private I'M GONNA CHASE IT || sunnyday


Howlingstar's announcement echoes in the back of Lichenpaw's mind. ThunderClan will fight, and they will have prey enough for all. There's a thrumming beneath his skin; he tries not to call it nerves, tries to call it excitement, anticipation. It's exactly what he's been waiting for, a chance to prove himself the only way he knows how. He'll do better this time, he knows he will. He won't freeze up, won't run away. He doesn't like it, of course he doesn't, but this is the way things are. Fight to survive -- he was never much good at it, more a talker than a fighter, but he can mold himself into one if that's what his Clan asks of him.

But of course, he's still an apprentice. He still doesn't have much freedom, as much as that grates on him. Just a few more moons, he tells himself, and he'll be able to go where he pleases, when he pleases. For now, though... "Sunnyday!" he calls, seeing the golden-furred tom. He smiles, easy and sharp-toothed, bounding towards his mentor. "Sunnyday, hey, can I, uh -- I mean, well -- " he flounders a bit, stumbling over words in his eagerness to ask his question. Stop. Start over. "Can we talk?" Start slow, ease him into it. Politeness is a good way to win cats over, he needs to remember that. He has no clue how his mentor will react, after all.


  • // @Sunnyday
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 8 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by sunnyday.
    — impulsive chatterbox with a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
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The announcement had not been lost to Sunnyday's ears, and if he was honest he about it he was fuming. To wage a war now over a piece of territory against the clan that had helped them during the wildfire seemed utterly reckless. With WindClan still building strength beneath the Mad Queen, and ShadowClan lurking about doing StarClan-knows-what, he feared the idea of making another enemy. For the sake of a little more prey he just didn't see the appeal of spilling blood or risking relations.

This was why he refused to go and fight. It was why he would not allow his apprentices to go either.

The tom didn't even register that he'd been glowering for the past while at nearly everyone who passed him, though he snapped out of the slump when the energetic call from Lichenpaw graced his ears. Thoughts of the conflict slipped from his mind and he allowed a warm smile to adorn his features once more as he turned to face his apprentice. "Steady my lad, think before you speak." A chuckle escaped him as he waited for the other to explain what was happening, ever patient with the other like always.


Oblivious to his mentor's inner turmoil, Lichenpaw's smile turns sheepish when Sunnyday speaks. "Right. Yeah, of course. Um." His grin widens a bit, though it doesn't quite reach his eyes. Although he'd never admit it, even to himself, he fears both answers that Sunnyday could give. To condemn him to war, or to keep him leashed and useless. Both the thought of fighting for Sunningrocks and the thought of being unable to fill him with dread, yet he knows which option he'd rather choose. Lichenpaw is many things, but he is not a coward.

He glances down, scuffs at the dirt with his paws. Steady. "So -- the uh, the Sunningrocks battle. I was um, well, I was wondering -- " No, he needs to say it plainly. He takes a breath, looks Sunnyday in the eyes. "I -- I want to go." He doesn't ask permission, merely states intent and waits for his mentor's reaction with bated breath. He can't go without Sunnyday's approval, he knows.


  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 8 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by sunnyday.
    — impulsive chatterbox with a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
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Sunnyday's previously warm smile fell away in an instant the second that Sunningrocks reached his ears. Shock and anger marred his blue gaze as he stared down at Lichenpaw with an intensity that made clear what his stance on the matter would be. "I forbid you from going. I will not have you risking your life for one of Howlingstar's power trips." He explained with a growl edging his tone. Yes, it might have been unfortunate that RiverClan had been unable to assist against the situation with the dogs, but he had heard that RiverClan had been facing their own trials at the time. He had even fought to stay afloat in the raging river that had cut RiverClan off from reaching parts of their territory. He couldn't blame them. "You are stay in camp whilst the battle happens, the same for Sandpaw. I will be watching, so don't get any ideas about sneaking off."


As soon as Sunnyday's smile falls, Lichenpaw realizes that he's fucked up. He watches: as Sunnday reels back with shock, as his eyes spark with anger. He listens: as a growl creeps into his tone, as he shoots down Lichenpaw's hopes with a deadset certainty. They've never seen their mentor like this, are used to his calm positivity. Sure, he's been acting different lately, but they weren't expecting anger. Lichenpaw's ears fall flat against his skull, eyes widening. His paw starts to tap an erratic rhythm against the ground. "I -- you can't do that," he says, and immediately regrets it. Of course Sunnyday can, he's their mentor, they have to do anything he says. And he doesn't want to anger him further.

They can't figure out where they messed up. Well, Howlingstar's power trips does give them a bit of a clue, but... "It's -- it's not a power trip, she's -- we need food to feed everyone. And -- and I'll be fine, I can handle myself." His words are harried, said through an unwavering smile. He can't stay behind again, he can't. Why can't Sunnyday see that? "I -- isn't that what, um, being a warrior is about? Risking your life to -- to look out for your Clanmates? I've -- I've -- been skipping meals, did you notice? To keep the kits fed. We need this. Please, I, I have to go" He didn't mean to state it so plainly, but he's kind of just throwing out everything he can think of. He searches his mentor's eyes pleading silently. He doesn't comment on the sneaking out thing -- it won't stop him, if it comes to that, but he'd rather not have to.


  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 8 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by sunnyday.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
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"I can and I shall." Sunnyday corrected firmly with a wrinkle of his nose as he stared down at his apprentice. It wasn't long before the excuses came rolling in, valid ones but not enough to sway his decision. "We've all been doing what we can to ensure that the kits and queens are fed. And no doubt RiverClan is doing the exact same on their side of the border. I will not allow you to play your part in snatching food from their kits. Newleaf is here, things will get better in terms of food. If you truly want to be a warrior then do your part by hunting on ThunderClan lands, not by spilling blood and wasting herbs on injuries that could be avoided."

The golden furred tom drew out a sharp breath as he tried to release some of the tension from his body. Being angry and stern just... they weren't things he liked being. Not at all. But he knew he couldn't afford to give any ground in the dispute. "Save your claws for defending our home, not for stealing land. Be an honourable warrior, I know you can do it." More battles were sure to come and he knew he wouldn't be able to shield Lichenpaw from them forever. He just hoped that he would be ready for when those times came.


Snatching food from RiverClan's kits, his mentor says, as though that's what they're doing at all. "That's -- they don't even use it for food! They've got the, the river, they don't need Sunningrocks! That's why it's called that, right? 'Cause -- 'cause they just use it to sunbathe!" His words come fast and angry, tail lashing. Talking back to his mentor scarse him, but he finds himself emboldened nonetheless. "We shouldn't have to wait for prey to get better!" There's a growl edging into his words. Sunnyday doesn't get it.

He makes no effort to quell his anger. What's Sunnyday going to do? The warrior is far too kind, far too soft to give him any punishment that matters. Nervousness still fills the apprentice's chest, but that's nothing new. He keeps spitting words with no care for consequences. "You -- you're not the leader, Sunnyday. We're fighting RiverClan even if you don't like it. Let me go." His blue eyes are steely as he challenges his mentor, refusing to back down. His heart races from the adrenaline of it. Maybe if he matches Sunnyday's stern conviction with his own anger, it won't scare him so much.


  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 8 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by sunnyday.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
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"The river does not provide food all the time. During that battle with the dogs I leapt into the river in an attempt to save Silverlightning, but those waters were too strong and too dangerous. We both could have died. I doubt even RiverClanners could have hunted in such rapids. They too require alternative sources for food, such as Sunningrocks." Sunnyday shoots back with explanations of his own such as quickly. Though there's a growing tremble in his tone as his anger continued to build during their heated argument.

Though it's Lichenpaw's next words that finally drive him over the edge. Swooping his head down with a sharp snap of his bared teeth he aims to get right in his apprentice's face with a deep snarl. "I might not be leader but I am your mentor! And in case you haven't forgotten you are not a warrior who can freely make their own decisions, and if you don't start shaping up soon you won't ever be a warrior if I have anything to say about it! I can put a stop to that, so I suggest you start falling in line!"


Sunnyday's head shoots down towards Lichenpaw with a snap of snarling jaws and the apprentice startles, violently. Clumsy, oversized paws stumble over themselves in a graceless dance as he hastens to get even just a mouse-length away. Eyes wince shut as images of snapping-tooth dogs both in ThunderClan's camp in alleystreets moons before flicker across the back of his eyelids.

But no, when blue eyes wrench themselves back open in front of them is another cat -- and cats can be just as cruel, Lichenpaw knows. Strong preying on the weak, that's how it's always been, how could he forget? The cat before him is his mentor, Sunnyday, yet he seems now a completely different warrior from the one who greeted a lone trespasser with warmth and laughter only two moons ago. It's a side to his mentor that Lichenpaw has never seen, and he finds himself hoping he never should have to again. His face is twisted, words growled, movements reading as pure threat to the terrified apprentice. Sunnyday is far bigger and stronger than he is; it was foolish to underestimate him. Things really aren't so different, here in ThunderClan. When it comes down to it, the strongest will always have final say, and Lichenpaw has never been strong.

He listens, jaw clenched shut, to Sunnyday's snarled words. Dangling Lichenpaw's freedom over him, threatening to snatch it away at any moment. Because he is young and he is weak and he has no choice but to listen to everything he says. It's strange, to think this is the same tom that welcomed him in. He could probably drive him back out, if he so desired. They'd never even considered him willing to do such a thing, but they never thought him capable of such explosive anger, either.

Anger and fear mingle in the tortie point apprentice's chest as he stares at his mentor, eyes wide and fidgety movements frantic. His ears remain pressed back against his skull, his posture hunched. His smile is more a grimace than anything else. "Fine," he grits. "Fine!" this time he spits the word, ire-laced and shaky.

"If -- if you're going to, to, to just -- to um -- " he chokes on his own words, ever-running mouth for once going fully dry. He turns away, face twisting in frustration. A heartbeat passes before he speaks again. "I -- I won't go. Alright? You happy now?" He certainly isn't. Dread pierces his chest. Useless, that's what he is, can't fight, can't do anything without his mentor holding his paw. He bites back a growl, too scared to risk angering him further. Unsheathed claws scratch at the dirt beneath them for want of an outlet. He can't look at Sunnyday anymore.

"Just -- forget I even asked," he mumbles bitterly, halfheartedly. He swallows, tries to quell the clamoring fear. Unwilling to spend any more time with his angry mentor (or worse, listen to him apologize, as if that'd fix anything), Lichenpaw turns sharply and stalks away.


  • // out !!​
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 8 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by sunnyday.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
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Fear. He doesn't like how it looks on his apprentice and he feels his heart breaking in response as he becomes reminded bitterly that the cause in that moment was him. The tom's jaw felt tighter than before and he slowly begins to realise that he's battling between keeping up the aggressive front, and the desire to buckle to apologising in hope of mending relations. Ultimately the snarled expression remains alongside the blazing blue eyes filled with fury. Sunnyday doesn't even need to utter a single word further as Lichenpaw falls back in line, albeit in his own unique way.

Seeing his apprentice stalking away he allows a moment for the distance to grow before finally letting his features sag with an uneasy exhale. The roar of his own pulse rings in his ears and he finds his legs shaking beneath him. No, he did not like any of that. He shouldn't have-... it's too late now for the haves and the have nots, it had happened in a way that it shouldn't have and he would have to face the fallout whether he liked to or not. All he could do was pray that things could be repaired between them with time.

Sunnyday urged himself to move, and with that he headed in the opposite direction.

//out, concluded