camp i'm about to lie 〰 bad prey

It wasn't a particularly unusual day... it was not met with unusual struggle or hardship to wear their patience thin. Their sister is perfect company on the trip to SkyClan, as she is every morning... the patrols are the same they've always been (luckily for Edenberry, those they attend are typically of moderate eventfulness) and the sky shines with a cheerful spring sun that grows hotter with every passing day. Green-leaf would be here before they knew it... and the yearning for shade would return ten-fold. If they are lucky, they can get Twitchbolt to entertain their antics, cowering under his chin as if he were big enough to act as umbrella for them (this has not been the case in many moons now... Edenberry had grown into lengthy limbs ages ago).

The pale, ink-scratched cat sees the sun's slow descent and knows that shortly, they will be called away towards the horizon to end the night in quiet comfort, away from their friends, away from their clan. That 'double life' a certain dandelion-tufted tom-kit had swooned over. It was cool... except that it felt naggingly lonely as of late. Perhaps it was just the guilt of leaving Cherryblossom to sleep through a stormy night alone or maybe a secret longing for intimacy outside of their borders as well as within them. Being a daylight warrior hosted a complicated array of feelings and they had grown overwhelming.

Plodding around the fresh-kill pile in hopes of finding something tasty to eat, they don't quite recognize what exactly they're searching for. A specific type of prey? Maybe it had to be a bird just the right size? Or maybe... a mouse with a shorter tail so it was easier to avoid? The options spin around wildly, making some part of them feel physically ill, dizzy even. Grassy-meadow gaze locks onto a thrush that looks particularly fat, juicy and appetizing, enough so to make them salivate suddenly with a sharp growl of a stomach that felt surprisingly empty. The sense of famine that washes over them encourages a weird, selfish urgency, snapping up the bird with eager teeth and moving off to the side to set about eating it. It was late enough in the day, they had no issue assuming those on the top of the list of priority had already been fed and so they took no time to lunge down for a hearty bite.

Their teeth chew at it for one bite... two...... three.....

It tastes... terrible. Or at least, not nearly as delicious as they'd hoped based on the sight of it. An indignant, disappointed sniffle starts it, half-chewed bite left abandoned in their mouth as it grows more unsatisfactory, bordering on disgusting with each passing second. They swallow, with far more struggle than is necessary and the intense shudder of revulsion that follows makes their stomach flip.

It's horrible. It looked perfect and was supposed to be delicious and it was all they wanted to eat after a long day and-

Tears bubbles in frustrated dismay at the corners of their eyes, trickling down their face as a drizzle at first before quickly amassing to waterfalls in their ferocity. An unnecessarily big reaction to a disappointing bite of food. "It tastes... awful," they wail to no one in particular, pressing it away with a sob-shaken paw to be discarded or investigated. (It is... a perfectly normal thrush... with no signs of rot or illness that might make it taste foul... and if tested, would prove to be such; perfectly normal).

"It's ruined my appetite, I'm not even hungry anymore," is complained through their huffing, a lie if the persistent grumbling of their stomach is any indication.

  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 13 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back / filling out where previously skinny
    -- color #728c69​
  • Wow
Reactions: eezy

A tired yawn escapes Owlheart as she stretches, haphazardly clawing at the ground. Turning her head to try and avoid the last of the setting sun rays that seemed determined to aim right for her eyes. She disliked this part of the day, mainly because of the sun but it was also for that pang of concern that came with the realisation that soon the daylight warriors would be travelling back to their other homes. There was always that concerned voice that she couldn’t get rid of that would remind her of the fact that this may be the last time she sees some of them. Often times she would do her best to try and push that worry down, trying to better at managing these thoughts so she wouldn’t stress so much about it.

The sound of Edenberry’s wailing did little to help her in this unknown mental battle of effort she waged. Nonetheless she wandered towards them concerned and hoping for the best but expecting the worst. “Edenberry? Are you okay?” A timid voice called out as she wandered to stand beside them, eyes cast aside to look down at the pushed away thrush. She wasn’t too sure what to do here, she wasn’t the most physically affectionate and while she loved to spend time with them she wasn’t sure if they were friends? Would that even be something she should do if they were.

Instead, she opts to try and be a problem solver. Overlooking the cast aside prey, she doesn’t notice anything particularly wrong with it but she wasn’t too keen to try and taste it just in case something was wrong. “It’s okay, sometimes bad prey makes it here. I’m sorry that you were the one to find it.” She offers her sympathies in a soft tone, like the prey had personally injured the daylight warrior. There was no way that it had actually injured them but surely something else must have, she doesn’t recall something ever bothering Edenberry like that. Absentmindedly she considers where her sister must be, surely Cherryblossom would know how to comfort them right now.

“You should still take something with you in case you get hungry on the way back” Eyes fall upon the fresh kill pile, trying to assess if anything else had gone bad. From a visual assessment it seemed fine, Owlheart glances back at them. “I could make sure the next one isn’t bad? I don’t want you to leave hungry” she offers with a small smile, trying to figure out what could hypothetically be the best option here.


Pelt still damp from the energy of the hunt, Edenberrys complaint reached the Molly’s ears almost the second she sat down to rest from the hunt.
a bad piece of prey? Shame shot through her, had she been the one to catch it?
"Sorry about that, Edenberry” she mews, joining Owlheart around the black and white daylight warrior. Her lips purse, her eyes narrowing slightly. Was her clan mate… okay? Something seemed off, maybe it was the weather?
She glances up, squinting against the sun then moves to provide the daylight warrior with some shade.
“Are you…?” Okay was… well apt but it felt rude. “Are you too return home soon? You should eat some before the journey- perhaps some water,too”


  • pagedoll-png.1774

    — A chocolate point tabby molly with icy blue eyes and a slightly uneven pelt. She has small scars on her back, her shoulders and a slightly crocked tail.

    — 44 moons old; ages the 1st of every month

    — aro/ace. ; currently not looking

    — child of NPC and NPC :: sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang

    — Mentoring Flora

    — Sky Clan; warrior since 3/11/24 ; loyal to Orangestar, Flora, and Duskpool

    — Not hard to befriend ; trusts easily

    "speech", thoughts, attacking

    — peaceful powerplay allowed
The marred Maine Coon's attention turns toward the disappointed exclamation that emits from Edenberry's maw, his interest roused ever so slightly as they complain about their food. For a moment, Slate wrinkles his nose in an attempt to pick up on a rotten smell, though he can't catch a whiff of anything odd from where he is standing. What a shame; that catch looked perfectly fine. At least he hadn't been the one to bite into it.

He had not really... spoken to many of the daylight warriors as of late, as they had been deliberately avoided by the opinionated tom so as not to cause issues ( save for his new apprentice ). It was Orangestar's judgment that he cared about. Had it not been for the fair and level-headed leader, the daylight warriors would still be on the receiving end of his sharp-tongued comments and snide remarks. For now, they only take up residence in his mind ( and sometimes private conversations with Cloverjaw ).

However, when Slate's overly gracious clanmates offer more prey to Edenberry to make up for their unpleasant experience, the lead warrior quickly speaks up in a gruff tone, "Don't bother. I'm sure their twolegs will make sure they're more than fed." A narrowed gaze flicks toward Edenberry themselves, gauging a reaction from the young warrior. Daylight warriors seldom ate the prey from the fresh-kill pile, as they had bowls full of kibble and slimy slop waiting for them back at their nests. They had no reason to take resources from the full-time clan cats; that was one of the few benefits of having daylight warriors around, he supposed.

  • *
    he/him; lead warrior of skyclan
    a hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​

Twitchbolt was not sure when the friendship between Edenberry and himself had solidified, but he counted them among some of his closest Clanmates now. At times when the snapping voice in Twitchbolt's head convinced him he was of very little worth. Edenberry was often nearby, seeking out his side for a casual brush of the shoulder- something that used to make him bristle when it was anyone other than a trusted ally. A friend. Through his turbulent mood, his shaking, his... cowardice in the eyes of many who had seen him turn his head away from leadership... they were still there.

He did not think to ask them, even in private moments, why they bothered with him. Every doubt grew usurped by concern when he heard their complaining, noticed the wrinkle of disgust on their muzzle. Owlheart, ever kind, and Sorrelsong, an equally generous soul, were quick to check up on them. Slate was... a bit less warm, but was at least not offensive. Twitchbolt gave his fellow lead warrior little more than a glance, still soured from their conversation in the medicine den.

"Sss-someone... let the freshkill checking slide, then..." he said, his tail flicking as if swatting away an insect. "I'll check it over again. Eden- Edenberry, you feel alright otherwise?" Wide eyes flicked to his friend, inquisitive. A ruined appetite wasn't ideal, but... at least it wasn't anything horribly worse... probably.
penned by pin ✧
Owlheart's soft voice is one they're more than happy to turn to in a time of such horrible circumstance, glancing towards familiar daffodil eyes with a warbling whine, "I've been so hungry lately, I was soooo looking forward to this." They glower at the bird of betrayal, thinking at the why they'd been so insistent on getting a bite to eat before going home- those little specks of food at home just weren't as filling as they used to be. Was their Twoleg up to something? Protesting the growth of their kittypets- had she caught on that they ran off outside during the day, did she expect them to feed themselves more often?

They'd have to ask Spicepaw if she noticed their portions getting smaller. Sorrelsong peeps up with another apology, as gentle-hearted as ever- they're quick to leap into the pity, scrunching up their nose to sniffle and simmer their bubbling feelings. "It's not your fault, it looked completely fine when I grabbed it..." No one looked keen to take a taste for themselves either though- Did they smell something that the pin-stripe cat didn't?

"Don't bother-" Immediately they snap to attention, fixating on the grumbling, sniping shadow that tries to argue it a waste just because they had scraps to nibble at later that evening. A pretty big assumption for a cat that supposedly had no background with kittypets, huh? Their glare sets in on their face all the more persistently, a sudden flare of frustration burning like a firework in their chest, waiting to leap out of their mouth- "Do I look like I'm getting fat off kittypet food," they ask, a tuft of a tail flicking in agitation. "I'm doing just as much work as the rest of you- why can't I have a piece every now and then? Everyone's been fed and... and it's greenleaf! There's plenty to go around... I didn't take any during the cold months, just like Blazestar asked."

They feel dejected and think to whimper more about how unfair it is to deny them any reward for their hard work when a full cycle of seasons before it'd never been an issue-- but a burr-scruffy tom appears like an answered prayer, settling the fur along their spine near instantly. "T-Twitch!" Their relief is notable, especially in the presence of Slate- even if he had mentored their partner, he'd never spared them any kindness on Cherryblossom's behalf at the minimum either. "I'm okay," they promise, ears pinned back as a powerful wave of guilt crashes against them-

Why guilt? For making him worry? They don't rush to greet him the way they normally do, suddenly anxious and awkward about the attention, even if from friends, "I.. I'm just... overwhelmed, that's all," is the best way they can think to explain it. Without Hazelbeam's constant presence for reassurance (and defense) and the uncertainty of their position in the eyes of their new deputy, they suppose maybe that's the reason for their wild swings from one emotion to another. "Not because of my job here," they interject quickly, ready to assume Slate will have some willful remark about that, "Just.. personal stuff."

  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 13 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back / filling out where previously skinny
    -- color #728c69​

The molly couldn't help but roll her eyes at the scraggly gray tom's comments, but kept her maw shut. Edenberry needed support, and she doubted witnessing a fight would count as that. To her relief, not only has a small group consolidated around Edenberry, but someone the cat was a friend of showed up as well. She blinks warmly at Edenberry's insistance that it was not her fault, though their next words give the molly pause.
Do I look like I'm getting fat off kittypet food
She's heard that before. She's said those words before. And then an instance that it was a private issue... her throat tightens in memory but she does not allow her mind to go there again. Perhaps she was wrong? Maybe... was she projecting?
Moving as quietly as she could to not draw attention to herself, the molly bends to sniff the fresh kill Edenberry bit into. It didn't smell bad... It didn't look bad either. Could just be something she didn't pick up on... but...
"Ah, I see," She mews, even toned and kind despite the worry growing in her gut. "I hope I'm not overstepping, but perhaps it would be worth talking to someone about it." She attempts to sneak Twitchbolt a glance incase the tom hasn't picked up on what support his friend might need. "And I don't think you look fat at all."

  • pagedoll-png.1774

    — A chocolate point tabby molly with icy blue eyes and a slightly uneven pelt. She has small scars on her back, her shoulders and a slightly crocked tail.

    — 44 moons old; ages the 1st of every month

    — aro/ace. ; currently not looking

    — child of NPC and NPC :: sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang

    — Mentoring Flora

    — Sky Clan; warrior since 3/11/24 ; loyal to Orangestar, Flora, and Duskpool

    — Not hard to befriend ; trusts easily

    "speech", thoughts, attacking

    — peaceful powerplay allowed

”We’ll have to get on the apprentices.” Figfeather meows after Twitchbolt’s comment on the slacking of cleaning the fresh-kill pile. ”It’s their job. Not keeping up with it is unacceptable.” The ginger warrior has always been critical of the apprentices, starting annoyingly not long after receiving her warrior name.

Figfeather can’t help but flick her tail uncomfortably. There was a time she was labeled fat and lazy when she had taken up frequent shelter with Fantastream. Eating her kibble had caused her belly to grow rounder, and while she wouldn’t call Edenberry fat they were plump. She was going to open her maw, but Sorrelsong’s words confuse her. She’s led to believe something more must be happening… she doesn’t want part of it. ”I’ll talk to them now and see it doesn’t happen again.” A good enough excuse, she heads off.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Lead Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Sire to Sangriapaw & Coffeepaw
    » Mentoring Daisypaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
  • Like
Reactions: edenberry ?!
❀‿ "I'd think Slate would be, like, less snippy knowing that he dodged the bad prey in the pile..." Lupinesong said breezily as she swept into the scene. She approached her friend with a sympathetic pout, "Don't worry too much about it, it's just bad luck." She furrowed her brow briefly at their confession that they were stressed by things in their "personal life"—were they talking about...? Lupinesong shook her head to herself, annoyed at herself for making Edenberry's upset tummy all about her when she knew that Slate's grouchified commentary often stuck with them like a thistle to the paw.

She padded around Owlheart to brush her tail against the daylight warrior's flank, watching Figfeather exit with a quirk of her lip and joking lightly, "Figfeather's going to apprehend all those pesky chore-skipping apprentices for you, don't you feel better already?" Not wanting to crowd Edenberry (especially when the threat of them puking up their interrupted dinner remained at large) she was swiftly leaning over to gingerly grab the guilty piece of fresh-kill. "G'nna bury th's!" she chirped around its wing, and turned to take it to be disposed of.

Oddly enough, she didn't smell anything off about the bird at all... But this would not register to her conscious mind as being suspicious in any way, there were plenty of ways to get a stomachache.

  • OOC:
  • cpj5ve.png
  • lupinekit . lupinepaw . lupinesong
    — trans she/her. 15mo warrior of skyclan. formerly mentored by dandelionwish, single
    bobbie x duke. littermate to crowsight & drowsynose. older half-sister of hollykit, lionkit, and candorkit
    — a tall, pretty, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — fullbody by pikaihao and funnyguy by pin
    — penned by eezy
  • Love
Reactions: edenberry ?!