I'M A REALIST ↷ [ Frog Egg Hunting ]

The proverbial banners are all but unfurled now. Chilledstar has called for a crusade, and it is a crusade they shall receive; indiscriminate slaughter awaits the bevvies of frog spawn festering in every pool and watery patch in the territory. At long last, a bold move towards resolution.

Shadow-streaked legs lead the charge, pressing forward from camp on long strides and into the swamp's deeper recesses. In tow is the deputy's noble detachment of Forestshade, Stryker, Laurelpaw, and Basilpaw, all led forth by a unified cause and the resolve brought with it. Dusk looms heavy on a world drowned in frog cry, humidity clinging to fur like pestilence. A lifetime spent in this land informs him that the patrol's quarry thrives during the nocturnal hours. When the sky gives way, the scourge is released. Such is what happened the night camp fell to the invading horde.

Steps dwindle to a fault when the uneven footpath devolves into pure bog. The party has not ventured very far from the hollow, and yet even now a telltale shadow coagulates just under the waterline: frog spawn, wriggling and swelling in the dim light. Swamp froth lathers his paws as Smogmaw pivots around to inspect his soldiers, before pointing a drawn claw towards the nearest glut of eggs. "That right there, that's what we're after," he informs his team, only acknowledging the visual impairment of his lead warrior after the fact.

"Forestshade, you've known long what frog spawn feels like," says the tabby at a glance towards his highest-ranking comrade. "You, along with the apprentices, will scoop out the eggs close to the footpath. Squish 'em or eat 'em, then move onto the next batch." His commanding focus next falls upon Stryker, amber eyes slow to break contact after the initial lock. The former loner (or rogue, Smogmaw still wasn't certain) displayed an alarming aptitude of actually listening to orders given to him. "Me 'n you'll be taking the deeper sections."

Once all is said and done, and the deputy finds himself the slightest bit confident that his orders were both heard and heeded, the tom steps out towards deeper, brackish pools. What with the subdued lighting situation and how murky the waters look, not much could be observed past the surface; especially since every pawstep only served to cloud up the marshy substrate all the more. But a moment comes along where Smogmaw snatches sight on a shape drifting about, and by that moment's end, his head is fully submerged, his jaws a vacuum for eggs.


➼➼ He’s come to ShadowClan at an interesting time, it seems. The clan is not under attack, but is plagued by danger nonetheless. The overwhelming number of frogs living and reproducing on ShadowClan’s marshy territory is both a blessing and a curse—the abundant prey feeds the clan, but also draws predators to the clan’s vulnerable camp. Stryker understands why this patrol is so important, and is eager to help the clan with whatever they may need.

The patrol approaches a bog, and Smogmaw points out the dark shapes beneath the water’s surface. Frog spawn—dreadful little creatures who have invaded the territory. According to a few clanmates, the deputy has a penchant for eating frog eggs, and though Stryker has eaten some odd things, he can’t remember ever snacking on frog eggs. The deputy tasks the three ShadowClanners with dragging eggs out of the shallows, and invites Stryker to wade in deeper with him. "Got it." He trails in Smogmaw’s pawsteps, tail flicking as he steps hesitantly into the water.

Stryker looks down to his paws, submerged in the dark waters of the bog, and grimaces. This will be a nightmare to clean up. Maybe if he just waits, a storm will come by and the rain will wash it right off. He doesn’t even want to think about putting his tongue anywhere near the disgusting water that lies stagnant around the territory. But when he glances back up to ask Smogmaw what exactly it is that they’re doing, the deputy has taken matters into his own paws. Smogmaw’s head is fully underwater at this point, apparently seeking out eggs beneath the surface.

What the fuck?

"Here goes nothin’…" He sighs. What’s he supposed to do—not follow after the deputy? He has to take a deep breath, straightening in an attempt to steel himself for what he needs to do. And then, after another moment of bracing himself, the tom dives under the water, swinging his head around gracelessly in an attempt to snatch up something.

  • ooc:
  • 18648745_COmype1KcH43Y7q.png
    STRYKER ❯❯ he/him, former carrionplace loner
    thin black and white tom with mismatched blue and yellow eyes. calm and nonchalant, difficult to anger.
    currently on a probationary period; shadowing forestshade.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore

Basilpaw was staring at Stryker the whole time as they entered the swamp land to make sure the tom stayed in line! and didn't try anything funny like getting close to Forestshade or anything. Oh no, as long as he was here Forestshade was safe! from the scrawny tom's hidden motives. Smogmaw he had barely been paying any attention too, same with Laurelpaw but when Smogmaw said probably the best thing he had ever said in his entier existence Basilpaw's attention sparked over to them. Him?, together with Forestshade?! (and Laurelpaw but he was not important) It was like a dream coming true!. Basilpaw would finally get to spend some alone time with Forestshade! (and Laurelpaw) without Stryker!. Hah, this couldn't have worked any better in his favor!, and he had all Smogmaw to thank for that. Maybe the deputy wasn't that bad after all...wait, why didn't he like them to begin with?. Basilpaw had forgot.

Happily Basilpaw would jumped himself over closer to Forestshade as he paid no mind to Laurelpaw at all (poor guy) as he come up right beside the blind lead warrior but with respectful distance of course!. He was not a creep like Stryker after all!. " Hey Forestshade!, i'm so hyper duper excited to get to squish eggs with you!!." his eyes shine brightly as he walked beside them with a big grin as he stared at them as he looked forward to this egg killing hunt now!.