I'm by your side ~ flycatcher

Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

Almost a week had passed since she had learned that she was carrying Flycatcher's kits. With each passing day, worry rooted it's way deeper and deeper inside her. Although, she had plenty of reasons to be afraid. Bringing kits into the forest was dangerous enough in green leaf, but she was doing it in the middle of the winter. The clan was hungry, there was a loose traitor, the tensions with the other clans was high...she could go on and on if she wanted to, but each time she thought about it, it made her feel sick.

The sun was starting to begin it's slumber for the evening as she followed the grey tom from the camp's exit. With the light snow starting to fall, she could only assume their walk would be cut short tonight. Even though she would understand why, there was still a tug in her belly wishing the walk wouldn't end, and she wouldn't have to go back to the camp. She had already been told several times she shouldn't be out and about as much, but she was too stubborn for that. She was expecting, not dying.

A crisp breeze ruffled her fur, and she would press against his side. It was another simple reminder of what they had done..."Will they be okay?" she would ask softly, not even trying to disguise the worry that filled her voice. There was no use anymore, he could read her like a book.


It seemed that impending parenthood was an exciting and fearful thing for both parents. As days began to pass, Flycatcher's worry began to grow. How could they not with everything going on around them? Not only would they be bringing kits into the world during leafbare, but there were also so many changes going on both within and outside of ThunderClan.

Flycatcher suggests a little walk out of camp sensing they could both do with clearing their minds. He's of half a mind to suggest staying behind when it starts snowing, but with Flamewhisker being pregnant and the weather cold enough, he doubted they would be going far anyway.

As they walk, he feels his mate lean into him, and he gives her a warm glance before slowing his pace slightly to a more comfortable pace for them. Flamewhisker asks if their kits will be okay and Flycatcher looks ahead, his green eyes focused on a fixed point up ahead. "I don't think I can give an answer to that," Flycatcher confesses, a small sigh parting his lips. "Look how much things have changed in the past moon. The future is unknowable. We don't know what the next day will hold, let alone the next moon. Who is to say if the world we bring our kits into will be better or worse?" Despite the gloomy air to his words, he looks upon his mate with a gentle, reassuring expression. "Regardless of what the world will be like for them, I think they will be alright. They have us after all. And I know we will do everything to ensure they are happy, safe, and loved."

Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

His words brought little comfort, but she would cling to the tiny amount that it did bring. No matter what happened, he was right about one thing. They would be happy and loved. She already loved them, and she hadn't met them yet. Unlike her, they would be borne into the clan, they would have countless friends here, and even family. The only family she had growing up was her mother...she wasn't even sure if her siblings were still alive. The last time she had saw them was when they were taken by twolegs. Even though there were dangers out here in the forest, she couldn't think of anywhere else she would want to have kits.

"I can't wait to meet them." she would say softly, changing the subject. There would be plenty of time to worry about them...she wanted to think about something positive now. "I can't wait to teach them how to throw snowballs at you...I'll have my own little army." she would purr, gazing at him with eyes full of love. "I've been thinking about names...would you like to hear some ideas I had?"

A moment of silence passes between them. Flycatcher notes that his words were probably not the most comforting thing to hear given their respective worries for the future. He is quietly relieved when she changes the subject, reflecting on things in a happier light.

"I'm excited to meet them too," Flycatcher purrs, bumping his head to hers as he spoke. Although he had been taken by surprise by the news and had taken a few days to process it, he was excited to be a father. He had already been thinking about his future children quite a bit, pondering what they might look like or who they might take after. "Oh?" His head inclines to one side with interest when she mentions name ideas. "I've also had a few name ideas myself," He confesses with a chuckle. "Tree and flower names for our forest home and possibly some names taken from my family. Such as Mothkit and Beekit." The blue tabby's voice quivers a little as he said that, as though actually verbalising his idea to pull names from his fallen family members suddenly made it all the more real for him. "I also quite like bird names myself," He says, trying his best to regain his composure though its clear he was a little bit distressed. "What name ideas did you have in mind?"