I'm cryin' out for change ✧ Fireflypaw

Feb 20, 2024

Guilt was never far behind Flora whenever she thought about Fireflypaw. The fear she held for him had subsided after giving the situation space for a few sunrises. They were terrifying to her at that moment, living an isolated but pretty coddled lifestyle as a kittypet had not made her used to being scolded. Talking about it with Ditto helped her reflect on what she did and that Fireflypaw had been justified in their anger, as upsetting as it was to be the recipient of that.

Reflection didn't help with the guilt though, when around him she wouldn't necessarily avoid the medicine cat apprentice. Nothing went beyond basic pleasantries though, the thought of her upsetting them as much as she did prevented any proper conversation to start. Flora wasn't sure how she was supposed to fix this, she's never really had to apologise for anything before. It felt ridiculous to approach someone in camp and ask them how one is supposed to apologise for snooping around precious herbs.

The topic of how to apologise remained on her mind as she ate her dinner that night, after her usual routine of ceaseless brushing of course. She stared at her dinner bowl, a mix of dry cat food and turkey stared back at her. A curious paw battered at the meat, she was one to play with her food when something was on her mind. Mallowlark's words were brought to the front of her thoughts as she turned the meat over for the third time. ‘An offering, of course,’ he had suggested meat, a pile of it. It was kind of hard to forget his suggestion, she couldn't tell if it was a threat or just a friendly suggestion but she believed in seeing the better side of others so she chose to believe it was friendly.

Hunting wasn't really an option for her, she's still getting the hang of that and she didn't want to ask for Sorrelsong's help with it. This had to be something she did on her own, she stared down at her dinner and sighed. Pausing her pawing at her dinner as a thought started to worm it’s way into her mind, her dinner could count right? That was meat but…she would like to eat her dinner but if she put up enough fuss in the morning her twolegs would probably give her some extra. True to her plan she left with a maw full of as much turkey as she could carry from her bowl and a little bit of extra pep in her step. This was going to work! It must work because Flora wasn’t sure what she was going to do if it didn’t.

The maine coon trotted into camp with determination, keeping her eyes out for a particular long white pelt. Spotting the cat of the hour she found her paws freeze for a moment, doubt eating away at her confidence for a moment. What if he doesn’t like it? What if they’re still mad her hesitance was short lived since Flora was the type to throw herself into the deep end why would she stop now? “Phirephlypaw!” she called out, voice muffled with the apology that she had been guarding with her life. The molly stopped in front of him, delicately placing the poultry slices on the ground in front of him, bowing her head a little, still not working up the courage to look him in the eyes yet. “I've brought you an offering! I wasn’t sure what kind of meat works, it's not heaps but I thought maybe my food would be good?” She tucked her tail under her as she stared at the offering, she was undecided on her stance on Starclan but she would be willing to throw a plea their way if that would make this go smoothly.
