i'm almost a human being .. berryheart


classic male manipulator
Apr 24, 2023

—————————thunderclan | he/they | warrior————————
It appeared that he had been too careless with his actions. Cedarfire was never accident prone exactly, but little could be said for his self preservation when it came to matters he simply didn't think were of import. He preferred to take the most direct of routes when it came to getting his duties done, and this time was no different. The only thing that changed was the fact that he got a nasty scrape on his shoulder by some brambles. Normally, it wouldn't have been an issue and he would've just gone on with his business. It'd heal well enough on its own, no? But alas, his clanmates espied his little injury, and encouraged him to go find Berryheart.

He couldn't say that he knew this cat well at all on a personal nor professional level, as being treated never quite suited him. Nor had he needed it, quite frankly. Not to mention, he found it quite hard to get a read on the medicine cat, which made him all the more apprehensive. But... his clanmates wouldn't like it if he just ignored their advice. Padding towards where he had been told to find the tom, Cedarfire couldn't help the prickling feeling in his fur. Clearing his throat as he peered over at the medicine cat's den, the tom opened his mouth to speak.
"Ah, Berryheart? Are you there?"
[penned by bnnuy].


Blood-scent bloomed brazen in his nostrils before his patient even spoke. Berryheart had, over time, become less prone to nausea at the slightest sense of injury- an effect for which he was grateful, for a lack of evolution in that respect would have made his Star-bestowed duty much less doable. The sight still disquieted him, but... that simply encouraged him to act quicker. The sooner a wound was treated, the sooner it was out of his sight... for good, hopefully.

Embers' voice reached him like an arrow pierced air, a question clearly heard- and swiftly met. "Yes," he hummed, lean form stepping a little closer to the entrance so that the warrior might catch a glance of him.

Askant eyes of olive peered out at the other calico, expectant. Anticipation settled on his expression, patiently awaiting the ailment that affected the other. No doubt it involved split skin... the ague that clung to the other's pelt was not one of sickness.

—————————thunderclan | he/they | warrior————————
The shortness at which the other spoke wasn't unexpected for sure, but he couldn't say it didn't put him ill at ease. And yet, was he not just doing his duty as well? Perhaps it would behoove Cedarfire to look more positively upon the efficiency, rather than mentally close off from the situation.

Giving the other a small smile and trying to ease some of the pressure he felt, Cedarfire took another step closer towards the other. "I got a scrape on my shoulder, would you mind patching it up for me?" The tabby asked, turning a bit to the side to show a decent little gash in his shoulder. He had tried to clean it up on the way, but it did not amount to much as he kept irritating the wound while he walked.

[penned by bnnuy].

With all the knowledge that the medicine cat claimed to possess, he was ignorant to the social stasis his blunt manner often invited. It was never borne of rudeness- his mother had raised him better than that, of keener through and consideration than to spit venom at those who had not earned his ire. Never had he found the need to spout more words than necessary. His awry features shifted slightly, a subtle attempt to return the small smile he had been offered- no hostility bristled upon his pelt, and in Berryheart's mind that was more than enough to show he had no ill will.

As Embers turned, a thoughtful gaze lingered upon his wound for a few moments. He still could not bear to look at wounds for too long, but- a small gash like this was as common in apprentice-accidents as it was warrior antics. "Of course... bear with me a moment."

An idea sparked in his mind- at a wound this- this small, he would-

Ah. Perhaps he was not as used to the sight as he thought. Berryheart wobbled a little where he stood, toppling against the wall of the den but somehow managing to keep himself upright. Swallowing, he averted his eyes from the wound and let his uneven eyes settle back upon the patient.

A herb to use, one that perhaps was not marigold but could achieve the same purpose- his attention swivelled to a collection of catchweed on the ground, and in the haze of his faintness he picked it up and chewed it into a poultice. Applying it, there seemed to be no halt of the slow-seeping blood... but, perhaps it might soothe? "Has the pain lessened?" he asked, doubtful that his experiment had succeeded.

\ just fyi catchweed doesn't do anything to help wounds haha B)
  • Haha
Reactions: Cedarfire

—————————thunderclan | he/they | warrior————————
The slight shift in Berryheart was noticed, however Cedarfire couldn't say that it was enough to successfully gauge whether it was in an attempt of positivity or not. They was never that good at reading expressions, if they were being fully honest. They simply nodded at the medicine cat's words, eyes carefully watching the other as he... stumbled into the wall? The warrior shifted slightly as if to help him, but it didn't appear as if he required more than the wall to catch himself and stabilize. A rather concerned expression fell on their face as they adjusted their paws back, sitting down to continue to observe.

As much as they wanted to comment on the display, they held their tongue. This wasn't some apprentice they needed to discipline, so they'd be better off just saying silent and watching, as they always did.

Hm... As he applied a poultice to their wound, Cedarfire's expression grew rather more concerned. "Ah.... No, nothing of the sort..." They spoke, glancing at their wound before bringing their eyes back to Berryheart's. "What was the poultice for? Perhaps I'm simply not noticing the intended effect?" They questioned, maintaining a bit too much eye contact than was necessary. Surely, such a valued cat knew how to treat a simple wound... right?

[penned by bnnuy].

if he were more susceptible to embarrassment, Berryheart might have wavered more- however, thankfully his composure was swiftly regained, deep breaths taken as he inspected the blood flow of the gash. No... nothing was being done to clog it. Catchweed was not a plant with a literal name, it seemed...

"Hm... no, one of us would have noticed the effect..." His statement was perhaps vague, but his steely determination lead him to swivel around. Marigold, yes... and he had plenty, but what if he were to run out? Goldenrod was remarkably similar in colour, and almost seemed a smaller version of the herb he'd practiced using... it was no stretch of logic to assume it would have the same effect. Wiping the wound with moss, he applied the goldenrod. It would sting at first, but soon would settle to fight the pain.

The same effect he often witnessed with marigold- the slowing of blood-weep, the wince of skin at the sting but the settle of its soothing touch afterward... "That's better." he hummed, satisfied. "Sorry. Blood makes me ill sometimes. But I've rectified my error- it's stopped bleeding now."