towards neutrality when considering his peer, it didn't mean knocking him down every once in a while didn't feel good. He pointed his chin upwards, the remnants of a smirk appearing as he stretched his muzzle taut. "I ask myself that every day." 'And I wonder why the clan continues to enable... 'that''.
Life would get boring without cats like these ones. The little kittens full of life, and the warriors full of spite. Listening to 'em bicker and pester fills the old tom with joy. At the time his door had opened, Mouser had thought of staying– of watching them wander out and doing nothing about it. Instead he had followed with slow, creaking bones. And he could not be more grateful for that. A soft nest and the closeness of his new clanmates was an irreplaceable warmth. Brighter than the sun that he lounges in now, warming old bones with lazy lidded eyes. A rasping chuckle fills up his chest and fades to a loud, scratchy purring. "Because the world would be much less interesting without cats like him in it, little one," he supplies, though he knows it will not be a good enough answer.

  • mm_trim_fix.png
  • mm_trim_fix.png
    ──── monsieur mouser, casually known as mouser.
    ──── elderly shelter cat. dmab male, and neutered.
    ancient as he is, life alone is a miracle for mouser. but when one takes in the extent of his scars, it becomes even more so. his dark, silvery-tinged fur is broken up by heavy scarring along his back leg and tail, with one bright yellow eye turned glossy with blindness.
  • "speech"
She listens to the last point made by Mouser, having to admit that the world would probably be less interesting without mean cats to balance out the nice cats. And she supposes that there could be something that constitutes as too nice, and Slate also isn't THAT bad. He could be way more annoying, but that still didn't satisfy her. She's glad Silversmoke has been wondering the same thing, too. "Why you're so mean! Or maybe it's just brooding? Either way! You should tell me or I'll keep pestering you!" And she totally would, too. She's sure she can make him snap if he isn't straightforward with her.
❪ TAGS ❫ — A glare is offered toward Silversmoke as he offered his own "input", though unusually brief and dulled in comparison to the fiery glances that used to burn against the other lead warrior's cold hues. The two toms have managed to keep their distance from one another thus far, leaving their once-raging rivalry at a steady simmer. Slate was not necessarily on good terms with the silver tabby, though his quips didn't bother him as much as they used to. As long as the scarred warrior didn't cross a line, he was content with this... awkward gray area.

The comment of the scarred elder observing from nearby doesn't necessarily alleviate Glimmerkit's allegations, though they don't worsen them, either. Slate nearly scoffs at the child's own response. Mean, huh? So that's how the kits of the clan saw him? Not that Slate particularly minded such a reputation. It wasn't as if he was the biggest fan of kits, anyhow.

Deciding to try and take the reigns on this conversation, Slate instead attempted to turn the topic onto Glimmerkit herself. "Why are you so nosy?" The burly Maine Coon inquired with a slight cock of his brow, tone not necessarily harsh though a tad flat with impatience.