I'm a thousand miles away - hunting patrol

Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

With Howling Wind recovering from Trufflepelt's attack, her and Flycatcher had been doing their best to pick up the slack. Deep down, even though she didn't want to admit it, she would be out for the count too, leaving Flycatcher to the duties. A couple days had passed since the attack, and now that she was starting to get more used to helping send out daily patrols some of her former spark was returning. Despite the hunger that glowed in her eyes, she looked more like herself than since before the pointless border fight.

Her and Flycatcher had just assigned the patrols for the day, and she had volunteered to take out a hunting patrol. As her clanmates dispersed, she would stand in the middle of the camp, hoping to catch some of the warriors who had nothing else to do. "I'm taking out a hunting patrol, anyone is welcome to join. I'd like to leave soon, so if your ready join me over here." the red tabby would call out, glancing around hoping to catch Jaypaw's eyes.

( ☄. *. ⋆ ) Raccoonstripe watches the ginger and white lead warrior with curiosity. Still early enough in her pregnancy to be active, it seems, though the tabby wonders how she will feel when the time comes for her to move into the nursery and be stagnant for a few moons. He thinks again about how ThunderClan will be essentially losing a warrior and sighs inwardly. This leafbare is beginning to take its toll on him.

He approaches Flamewhisker with a courteous nod. "I'll go, too. We need all the able paws we can get." He blanches, then, realizing he has other responsibilities now, responsibilities he hadn't asked for.

With an exhaustive sigh, Raccoonstripe turns to locate the young tortoiseshell ward he's been assigned to. With a flick of his tail, the tabby says curtly, "You'll be coming, too, Flickerpaw. Time to make yourself useful."


The usual hustle and bustle of every day tasks, the constant buzzing of camp life no matter the weather. It was nice. To think a group of cats decided to come together in efforts to heighten survival out in the forest, it was quite awe-inspiring. Stormchaser grew up around it, despite some of the recent down falls and then the separation—tension was higher than ever before in the dead middle of Leaf-Bare. He hadn't been to the Gathering but, the meeting was enough to get the point across. Now, they in their own group—a clan. This was his family, now. His friends had all separated for moons now. He hadn't seen them for quite some time. Stormchaser's heart ached as he reminisced through his memories, a flash of green and a barrage of pictured moments during his kithood. They were all one big family. Now everything was changing.
You may have friendships with cats from other clans, but your loyalty must remain to your clan, as one day you may meet them in battle.
A chilled breeze spiraled around him then, seeping into his feathered fur like blades. He shuddered, blinking away his memories as Flamewhisker's call sounded near the tunnel. He stood there for a moment, attempting to make out her voice against the others. Hunting patrol. The warrior sauntered over with a near blank expression, taking a gander at who was joining. There was the newly pregnant Flamewhisker for starters, then Raccoonstripe and Flickerpaw. Stormchaser nearly flinched at the harshness of the dark tom's words to the new apprentice, his golden gaze eyeing the warrior with unease and light irritation. Did he have to talk to her so brutally? It was evident he wasn't...the happiest, being appointed an apprentice at the meeting. But, then again, maybe it was something else making him so crotchety.
Stormchaser reverted his eyes, realizing he'd been staring at Raccoonstripe from his peripheral for a few moments. With an uncomfortable gulp to clear his dry throat, the lean tom nodded to Flamewhisker. "I'll lend a paw, too. I need to stretch out my legs. Hopefully I'll get lucky and catch a couple of magpies. Those are my favorite." Just speaking the name had his mouth watering. He could almost smell it's succulent scent in his nostrils now.


Cove blinks as Flame speaks of a hunting patrol, briefly looking down to her new apprentice with a soft smile before returning her gaze to those that spoke up. So far patrol participants were Flame, Racoon, Flicker and Storm with her and Sweet added on; with another mentor on the patrol she could take notes, never having been one before. "Let's go Sweetpaw, but don't feel bad if you don't catch anything okay? Lots of cats don't, we can always hunt again another time." her voice was warm, encouraging as she sweeps her tail against the ground, nodding for her apprentice to follow along as she made her way over. Lots of cats also included her and she wasn't the proudest to admit it.

"Room for two more? We'd love to come." she sends a friendly blink over to the gathered four, curling her tail up. "Ohh... I've never had a magpie, what're they like?" she'd rather have squirrels and fish but the thought intrigues her as she turns to look at Storm.

// @Sweetpaw
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His assignment to a mentor had been sudden, but not unwelcomed. Sweetpaw had been with Thunderclan for a few weeks now, but there'd just been so much going on his apprenticeship had been moved to the backburner, understandably. The speckled tom held no ill will toward it, though he could safely say he was pleased to officially start his training. As patient as he was, kind, as he was, Sweetpaw had dreams of his own, and they required a lot of training that he hadn't exactly been getting.

Covecatchers words were reassuring, and he didn't hesitate in offering her back a wide smile, excitement shining through as he nodded, falling into step beside her. "Okay, Covecatcher! I'll still try my best, though!" he assured her, not wanting to come back empty handed just because he'd failed to put in 100%.