pafp IM ALREADY COOLEST ࿏ revenge prank

-ˋˏ ༻ ❆༺ ˎˊ- It might’ve been a little mean, her retaliation against a cousin that had opposed her a little too defiantly during their earlier game of Clan, where she was Pinestar, and he had been a lowly dubbed Grayclaw.
Washed up on the shore is where the tortoiseshell kitten has stumbled upon her revenge, and while it was an uneasy event all on its own, Pinekit had bigger ideas at paw than whatever strange phenomenon had brought a half-bodied fish right to the shallow reef around the island.
Now, it was time for the second phase of her diabolical plan- the most boring part, admittedly, but essential all the same.
Sun-dappled fur lurked low behind a concealing wall of reed stalks with her decapitated partner-in-crime, who she had lovingly dubbed “Halfhead” in the time she spent waiting for her target to appear from the nursery. Finally, eons later, a tiny, over-zealous scrap of gray tumbles into her peripheral. Now was the defining moment- if she could lure him into her trap.
“Graykit~” Sweetened with faux-honey and sung in a way that resembled Shellpaws funny, feathery tone, Pinekit calls out to her cousin, getting into position with her forepaws clasped around the fishes head. “Over here!” Pinekit knew her denmate well, his curiosity would eventually win the battle with wariness, and he’d eventually snoop is way over. When he does, Pinekit would wait until he was only a whisker-length from the screen of reeds before she herself would jump out, fish-first, her ivory hold on it hidden by a dead, glazed gaze.
“RAHH!” She hollers, attempting to add an extra punch to her jumpscare.

  • PAFP — @Graykit
    Bingo Slot: Trout

  • PINEKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, 2 moons.
    plush-furred tortoiseshell she-kit with white dipped forepaws, tail tip, and muzzle and round, honey hued optics.
    daughter of Iciclefang && Stormywing ࿏ sister to Cragkit && Crabkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Nap time is a daily event that Graykit holds sacred. Morning's and evening's are when he was most active, but mid-day? If one were to go looking for him in the afternoon they would find him curled as tightly as possible in his nest in the nursery. How anyone was ever expected to get anything accomplished when the sun was beating down on them he has absolutely no clue. It leeched him of all his strength whenever he tried, made him tired in a way that even a full day of playing could not.

When he emerges from his mid-day sleep, it is with a wide yawn, a heavy blink of the eyes against the now much softer sunlight. His ears flick as his cousin calls to him, no doubt beckoning him over for a game. Or at least, so he thinks. He's still brushing off sleep, but maybe a game or two did sound nice... It would wake him up, after all. "Im comin' hold your fishes! he calls back before making his way over.

When he rounds the corner that's when it happens. "AAAAAAA! A startled cry leaves his lips as he scrambles backwards, eyes open wide and fur standing on end to make himself appear much bigger than he actually was. It is only when he is a safe distance away that he realizes that the battle cry of that dead monstrosity sounded eerily similar to that of his cousins and from there it is not difficult to connect the dots. "Not funny Pinekit! he protests, leaning down to give his ruffled chest fur a few quick licks "What if you had scared me so bad that I died huh? What then?" She had woken him up, at least, but still. He does not appreciate the situation he has found himself in one bit.

  • 5RlyhZs.jpeg

  • KXcjaby.png
    A plush coated kitten with a pelt marbled in varying shades of gray and white. He has dull green eyes and a tall stature. Most of his personality can be described as carefree though some also say that unmotivated is a more than apt term. His trust and love is easily won through praise but he will do little work to receive it.
    easy in battle + no formal training
  • Like
Reactions: Pinepaw ⭒
It had been just after sun high and the young cat had been padding back into camp with reeds in their jaws. They had to make sure that nests where dry and ready for when cats returned home. Cause they would return home, they had too. Magpiepaw twitched their ear slightly at the sound of kits from nearby and they turned their head slightly to see Pinekit jump out at Greykit. This made then nearly loose their reeds trying to hold back a snort of amusement at the dead fish- what in the stars were they up too? Oh what they wouldnt give to be young like that again and having fun playing around rather than chores or duties. Or trauma.

They shook their head slightly and went to set down the reeds they carried in favor of speaking to the kits in amusement at Graykits' comment, "I dont know- you didnt so couldnt be that bad right? You lived" Their lips twitched up slightly in a slight smirk at the kits. Then scooted up the reeds once more to finish carrying them towards the edge of camp where they had been haording a bunch of them. From there they could watch the kits surely in their hilarious antics. ​


Of A Monster

Robinheart was not fond of pranks - to no one’s surprise. Granted the prank pulled on her had been exceptionally cruel and led to even crueler things said to her by her fellow apprentices. Pinekit’s prank pales in comparison, however the mottled queen would be triggered regardless.

She slips from the nursery with the intention of getting some water and briefly stretching her legs and is met with a startling holler from Pinekit and a yelp from Graykit. Pelt fluffed and tail flicking with alarm, Robinheart pads over the the kits, citrine eyes scanning over Graykit for injury (she thinks of the flecks of blood stuck to her pelt from those robins left in her nest moons ago) before looking to Pinekit and the fish head clasped in ivory paws.

Magpiepaw minimizes Graykit’s feelings on the matter and despite them being Troutsnout’s sibling Robinheart shakes her head in disapproval. “Pranks, no matter the outcome, are ways to break someone’s trust.” That was the last thing anyone needed, especially with cats going missing left and right. “I don’t think that was a kind thing to do to Graykit. I’m not your parent but… I do recommend apologizing,” Robinheart adds, glancing towards the mirror image of the queen she shares the nursery with. “Someone pranked me once - a long time ago. And it hurt me a lot more than they thought it would.” It took some time to receive her apology from the one who pranked her (crazy that she ended up in love with her in the end), but perhaps sharing her own story would help Pinekit understand how her cousin must be feeling.
[ penned by kerms ]
Foxkit had been sitting nearby with his paws tucked beneath his belly. His pelt puffed out, startled, as he watched Pinekit jump out at Graykit. Pinning his tufted ears back against his head, he grimaced as both the sharpness of Pinekit's roar and Graykit's alarmed shriek met his sensitive ears, and he quickly sat up, eyes round as he heard Graykit speak. 'What if you had scared me so bad that I died huh?'

"I-is that a thing?" he asked as Robinheart appeared to scold Pinekit. The idea was worrying to him. "Getting so scared that you can
What's wrong?” Troutsnout would question as she arrived fast as a banshee on the scene, a concerned look plastered on her face until registering everyone was fine and it was only a prank played. A deep sigh of relief parts from her lips as she raises a paw to rub her temple, silently blessing Starclan that nothing actually had happened. What would she do if something major happened? That was the last thing she wanted to think of the moment, and her dark ears twitch as she listens to the conversations going on between everyone. Magpiepaw smiles along and thinks its fine, Graykit is obviously annoyed after the initial shock, Robinheart gives a soft scolding and Foxkit inquiring if getting so scared would kill you.

Where did you get the fish head at, Pinekit?” The warrior would inquire firstly and she ponders if it had been leftover of someone's meal from inside or outside of the nursery, as it was still food that should've been ate. “Mm, I agree with Robinheart. I understand you wanted to get revenge for the last prank, but don't play with food, okay?” She coos softly as she tries to comfort Graykit and acknowledge both of their feelings, offering them a gentle smile. “How about... next time you play moss ball and see who can hit it the furthest and whoever loses has to do something?

It was a gentle offer to show that there was always alternatives. It was supposed to be a lighthearted prank, but, it was playing with the food that they should've eaten so it was so wonder if it was still good or not. Hopefully, the fish was still good otherwise it would be a waste of the blessing they were given which the kits would eventually learn about when they become apprentices. She turns her focus to Foxkit's question and she shakes her head, “No, it's not possible. It's just a figure of speech, don't worry.” The spotted warrior would comfort the inquiring kit as her right ear gives a flick and she casts a glance at Robinheart, offering her best friend a soft smile.

-ˋˏ ༻ ❆༺ ˎˊ- Her cousins shriek of surprise earns a long-winded giggle from Pinekit, and she is quick to dispose of the half-corpse by throwing it to the side with a quick wipe of her paws, unable to put an end to her snickers in time for Graykit’s reply- and it only makes her laugh more.
“I got you sooo good!” The tiny tortoiseshell chirps, finally hopping from the shelter of the reeds with a snort. Her kins hollering had drawn clanmates over from interest and concern alike, Magpiepaws earning a pointed mmhm from her own lips. Robinheart’s disapproval drizzles on the girls parade, but the girl finds herself almost willing to brush the light scold aside, her pranks success giving her the rush of something foreign, a feeling the dappled kitten wanted to ride for as long as she could. “It’s just a prank.” Pinekit insists to the warrior with a shrug, attempting to raise a forepaw and bump lightly against Graykit’s shoulder honeyed hues softening slightly, head tilting, “you wouldn’t stop trusting me just ‘cause of a joke… would ya?” Her tone is laced with something sweet, but the inquiry is a thinly-veiled taunt to trained ears, ones accustomed to her voice. Momentarily, youthfully round eyes would crease at the edges- a silent dare to oppose her and give the she-kit a reason to question his bravery, twist the narrative to their denmates. You know Graykit, he’s just so sensitive…
Foxkit gullibly asks if a cat can actually be scared to death, and Pinekit turns to her patchwork denmate with a grin, “No, not unless you let yourself.” Despite the high Pinekit’s victory dizzied her, she still wasn’t stupid enough to say what she truly thought, that if a cat could die from something like fear, they were too weak to live in the first place. Troutsnout offers an echo of Robinheart’s opinion, and Pinekit has to suppress a dismissive shrug, uninterested in earning her mothers ire. “It was on the shore… there were tons of ‘em.” She answers, jutting out her chin in the general direction of where she found it.

  • PINEKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, 4 moons.
    plush-furred tortoiseshell she-kit with white dipped forepaws, tail tip, and muzzle and round, honey hued optics.
    daughter of Iciclefang && Stormywing ࿏ sister to Cragkit && Crabkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


I HEARD, I HEARD ACROSS THE MOONLIT SEA — The sound of a shrill yelp and giggling draw her forward like a moth drawn to a flame, her large ears angling forward as she pauses to process everything that has happened. The fish head is what made her snout wrinkle in disgust though it makes her wonder where the small kitten had gotten it, Troutsnout questions where she had gotten it, and turns her head in the direction of the shore that Pinekit had pointed to. A frown present on her muzzle though she can't help but cast her attention briefly towards Robinheart who seems to not like pranks in the slightest and Beepaw doesn't blame the mottled molly, her ears flick not certain of what she should say since the queen seemed to have it handled. "That's not good," The bicolored apprentice mutters wanting to investigate it and can recall the net that Carawaypaw had tried pulling in of which she helped.

Beepaw feels her stomach twist and churn uncomfortably knowing that she doesn't like any of this... All of it happening so soon after the passing of her only parent, it makes her feel sick yet she says nothing else. Her mismatched gaze sweeping over all of those present and she can't help but feel the tiniest bit bad for Graykit who had gotten pranked yet... It had mostly been harmless.


  • bKn8fx1.png
    shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. all her opinions are IC only.
    11 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    sexuality unknown; currently interested in no one
    currently being mentored by houndstride
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadapaw and cricketpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed