camp i'm dedicating every day to you // naming

// @orphaned kit

Forepaw wrapped in herbs and cobwebs, Butterflytuft has done well to stay off of it. It's quite easy to do actually, because she never wants to leave her nest. At her belly suckles the soft ivory kitten, whose face and tail and little tiny paws have begun to grow dusky. She's changing before her eyes, and soon enough her eyelids will pull apart to reveal baby blues that she knows will melt her heart. She still needs a name though, and the queen has mulled over it for too long. Breezekit? What about Gentlekit?, that's just not her.

She looks at her now to check in, moving to nose her tiny body and make sure she still wants to eat, when she catches a glimpse of it. Blue! "Her eyes are open!" She trills softly to all in the nursery, excitement coming off her in waves. Sunflower eyes twinkle as she gazes at her in awe, remembering when her first litter was this small, and then it strikes her. She can't look upon the world with no name! She needs to choose one now. She looks her over some more, notes her darkening tail, her sooty ears, and realizes she will continue to change and grow. She is so full of potential now as a SkyClanner, as her daughter, and she wants her name to reflect that potential and everything she will grow to become. "Hello, Budkit," She whispers with a sweet smile, lowering her head to meet blurry eyes with her own. Her little flowerbud...she can't wait to see her blossom.
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Reactions: FLUFFYPAW and ABRI

Figfeather is only within the walls of the nursery to provide her sister with prey. Now that Dandelionwish was gone, Figfeather did what she could to ensure frequent visits to the nursery, especially now that she had another kit at her belly. A plump junco is carried in her jaws as she enters the den. Butterflytuft is entirely enamored with the kitten as she sets her feathered-lunch off to her side so she could pick at it when she pleased.

’Her eyes are open! Butterflytuft exclaims, Figfeather’s heart quickens with excitement as she leans over to get a look. Tiny and squinted blue eyes stare out into the world for the first time, the warrior smiles just as Butterflytuft gives her a name. ’Budkit’. Figfeather sees pink and blue, blooming greens and promise of new-leaf in the name. ”She is growing strong.” Figfeather meows with a smile, knowing with how fast time passed it wouldn’t be long before Budkit was racing around the camp.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Lead Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Sire to Sangriapaw & Coffeepaw
    » Mentoring Daisypaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Time, gifted to her by the very one she is cuddled up against, trickles by in syrupy sunrises and sunsets. Blooming colors unknown to the young kit whose eyes remain sealed behind fragile lids. Contentment is all she knows - she is warm, she is fed. Rarely does the figure beside her leave, though when she finds the nest devoid of warmth and nourishment all of SkyClan is made aware in shrill cries. (Let’s hope she outgrows that soon).

Time has dictated her developed enough to see the world she was born into… or, well, a blurry hodgepodge from her perspective. Bleary blues crack open and bobbling head allows her vision to trace over Butterflytuft’s flank, taking in what she would one day know to be colors like that of autumn leaves. Soon enough infantile gaze locks onto sunflower hued eyes and a soft mmrrp escapes her maw, followed by a wobbly gummy smile. It’s as if the newly named Budkit wants to say ‘I love you’ for what else could a new child cloaked in a mother’s love know to say?

Figfeather appears as a large mass just beyond her mother, a looming stranger whose presence causes Budkit’s face to crumple somewhat and a loud wail to escape before burying her face into Butterflytuft’s side.

Perhaps that was enough sightseeing for now.
[ penned by kerms ]

He heard it from outside, his friend's whipped-up explanation; her eyes are open! It wasn't his place, the nursery... but a part of him, undeniably, held some affection for the kit he and Butterflytuft had found. And that a stranger had apparently helped her bring home, though he'd not managed to meet that guy. Softly, he plucked his way to Figfeather's side, curiosity glimmering in wide eyes of green- and indeed, her eyes were open. Shrunken in the light, and that distinctive shade of kitten-blue- he couldn't help but crack a smile.

Budkit. It fit well with the rest of Butterflytuft's brood... Fluffypaw an exception, perhaps. It was a tiny sort of name, one that had him wondering whether, despite the lack of relation, Budkit would grow to be quite small like Butterflytuft herself. A small squeal left the kitten when she locked those wonder-brimming eyes upon Figfeather- Twitchbolt's smile wobbled into something more amused, and less sappily sincere. "I think you're too fierce a face for her, Figfeather," Twitchbolt joked, flicking her lightly with his tail. In time he was sure she'd warm.
penned by pin ✧
"Budkit." Fluffypaw stands beside her mother, her jade-colored eyes locked onto the tiny bundle of fur suckling at Butterflytuft's flank. Once, she and Weedpaw and Daisypaw had been there; seeing another there is almost surreal. Still, she can't deny the flood of warmth that invades her heart at the sight of her new sister, can't deny the desire to bend down and kiss those soot-flavored ears. "She's beautiful. A beautiful name for a beautiful kit."

Fluffypaw angles her head and gives her mother an affectionate bus to her cheek. She wishes her father could be here to see this moment, but she makes herself push the thought away. He sees us, from StarClan. Just like Candorpaw's father does.

"Aunt Figfeather can be plenty scary," she purrs quietly to her kin and to Twitchbolt. "But everything is, when you're that small. I remember."

  • ooc:
  • imfwvC1.jpg
  • Fluffykit . Fluffypaw, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 7 moons old, ages realistically on the 8th.
    — mentored by Greeneyes ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan apprentice. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.
    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.