pafp I'M BACK TO MY WAYS ✧ sharing tongues


Dec 12, 2023
It had been nearly a year since Hawk and his littermates had joined Shadowclan, and there were still days that he felt like an outsider. His father had tried his best to acclimate them to clan life, but it was hard to shake the veil of being raised a loner. He had missed out on the many notable life events that came with being raised clanborn, the way that most of his new clanmates had been. As much as he loved his mother and the life she had chosen for them, he couldn't help but wonder, even now, how his life would've been different if she had chosen to stay with Skunktail when the clans had formed.

Curiosity got the better of him this time, something he admittedly wasn't accustomed to. Hawk liked to keep his cards close to his chest, so-to-speak, but something in the cool leaf-fall air this morning had him feeling sentimental. The black smoke lay in a rare patch of morning sunlight, casually grooming the deep chocolate fur of his companion. It had grown easier with time, being comfortable enough with his clanmates to share tongues with them. Now, it felt as natural as breathing. "What was it like?" he hummed thoughtfully after several long moments of silence. His tongue rasped over Thrasherthroat's ear before he paused, stretching long ebony legs across the cool earth. "Growing up here, I mean. What was it like to be raised in Shadowclan?"

  • [ please wait for @THRASHERTHROAT <3 ]

  • go8e0Gu.png
  • HAWKSTRIDE he / him, warrior of shadowclan, 21 moons
    lh black smoke w/ low white and moss green eyes. heavily scarred and tall
    skunktail x porcupine // littermate to lizardthroat and pipitclaw
    single, crushing on no one // mentoring no one // mentored by smogstar
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted // underline and tag when attacking
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, feel free to dm for plots
જ➶ Being this comfortable with another soul is rare for them. Despite their demeanor they have never been the type to be so amicable unless they are close enough. Yet they are allowing for Hawk to groom their pelt, easily relaxing because perhaps they need it. Things are turbulent as it is and worry keeps a tight hold around their throat. A gentle sigh leaves them as they lay their head upon their paws, eyes partially open as they allow themselves to focus on the pattern of their clanmate's dragging tongue. Though soon their groomed ear perks up as Hawk speaks and they tilt their head, curiously. What was it like? For a moment they are confused before it is made clear what Hawkstride means. Their life in Shadowclan. "Oh....." It takes them a moment to think about it, casually leaning over to swipe their tongue through the other's chest fur as they do so.

"Well, growing up here I guess was different. I wasn't raised by my mother but by Mapletuft. Mother became ill soon after..." They pause, voice low before shaking their skull. "I've been raised believing in everything that a clan stands on. Starclan, the Warrior code, the rules, the hierarchy. Everything you learned about was ingrained into me very early on. I suppose to say it is what makes me a clan cat but not all born here remain a clan cat. Does that make sense?" A light smile plays on their muzzle then before going back to grooming the other.

kit of shadowclan // no former ranks.
cis female // she/her.
bisexual // biromantic // monogamous.
01 moons // ages on the 8th of each month.
partially blind in her right eye.
polydactyl // part maine coon.
played by @helly // tagstoyhou.seadopt thread
speech is in "#aec5d0"

Ivorykit bundled out of the nursery in a flurry of paws and elegance, head over tail over heels until she sat face to face with a warrior. She stared at them for a moment, upside down and on her back, before rolling over and shaking her pretty black coat out.

The small molly would roam around camp, unbothered, for a few moments before hearing the question that Hawkstride would utter. She perked her little ears up and strode on big paws towards the two warriors and sat unbidden between Thrasherthroat’s paws to be groomed. "I tink is cool!" She told them proudly, fluffing up her own coat until she was twice the size she normally was. She had to look so cool!! She looked like a puffball.

"Yeah, but didn't you kinda grow up here?" Gigglepaw asks as she comes up beside Hawkstride and Thrasherthroat, a confused smile on her face. Hawkstride was her kin, she knew that much, and while he hadn't technically grown up in ShadowClan, Gigglepaw had lived her entire life with him in the Clan. "Because I grew up here, and you were here the whole time. So you did grow up a little bit, here, right?" She was confusing herself, trying to unravel how that worked.

Regardless, she decided to give her two cents about the question that had been asked, and it was an answer that was, in essence, similar to Ivorykit's: "I think it was really fun to grow up here, even though I ain't really all grown up yet," Gigglepaw muses, cocking her head to the side. "I feel like growing up here is the only way to grow up, isn't it? Aren't we all taught the same kinds of things?" She asked.

⚛︎₊˚‧ A gangly ebony frame lingered closely nearby, silent of mouth but restless of body as his intact ear, which drooped beneath its own weight, ravenously ate at the continuous ebb and flow of conversation that overtook the uncharacteristically serene space that had accumulated in the camp. He would not share tongues the same way his clanmates did, the sensation of flesh grating against his own even as a means of comfort something that he could not bear- unless you were one of the very few who he felt as though he could wholeheartedly trust his safety with, which was nearly non existent as it stood presently. Suffocating was the feeling of sandpaper combing through thick and thin fur, and he himself would not risk the contamination of his own sickly body on the off chance that the one entrusting themselves to him had picked up something unsavory while outside the much more sterile campground.

The topic was an intriguing one, generally divisive depending on those who are partaking, however this particular crowd seemed much more curious and open-minded rather than fiercely set in their own personal experiences. It was no secret that not everyone was born to the ranks of a clan, their fates already chosen for them from the first breath of air to fill their fresh set of lungs, Amberhaze included. He had little recollection of his kithood, his family, where he had come from- all he knew was the farm, its destruction, and his own demise before finding himself nestled beneath the cataclysmic wing that was ShadowClan. It was his home now, and had been for many moons, and he found himself quite content in his position here. He had grown to find safety in it, and to go back on that now would be nothing but detrimental to his fragile mind and body.

"I feel like growing up here is the only way to grow up, isn't it? Aren't we all taught the same kinds of things?" Gigglepaw's mew mimicked that of a chittering bird to his heavy set ears, his attention snapping towards her with force so intense it was like that of a snake threatened, though there was no malice there. Perhaps that was simply what he was, a cornered animal where the only thing it truly had to fear was fear itself...and itself.

"Uh- I'm not...from here. ShadowClan, I mean- I uh- came from a farm. They definitely don't...uh- teach you about StarClan or anything l-like that...where I'm from. It doesn't even exist, really." It was true. If you were to even utter the name of any clan, much less one built entirely upon sightless faith to a mouser- or any cat outside of the clans for that matter- you'd surely be cast aside as someone with a mind gone undone.
 ° . ⚠︎ . ° 
  • ooc:
  • whaddahaell3.png
    a short but lengthy black cat with a boney build and striking ocher eyes filled with unveiled trepidation. black oriental shorthair.
Shalestorm tilts her head to the side, frowning. She'd never get used to the fact that some cats grew up not learning about StarClan. It was like hearing a cat didn't grow up learning how to breathe, the starry cats as integral to the clan as the action of breathing was to life. Intellectually, of course, it made sense - why would a kittypet or a farm cat know about StarClan unless their ancestors themselves came to them? As far as Shalestorm knew, the only cats in any of the five Clans who had been granted the honor of seeing their passed on loved ones were leaders and medicine cats (aside from long ago when the Clans were first formed but... well, that was a long time ago). It's sad, really. Kittypets and farm cats don't have leaders or medicine cats who could've shown them the awe that came with it.

"I can't even imagine not growing up with StarClan!" She declares, wandering over and plopping herself down next to Ivorykit, giving her a great big grin before saying to the small gathering of cats as a whole, "Growing up here was great! There isn't a thing I would change about it!" Ever the optimist, Shalestorm can't help but put a positive spin on her childhood. It isn't that bad things didn't happen, but... the blue chimera had something of a habit of remembering only the best parts of a situation, blocking out the bad and choosing to focus only on the good.

"Apprenticeship was great! Lots of fun! Learning Clan skills and helping out around camp? Maybe I'm the anomaly, but I really enjoyed it!"

  • #e36f90

  • (img) Shalestorm * she/her* 25 moons
    blue point/blue chimera w/ low white; blue eyes
    Peaceful & healing powerplay allowed || underline for attack
    penned by Neptune. || Neptune on disc, dm me for plots
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  • Love
Reactions: Amberhaze


If she had been the first Hawkstride had approached with this question she would have borne a different answer upon her tongue. What was it like to grow up here? Hard. ShadowClan was not a territory steeped in kindness. It was plague in the form of skin-tails and beady eyes, gnashing teeth, it was ribs sticking through bone and not knowing when your next meal was going to be. It was a mother gone too soon and a cat you trusted saying "come this way shhh careful, we wouldn't want to wake Miststep now would we?". A cinnamon coated pelt bloodied and torn. A father missing, a sister gone. Too much loss, there's so much and her head is spinning as the others answer with words like Not bad and Lots of fun!

And she can't help it, this joyless laugh that escapes from her lips "Sorry-sorry I guess it's not funny is it?" she says and she can't help it, this anger rising in her chest, threatening to swallow her whole. She does her best to clamp a paw over it. "I'm glad you all have been having such a great time. Life is great in the swamps isn't it?" and the way she says it, the way she laughs, is probably a clear indication on her true feelings in the matter. "What was it like where you grew up Hawkstride, anywhere near as charming as this?" Anywhere was probably better than here right now. The barn Amberhaze grew up in even didn't sound terrible compared to the miserable existence they were ekking out here...

  • UnubgZp.jpeg

  • 73120002_J6Q4Poss5cS0Mt3.png
    A tall and well-toned she cat with a long half-and half pelt, one side being a dark blue tabby and the other a bright cream, split by a pool of white at her center and travelling up her face like flames she is fire and ice simultaneously swirling into one. Her eyes are a mismatched shade of blue, with one being bright like the daytime sky and the other dark like the depths of the river.
    Difficult in battle + a skilled fighter