camp I'M HE, AND HE'S ME || return

Oct 16, 2023

Finally! Finally. He had managed to sneak out. The Daylight Warrior had been cooped up for days, ever since SkyClan had reclaimed their home. He had returned to his twoleg folk, whom had promptly snatched him up for a trip to the local vet. Seems they didn't understand the concept of 'defending one's clan'. Of course, Tigerscar knew that the twolegs couldn't understand his words. They weren't smart enough. Regardless, he had only just managed to sneak out, racing his way back into SkyClan's forest, though they would find that the one-eyed Daylight Warrior would return looking different than what they were used to.

Wrapped around the maine coon's neck was a large, bulky, plastic cone. Designed to keep him from licking his bandgaed wounds, it seemed. Whatever the purpose, the accessory was certainly annoying. Perhaps he should have waited until his twoleg folks were ready to take it off? Tigerscar had always been impulsive though. He had missed SkyClan far too much to wait.

"I'm back!" Tigerscar yowls, stepping through the entrance and back into camp for the first time since that fight against the rogues. The last time his clan-mates saw him would have been the evening after that victorious battle, when he had finally returned to his twoleg folks. "But only for a little while." The tom admits with a loud, dramatic sigh, taking a seat near the center of the clearing.

"I have to try and convince my folks to take this blasted thing off my head!"
Oh, damn it all! He couldn't hunt like this. He could hardly move with the giant cone blocking his every gesture. Maybe this was a sign... was it finally time for Tigerscar to become a full warrior of SkyClan? After all, only Daylight Warriors had to worry about this sort of stuff, right? But he'd miss his tuna...and his toys... and his soft, warm bed by the fire. Leaf-bare would be frigid without such lavish comforts. Maybe he should wait until Newleaf to make such a decision? Ugh, I'm being selfish, he realizes with a flick of his tail, but who cares? I'm me, after all. And me is pretty important!

"Did the journey cats get back yet?" Tigerscar inquires cheerily.
THERE WILL COME A SOLDIER Blazingkit had been playing with a moss ball and enjoying himself until the sudden yowl at the entrance makes the kitten nearly leap out of his pelt, the fur along his spine rising, and he hisses seeing some weird thing clinging to Tigerscar's neck. He's standing on his toes to make himself appear bigger, moving back and forth, and finally jumping a few times forward as if to intimidate the Daylight Warrior with how scary he seemed right now. His little needle-like claws unsheathed and the kitten stares at him with owl sized pupils, ducking away at any movement the older tom made, and finally growled "You look awful!" The fluffed up child spat out with a lash of his bristling bottlebrush tail and remained in his very menacing stance.

Once he realizes that the cone and Tigerscar aren't enemies does he relax his muscles, he frowns hearing the Maine Coon's inquiry about the journey cats having returned yet and Blazingkit assumes the new weird smelling cats that had come home a few sunrises apart. "Uuuuh yes, yes they have!" Or at least, he thinks all of them did not knowing how many his grandpa had sent on the journey and he uses a tiny paw to pluck a leaf from his fluffy coat. He still can't help but suspiciously squint at Tigerscar and his weird neck growth, he hates it is what he's decided.

  • blazingkit_cheeb.png
    ✧ 2 moons old
    ✧ skyclan kitten
    ✧ son of coyotehowl and howlfire
    ✧ brother to wolfkit and hawkkit
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ chibi art by meghan

Silversmoke had a thousand-yard stare as he walked towards the Daylight Warrior, jaw slack as he gawked at the large thing caught around the maine coon's head. It was bad enough that he had the audacity to yell and disturb everyone's morning, he also did it wearing what Silver could only presume was some sort of Twoleg torture device, a way to prevent cats from hunting and fighting and even grooming themselves. Claws unsheathed, the Lead Warrior backed up a pace or two, spine arching. Ears were pinned whilst the other spoke, the incredulous feelings within the large tom replaced with utter exasperation. The Daylight Warrior was unreliable, for days he had been missing, now that he was back, it was clear there was little he could provide to the clan other than comedy - even that was a tall order, there was hardly anything funny about the stench of Twoleg malice. The other enquired about the Journey Cats and that was Silversmoke's tipping point. "Oh for StarClan's sake, just go home," he snapped. Never did he think he would see the day when he would admonish a Daylight Warrior for actually being in camp for a change.

"We know you're alive now, no need distracting our clan with that.... thing if you can't hunt or fight."


Stars, it looked- looked horrific. Like a horrible steel trap. Ugly and hulking and like it could only ever get in the way. When he lay wide eyes upon Tigerscar there were the traces of terrified pity n his eyes, wide and utterly, utterly despairing. What was the use of a contraption like this? Just- just to hold a cat back, or something? Daylight warriors and their affections for twolegs, he wasn't sure he'd ever fully unserstand it... at least, not on a universal basis. Not when they were doing stuff like this, apparently...

"Are they- are they- why would they do that to you?" His voice peaked a little too high to maintain his decorum. Spasms of the eyelids struck him, a sequence of one-two-three. He was sickened by the idea- to split loyalties, and to be rewarded like this? It was horrible! "Does it hurt? Will it- will it even- how will they even get it off? What if it never does?" The disparaging heartbrokenness that permeated Twitchbolt's tone was so dramatic that it might as well have been him wearing that thing.
penned by pin ✧

Oh dear, this was quite the greeting. Arched backs, claws out, hisses snapping through the cool air. One eye of fire flickers across the faces of those that meet him, drinking in their expressions with a twitch of his feathery tail. Ugh, it wasn't as if he wanted this thing around his head. Focus settles upon Blazingkit first, who makes it clear that Tigerscar looks awful with the bothersome accessory. How about I turn you into an accessory? A little furry nest liner, little brat! Besides, surely it can't look that bad? After all, he was still, well... himself. Even with a giant cone around his neck. He smiles regardless, keeping his worries and dark thoughts entirely hidden behind his ever present mask of goofiness.

"Oh come on, it can't be that bad." The Daylight Warrior voices his thoughts with a smirk, then pauses thoughtfully, "Is it that bad? Oh dearie me... " Another dramatic sigh explodes past his maw. Silversmoke seems less than enthused about his presence in the clearing, and Tigerscar retorts, "I am still a SkyClan cat. This is my home! Err... one of my homes. Some cats have two, ya know." The huge tabby reminds with a grin. "And anyways, who says I can't hunt and fight, huh? I'll just uhhh... scoop the squirrels up into the cone and within reach of my jaws! And an enemy clan would be so utterly shocked by my appearance alone, we'd have the advantage! They'd just stand there and gawk." He chuckles at the thought, clearly amused by his imagined scenario.

Eye flickers to Twitchbolt next as the brute shrugs, "Dunno. Twolegs aren't smart enough to talk so they didn't tell me. It doesn't hurt, though!" Tigerscar answers. Of course, occasionally it would pinch his skin, but it was nothing too terrible. "They'd better take it off. If they don't, I'll knock every single one of their very breakable cups and plates onto the floor, especially when there's food on 'em. In fact, I'll even stare directly into their eyes as I do it, so that they know just how unhappy I am that they refuse to obey my demands!" He could picture it now... their squawks of terror as he inches a glass full of milk closer and closer to the edge of the table, then, staring them directly into the eyes...


The tabby tom bursts into laughter.

A wide grin splits the tom's face as he scuttles forth, large ears pitched forward at the sight before him. "I used to have one of those!" Plaguepaw blurts out whilst coming to a stop before the daylight warrior. It was after the fire incident, back when his burns were fresh and raw. The kind shelter twolegs managed to wrangle it over his head after he'd tried one too many times to lick burn cream off his healing wounds. His head tips to the right, examining the exterior of the hard plastic cone with squinted eyes. "Mine wasn't like this one amigo. It was soft." The apprentice uttered with confusion coating his tongue. Lifting a paw he aimed to bap Tigerscar's cone with a frown. "Want me to help you get it off?!" He exclaimed with a mischievous glint in his eyes, split tail flicking to and fro. Perhaps then all of his other clanmates wouldn't be so afraid of the large contraption wrapped around the daylight warrior's neck.
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ skyclan apprentice / seven moons old / he/him ┈┈┈┈